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tom cruise at the jets/skins game...


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I'm not a fan of Tom Cruise. He's a boor and a bore. But, is his religious fervor any different than evangelical ministers hopping about and screaming, or people "speaking in tongues"? When you look at our religious practices with an open mind, they all look pretty bizarre. I'm still not over getting slapped by a bishop dressed in really strange vestments and a large, pointy hat for my confirmation. Don't get me started on my altar boy days or when I worked for the church.

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A man that wouLd dump this...

redir?src=image&requestId=b85bd5169c196253&userQuery=nicole+kidman+images&clickedItemDest=44558654122051850265831449033202769794&clickedItemMark=1219188672460&clickedItemURN=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bollywoodsargam.com%2Falbumsbolly%2FNicole_Kidman%2FNicole_Kidman_00617_07_44.jpg&moduleId=image_details.M.xml&clickedItemDescription=Image Details

for THIS and Xenu IS INSANE.

redir?src=image&requestId=52fb11281613ce40&userQuery=KATIE+HOLMES+images&clickedItemDest=286523393282827940758629269949391518819&clickedItemMark=1219189091932&clickedItemURN=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.defamer.com%2Fhollywood%2Fkatie-holmes-lips.jpg&moduleId=image_details.M.xml&clickedItemDescription=Image Details

I don't know who dumped who for who but all I know is Nicole Kidman is as crazy as Tom Cruise is and she's not hot enough to make up for the insanity factor.

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A confirmed source has stated that Tom met with Brett and his wife after Saturday's game to discuss Scientology with them! I truly hope that they're way to smart for that. I think they are. The last thing we want is Brett getting messed up from Scientology before the season starts. Let's pray for the best.

Oh God no. Last thing we need is wack job Tom Cruise trying to convert our star QB to his stupid cult.

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A confirmed source has stated that Tom met with Brett and his wife after Saturday's game to discuss Scientology with them! I truly hope that they're way to smart for that. I think they are. The last thing we want is Brett getting messed up from Scientology before the season starts. Let's pray for the best.

whats the source???

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Not really, when you get right down to it all of them sound pretty unbelievable.

Leaving the spiritual element out of it, the bible has basically been accepted as a fairly accurate representation of the history of the Jewish people. There are some time lapse problems, but for the most part there is agreement between the bible and what modern technology record as history.

Scientology is based on a intergalactic dictator, who 75 million years ago brought billions of drugged dissidents here, stacked them around volcanoes, and killed them with hydrogen bombs. Then their spirits were captured, and currently attack the offspring of the survivors. By the way the dictator is still held captive here in a mountain somewhere.

Coincidently, the founder of the religon is a sci fi writer who wrote the great series of books called Dune. The story line of Dune is very similar to the religious roots.

Add in the fact that L Ron Hubbard (sp) is quoted as saying "If he wanted to get really rich, he would start his own religion" This all taken together makes it very difficult to swallow even for people who believe in the supernatural

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Scientology is based on a intergalactic dictator, who 75 million years ago brought billions of drugged dissidents here, stacked them around volcanoes, and killed them with hydrogen bombs. Then their spirits were captured, and currently attack the offspring of the survivors. By the way the dictator is still held captive here in a mountain somewhere.

Well, that's complete bull****.

Citation needed, but in the mean time, other readers can start here.

Coincidently, the founder of the religon is a sci fi writer who wrote the great series of books called Dune. The story line of Dune is very similar to the religious roots.

Add in the fact that L Ron Hubbard (sp) is quoted as saying "If he wanted to get really rich, he would start his own religion" This all taken together makes it very difficult to swallow even for people who believe in the supernatural

More bull****. The Dune series was written by Frank Herbert.

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Scientology is pretty big over here in Europe from what I can see. I never really noticed any scientology buildings in the US but over here I saw one in Madrid, one in Geneva, and saw some scientologist "recruiters" walking around the town center in Lisbon. You could tell they were preying on some pretty "weak" folks. I looked at them as I approached kind of shook my head at them and they just looked away. Later when I walked past again they had some guy cornered and he just looked like he was too scared to tell them to leave him alone so he just stood there listening and they were really in his face. Friggin lunatics.

you are right there, they are right up there with the christians, jews and muslims.

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I just don't get how someone can believe in a religion that's not even 60 years old which is based on aliens and created by a science fiction author. Stupid.

yet religions that are a few thousand years old are any more worthwhile? that is barely a step in time when considering the age of the earth.

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Well, that's complete bull****.

Citation needed, but in the mean time, other readers can start here.

More bull****. The Dune series was written by Frank Herbert.

Of Course you are correct about Fronk Herbert writting Dune, My Bad

As far as the basis of Scientology being Xenu, Being "TOTAL BULL****" It a long article here's the link



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For other uses, see Xenu (disambiguation).

Xenu (also Xemu) (pronounced /ˈziːnuː/ or /ˈziːmuː/), according to Scientology founder (and speculative fiction writer) L. Ron Hubbard, was the dictator of the "Galactic Confederacy" who, 75 million years ago, brought billions[1] of his people to Earth in DC-8-like spacecraft, stacked them around volcanoes and killed them using hydrogen bombs. Scientology holds that the essences of these many people remained, and that they form around people in modern times, causing them spiritual harm.[2][3] Members of the Church of Scientology widely deny or try to hide the Xenu story.

These events are known within Scientology as "Incident II", and the traumatic memories associated with them as The Wall of Fire. The story of Xenu is part of Scientologist teachings about extraterrestrial civilizations and alien interventions in Earthly events, collectively described as space opera by Hubbard. Hubbard detailed the story in Operating Thetan level III (OT III) in 1967, warning that this material was "calculated to kill (by pneumonia etc) anyone who attempts to solve it."[sic][4]

Criticism of the Church of Scientology often includes details of the Xenu story. The Church has tried to keep Xenu confidential[5] but critics say the story should be made public, given the high prices charged for OT III, part of Scientology's secret "Advanced Technology" doctrines taught only to members who have already contributed large amounts of money to the organization.[6] The Church avoids making mention of Xenu in public statements and has gone to considerable effort to maintain the story's confidentiality, including legal action on the grounds of both copyright and trade secrecy. Despite this, much material on Xenu has leaked to the public, largely via the Internet.

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  • 1 month later...
you are right there, they are right up there with the christians, jews and muslims.

Spot on. But as somebody said earlier in the thread, how do you follow a religion that you know for an absolute fact is based on a person who writes fiction for a living?

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There are way to many people over here roaming the streets with clipboards and wearing suits

harrassing people for me to differentiate between religions, I`m a little intrigued by it all but to

scared to type it into google incase they come knocking on my door.

lol.....there's nothing really to knwo about it. they're idiots. it's a cult started by a sci-fi writer l. ron hubbard. they belive that like 75 million years ago some intergalactic rule rnamed xenu trapped everyone in a volcano and nuked it......and all those souls got trapped on earth and are "infecting" us. so they use some BS thing called an e-meter to clear you of these souls and then you become clear and gain powers. it's terrifically stupid....all these sessions supposedyl cost a hell of alot o fmoney. the cult targeted celebrities cause they have alot of money and like half of them are morons who, if they didn't luck out and become famous would be s8cking d*cks on the corner to make ends meet.

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