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For Christ's sake let's let it go


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Kotite-Nagel-Thomas needs to go. It makes me sick every time I come to the page and see it. It may have been funny for April Fools but now it's just nauseating. It is also not indicative of good energy which this team needs with the draft coming up. PLEASE take those clowns off the front page and PLEASE do it now!


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Kotite-Nagel-Thomas needs to go. It makes me sick every time I come to the page and see it. It may have been funny for April Fools but now it's just nauseating. It is also not indicative of good energy which this team needs with the draft coming up. PLEASE take those clowns off the front page and PLEASE do it now!


No problem.

Just go ahead and make up the new banner to replace it and I will take care of it today.


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No problem.

Just go ahead and make up the new banner to replace it and I will take care of it today.


All out bulletin for graphic designers- the pay is negotiable- as in do it for charity

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No problem.

Just go ahead and make up the new banner to replace it and I will take care of it today.


I would not know where to start. I don't know the first thing about making banners and codes, etc., but I'd rather look at a picture of Dan Marino up there than that trio of losers. At least that would be inspirational in some way. It makes me physically ill to look at those clowns and it's bad karma for the Jets. Just sayin' ... it's not my site but I can't see how any Jets fan can look at that more than once and not want to vomit.

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I would not know where to start. I don't know the first thing about making banners and codes, etc., but I'd rather look at a picture of Dan Marino up there than that trio of losers. At least that would be inspirational in some way. It makes me physically ill to look at those clowns and it's bad karma for the Jets. Just sayin' ... it's not my site but I can't see how any Jets fan can look at that more than once and not want to vomit.

VIP Members have a banner that shows Namath in all his glory. Support the site and you too can.....

Just joking.

Actually we are moving everything over to a new server. So everything on this box is kind of on hold. When we go live on the new server we will have a new banner, new vbulletin options and a modified front page.

Honestly I have the original banner. I can change it back in about 2 seconds. I think this one is kind of funny for a week or two. If I am in the minority here just let me know and I will change it back.


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VIP Members have a banner that shows Namath in all his glory. Support the site and you too can.....

Just joking.

Actually we are moving everything over to a new server. So everything on this box is kind of on hold. When we go live on the new server we will have a new banner, new vbulletin options and a modified front page.

But I will always have it in my sig pic FOREVER AND EVER!!!!


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VIP Members have a banner that shows Namath in all his glory. Support the site and you too can.....

Just joking.

Actually we are moving everything over to a new server. So everything on this box is kind of on hold. When we go live on the new server we will have a new banner, new vbulletin options and a modified front page.

Honestly I have the original banner. I can change it back in about 2 seconds. I think this one is kind of funny for a week or two. If I am in the minority here just let me know and I will change it back.


Okay, I'll just try to scroll down quick ... I lived through those guys once ... it's tough to see them again. Painful! I guess it's better than a picture of AJ Duhe or an animated gif of the fake spike by Marino.

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I'll try to make a new one tonight.

A possible idea for the banner might be to make a collage of pictures of JN posters. JN could ask whoever is interested to send in their pics. I think it would be cool since in a lot of ways JN is just as much about the posters. You know sort of like a family album on the coffee table. You know something like when you're showing it off and tell visitors that's my Uncle Henry who won $3,000 at the dog races and that's my Cousin Charlie from Yoohoopitsville. :) Anyway its just an idea.

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this was like the bit on Conan on Apr 1, when an april fools joke goes too far.

I mean what credibility does this site have when the first thing someone sees is the worst things in franchise history:blowup:

You have been here for a month. You know credibility isn't one of our goals, lol.

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Until the Jets win a championship, the banner should be a symbol of forty years of futility.

I've gotta be completely honest, though...I coulda used a little more Herm.

We were trying to highlight our heritage. The guys that made us the sucky franchise that we are today.

These Hermie Come Lately's have done a good job with the losing. But clearly Herm didn't live up to the Kotite standard.

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We were trying to highlight our heritage. The guys that made us the sucky franchise that we are today.

