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thanks for all your help..shoveling this AM

you cross-country ski wtf

Hahahaahaha...had a bunch of the attorney's here this morning all giddy about the 20 inches being dumped in ski country and how they can't wait to go to their respective Chalet's this weekend. Massh*les coming your way, Assmop.

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Halarious. What about him is a media creation?? The fact that he's a down to earth guy who enjoys being with his family and dog back home where he was born?? I've never heard another player refer to him as arrogant, diva or a prick. Tom Brady on the other hand is the ultimate media creation. Born in Michigan he leaves for brighter lights, tv ads and models. I laugh at the idea that a brady fan could call anyone else a media creation. Google bret favre and tom brady and see what shows up....oh bret favre is all football pictures whereas brady is all ads...tell me who the media creation is. I don't know anyone that's called favre a prick, but there probably have been some. I do know that I have a few friends who are die hard pats fans who work AT for the pats and said brady is a dick and other players, including Harrison and Seymour call him out on it.

Google Brett Favre.... http://images.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&q=brett+favre&start=21&sa=N&ndsp=21

Google Tom Brady... http://images.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&q=tom+brady&btnG=Search+Images

LOL there are only 3 tom brady football pictures on the first page..

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It's not the ads people, it's the idea that the ads are a "true" representation of the "fake" persona Favre has duped everyone into buying.

Oh, and Favre is the only athlete who does this:


Tom Brady actually spends a lot of time on a Ranch.

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That was 3 years ago.

I've been beaten over the head with Favre playing touch football while wearing a green/yellow #4 jersey as he pimps Wrangler jeans.

It was also nice that everyone else in that commercial wore jeans to play touch football.

Do You know anyone who wears Wranglers?

Me.... I guess that makes me a poverty stricken bad guy? :bag:

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Gotta admit i'm a bit surprised that you would post that Gainzo. You're one of the more respectful pats fans... Unless you're joking and i missed the point ? If so, i'll give ya a sympathy chuckle. ;)

...of course, all rival fans should slurp jet fan ass like you do. :rolleyes: Moderator butt is especillay sweet, right?

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Hey we all have our flaws. Like when you drink your love and strange perspective that Big Ben is a Top 5 QB comes out. :lol:

Ain't it funny how only the NFL could make adult, non-homo guys have man-crushes? lol

And i didn't even bring up your man-crush on a kicker.... Oops, just did, didn't I? LOL

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...of course, all rival fans should slurp jet fan ass like you do. :rolleyes: Moderator butt is especillay sweet, right?

Well I don't see a point in going to an opposing fan board and insulting one of their favorite players ?? Call it what you will, but i don't see any productive football discussion coming from that. It's pointless really. It's an entire different thing to be joking IMO. Maybe i am a suckup but that's just the way i see things. Can't please everybody. :bash:

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Well I don't see a point in going to an opposing fan board and insulting one of their favorite players ?? Call it what you will, but i don't see any productive football discussion coming from that. It's pointless really. It's an entire different thing to be joking IMO. Maybe i am a suckup but that's just the way i see things. Can't please everybody. :bash:

I agree and for an opposing fan you are very nice. Its hard to believe that you are a Steelers fan.

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I agree and for an opposing fan you are very nice. Its hard to believe that you are a Steelers fan.

Alot of folks say that to me. Man, my Steeler fanbase must have our share of a-holes. lol

Not to defend others or anything but i think being rivals with the cleveland clown fanbase has toughened us up extremely. Believe me when i say their fanbase tends to bring out the worst in our fanbase. Maybe some of my side lets that carry on to other fans. Who knows. :)

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Well I don't see a point in going to an opposing fan board and insulting one of their favorite players ?? Call it what you will, but i don't see any productive football discussion coming from that. It's pointless really. It's an entire different thing to be joking IMO. Maybe i am a suckup but that's just the way i see things. Can't please everybody. :bash:

I get a great deal of amusement from doing just that....plus, I really do think Lord Favre is a D-bag. :)

Yes, you are a suck-up.

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Be happy T

it's friday

you have no snow

you may be in 1st place by 7pm

I am happy, damnit! ;)

Actually, had a good day. We had a potluck lunch at work - I brought in my homemade bruschetta and bought some fresh bread at an Italian Bakery this morning - lot's of good eats were available today and everyone did a tremendous job- but the kicker was the homemade lemonchello someone brought in. Was in the frezer for hours. Lemoncello slush. Stuff is awesome. I've had two glasses full. Maybe that makes me a lemonchello lush? :)

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I am happy, damnit! ;)

Actually, had a good day. We had a potluck lunch at work - I brought in my homemade bruschetta and bought some fresh bread at an Italian Bakery this morning - lot's of good eats - but the kicker was the homemade lemonchello someone brought in. Was in the frezer for hours. Lemoncello slush. Stuff is awesome. I've had two glasses full. Maybe that makes me a lemonchello lush? :)

i actually tried lemonchello once..

That is a staple of hard core Italianos..could use some now

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