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My PM box is 90% full


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Your 'box' is full.......what else is new?


I'm gonna bring two torpedoes of pork roll to the Bills game. GOB will have his first ever Pork roll egg and cheese sandwich! a tri state only breakfast meat! we'll fatten you right up. :animal0026:


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Let me describe 317 of them:

Originally Sent by

Hey BP this is ****ing bull**** Sperm's been personally attacking me again:


and here:


and again here:


He's hijacking every thread I start. And this morning he sent me a PM making fun of the
My Little Pony
decals on my 6-cylinder Mustang. Why did you tell him about them? I thought we were tight. You had to know he'd post it in the lounge. This sucks.

I don't understand why you guys ever made him a mod. He's a tool. I sent this over to Max but he never replied or did **** about it.

PM me back.


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Yeah, I guess you've had it before. we'll be eatin like kings.

Yep. My dad grew up in Caldwell if you recall, so I was annointed to Taylor Ham, Yoo-Hoo and Crumb buns at a young age.

I actually found a place out here in Detroit that sells Taylor Ham from time to time. Nothing better than some bread, cheese and Taylor Ham for breakfast.


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Yep. My dad grew up in Caldwell if you recall, so I was annointed to Taylor Ham, Yoo-Hoo and Crumb buns at a young age.

I actually found a place out here in Detroit that sells Taylor Ham from time to time. Nothing better than some bread, cheese and Taylor Ham for breakfast.


hell its my favorite breakfast meat i like it over bacon i buy this stuff


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I'm gonna bring two torpedoes of pork roll to the Bills game. GOB will have his first ever Pork roll egg and cheese sandwich! a tri state only breakfast meat! we'll fatten you right up. :animal0026:


...I live in the tri-state area and have never even heard of that. Bacon egg and cheese is the way to go.

By the way, I've had to clear out my sent items box a few times now with my PM box of 300. Lucky you, with your 500.

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Nice to know you guys get little hidden features that do the math for you. If I wanted to see my percentage, I would have to do the freaken math. Unfair, I tell ya. \:D/

52.3% for me :P

do your math boy, before i call your teacher! :D

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