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Most Fierce NFL Mascot -- Fireman Ed vs TD


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Can Fireman Ed still be considered a Jets mascot? He must have been leading the cheers from his couch as didn't show up for one game last year. I think the staute of limitations has expired on the whole mascot thing.

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Can Fireman Ed still be considered a Jets mascot? He must have been leading the cheers from his couch as didn't show up for one game last year. I think the staute of limitations has expired on the whole mascot thing.

I was thinking the same thing. Last I heard, he had hurt his leg fighting a fire. Of course this could be apocryphal. He might have hurt it while lighting the fire on an out dated hibachi. BTW, Is Miami kidding with that mascot, or what? That is the most quiffed out thing I've ever seen. Why not just put the sailor from The Village People at the game instead? Mascots belong--just barely--at college games, not the pros.


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Sorry i can't consider Fireman Ed a mascot...Hes just a popular fan thats all.... it would make more sense if it was fireman ed against that guy whose at every Dolphin game with the pads and the hat with the dolphin..Mascots are usually anthropomorphic.

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I'll take the Dolphin. :biggrin:

ok guys dont get me wrong i hate the dolphins with a passion.. but unfortunatly i live down here so i am forced to go to dolphins and marlins games and even orieles sring training games and that "The Dolfan" guy is always there rain or shine.. so i gotta give him credit.. plus he graduated the same year from the same school as my dad so i kinda got go for him

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Well actually, if you think about it. Fireman Ed can't be a mascot. The moron in the dolphin suit gets paid by the Miami Dolphins franchise to act, and look like an idiot, while Fireman Ed pays the New York Jets franchise to have a seat to watch the game.

Incorrcet. The Jets pay for Fireman Ed's season tickets and also have flown him out and put him in the stands for free before (98 AFC Championship Game @ Denver being one of those instances).

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Incorrcet. The Jets pay for Fireman Ed's season tickets and also have flown him out and put him in the stands for free before (98 AFC Championship Game @ Denver being one of those instances).

Why the hell is he sitting with the rest of the fans then, he should be on the field. I never personally liked this fireman ed guy, by the way... lol

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Incorrcet. The Jets pay for Fireman Ed's season tickets and also have flown him out and put him in the stands for free before (98 AFC Championship Game @ Denver being one of those instances).

Did you hear anything about Fireman Ed and the Jets' brass having had a falling out, and that's why he doesn't show up at the games anymore?

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Its certainly not this joke.


Worst mascot ever. I have given that thing so much abuse over the years its ridiculous.

Moon boots? Over-sized head? Whatever those things are on his arms? Disgraceful.

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what really kills it is those fagoty white boots

Those boots were silver back in the day.

Whenever he came over to my section we let him know that he wasn't welcome*

I've never met a fellow Pats fan who has anything good to say about the mascot. Why do NFL teams need idiots running around in costumes anyway? Shouldn't the NFL leave that to the High School and College teams?

*snowballs may have been thrown his way. I can't confirm or deny that!

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I thought fireman Ed was a famous fan, not an actual mascot. A mascot is some person that wears a costume and big fake, fury or cloth head. You know - a Bengal, A Lion, that silly Pat Patriot.

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Those boots were silver back in the day.

Whenever he came over to my section we let him know that he wasn't welcome*

I've never met a fellow Pats fan who has anything good to say about the mascot. Why do NFL teams need idiots running around in costumes anyway? Shouldn't the NFL leave that to the High School and College teams?

*snowballs may have been thrown his way. I can't confirm or deny that!

yea they shou;d take away the mascots and allow chad johnson to dance as much as he wants as long as he isnt delaying the game

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I thought fireman Ed was a famous fan, not an actual mascot. A mascot is some person that wears a costume and big fake, fury or cloth head. You know - a Bengal, A Lion, that silly Pat Patriot.

Show a little respect to your head coach ;)

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