These Hermie Come Lately's have done a good job with the losing. But clearly Herm didn't live up to the Kotite standard.

I don't see them as a sucky Franchise today. They had a couple of crap years lately but overall the team is in a lot better shape then it was when Kotite was here. Since Parcells took over this team they have had a lot more good years than bad ones. The only thing they are missing is a Lombardi as are most of the teams in the league. There has not been a year since 1997 when I didn't legitimately go into a season thinking the Jets can make some noise and get to the playoffs. I want them to win a Super Bowl just as bad as everyone else but they have been a competitive team except for a couple of bad years mixed in (which almost every team goes through - even when they are a good team). As a fan who has been through all those years of not even thinking they have a chance because they didn't, I no longer see this as the same old Jets and haven't since Parcells started to clean this mess up and make them at least a good team (which most years they have been). Imagine being a fan of every team except for the Patriots or Colts for the last ten years because no one else has had 10 wins every year. I know I am probably taking the funny banner a little too seriously, but I don't need any reminder of those three since I already lived through that. I lived the mud bowl too so no need for a Richard Todd up there or a Gastineau hitting Kosar in Cleveland ... okay, I'm done :bag:

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Just wanted to add that they look to be a team on the rise from last year's debacle. They also went 10-6, 2 years ago and as much as I hated Herm, at least he got them to the playoffs a few times (as he slowly ruined the team he inherited from Parcells of course). Anyway, it's time for us to leave the Kotites and Nagles in the rearview and hope that the moves they have made get us a playoff team this year and a Super Bowl beyond!

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Until the Jets win a championship, the banner should be a symbol of forty years of futility.

I've gotta be completely honest, though...I coulda used a little more Herm.

We have won A championship.

Which is why I think the banner should be the key members of that SB winning franchise. At least get Joe Namath up there.

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I don't see them as a sucky Franchise today. They had a couple of crap years lately but overall the team is in a lot better shape then it was when Kotite was here. Since Parcells took over this team they have had a lot more good years than bad ones. The only thing they are missing is a Lombardi as are most of the teams in the league. There has not been a year since 1997 when I didn't legitimately go into a season thinking the Jets can make some noise and get to the playoffs. I want them to win a Super Bowl just as bad as everyone else but they have been a competitive team except for a couple of bad years mixed in (which almost every team goes through - even when they are a good team). As a fan who has been through all those years of not even thinking they have a chance because they didn't, I no longer see this as the same old Jets and haven't since Parcells started to clean this mess up and make them at least a good team (which most years they have been). Imagine being a fan of every team except for the Patriots or Colts for the last ten years because no one else has had 10 wins every year. I know I am probably taking the funny banner a little too seriously, but I don't need any reminder of those three since I already lived through that. I lived the mud bowl too so no need for a Richard Todd up there or a Gastineau hitting Kosar in Cleveland ... okay, I'm done :bag:

I like this current regime. And I am not holding them accountable for the sins of their Fathers.

The fact remains though, it has been almost 40 years since they got it done. Almost doesn't count, not for me.

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We have won A championship.

Which is why I think the banner should be the key members of that SB winning franchise. At least get Joe Namath up there.

IJ that's not a bad option. I still like the idea of putting the pictures of JN posters up there. Every Jets blog, forum, news site has pictures of Jet players, etc. This would be original and show the warm side of JN's personality. :)

What do you think IJ?

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I like this current regime. And I am not holding them accountable for the sins of their Fathers.

The fact remains though, it has been almost 40 years since they got it done. Almost doesn't count, not for me.

Tell that to a Browns, Cardinals, BILLS, Bengals, Lions, Vikings, Saints, Falcons, Eagles, Cardinals, Seahawks, Texans, Oilers/Titans, Jaguars, Panthers, Chiefs, Dolphins or Chargers fan. Only 1 team wins it all and as much as I want that to happen, realistically all a fan can hope for is that their team gives it their best and competes in the playoffs. If you hold your team to a championship every year, you are going to be disappointed every year. Too may variables are involved to expect something like that ... even if you have the best team entering a season.

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