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An apparent 1y deal has been made but Boras says no. Who knows. Tek is 37, hitting like ****, so I hope he takes the 1 yr, no more. I hear rumblings of Russell Martin, but that may be wishful thinking.

He was made the first Sox Captain in almost twenty years a few years back. They should go at him and ask him to be a Player-Coach. Sign/Trade for a good young catcher and let Tek mentor him for two seasons. 2009 Tek is the guy with the other guy backing him up. 2010, player to be named later is the primary starter.

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He was made the first Sox Captain in almost twenty years a few years back. They should go at him and ask him to be a Player-Coach. Sign/Trade for a good young catcher and let Tek mentor him for two seasons. 2009 Tek is the guy with the other guy backing him up. 2010, player to be named later is the primary starter.

Oh, thanks for clearing that up for me...always wondered what that big "C" meant on his jersey...I always thought it meant something else.;)

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Oh, thanks for clearing that up for me...always wondered what that big "C" meant on his jersey...I always thought it meant something else.;)

Why you bustin' my balls? Don't you have some Metamucil to take? ;)

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He was made the first Sox Captain in almost twenty years a few years back. They should go at him and ask him to be a Player-Coach. Sign/Trade for a good young catcher and let Tek mentor him for two seasons. 2009 Tek is the guy with the other guy backing him up. 2010, player to be named later is the primary starter.

My concern if he isn't signed would be Dice without Varitek. I am probably making far too much of it but Tek sure seemed to expend a lot of energy getting Dice through 6-7 innings.

Dice will likely be fine on his own if need be but any new catcher better be prepared to allow Dice to pitch around anyone he wants and still get out of jam after jam.

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Boras is the devil. That's more than a fair offer.

Something else we can agree on. Boras and Drew Rosensnatch are the worst. I know they have to get the best for their clients but they both just oooze slime in my book. @ POS cut from the same cloth.

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My concern if he isn't signed would be Dice without Varitek. I am probably making far too much of it but Tek sure seemed to expend a lot of energy getting Dice through 6-7 innings.

Dice will likely be fine on his own if need be but any new catcher better be prepared to allow Dice to pitch around anyone he wants and still get out of jam after jam.

That is the catch 22 the Sox are in.

Replacing the guy that handles the pitchers is going to be extremely difficult.

Now replacing his bat....not so much.

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Hey Boston go ahead and get rid of another 2 ringer. Sounds like a good plan.

Here is a better one.

Let's go overpay for all these guys that can crush the ball and get a away from the versatile team that could mash, play small ball and win titles.

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So they are bringing Manny back?

Apparently you and the Yanks have the same mindset.

You drop a 160 million (or more) contract on a guy in his 20s like the Sox did with Manny. Or you can drop 121 million on some roided out coke head.

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Apparently you and the Yanks have the same mindset.

You drop a 160 million (or more) contract on a guy in his 20s like the Sox did with Manny. Or you can drop 121 million on some roided out coke head.

Why do you make everything about the Yankees? This was about Varitek. I was simply saying the sooner they get rid of anyone who won 2 rings there, the happier I will be.

The Championships shall soon be a distant memory in beantown.

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Why do you make everything about the Yankees? This was about Varitek. I was simply saying the sooner they get rid of anyone who won 2 rings there, the happier I will be.

The Championships shall soon be a distant memory in beantown.

Max you brought it up indirectly.

You are implying the Sox are making a mistake by possibly getting rid of a prooven and valuable vet in Tek. Nevermind. that he will be 37 a week into the season and has hit .238, .255 and .220 the last three years.

I was implying the Sox cannot go about the Yankee business model because while the Sox have money they do not have the Matchbox 20 money the Yankees have.

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