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The Second Annual Jetnation Tourney


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Borgo vs. gg - A fan of all the female posters here, it's soooo tough to vote against one. But Borgo sure knows his music, and his taste in females is impeccable. Borgo

LOL!!!! does anyone see this subtle insult ;) the guy with impeccable taste in women is picked over an actual woman .. just saying :P:lol:

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Arsis vs. Beans: Arsis, by now only a giant turd in Drago's septic tank, is no match for the brilliant legume.

Borgo vs. gg: Literary references vs. old song lyrics. Let's face it - literary references put people to sleep.

MrsTabor vs. Verde: Mrs. T brings mojitos, but Verde isn't having any carbs. The workout warrior wins, but Mrs. T leaves happy, anyway.

Bren vs. Jetsbabe: New girl finds out who the queen of this place really is.

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Arsis, Verde, GG and JetsBabe advance.

Up next-

IrishJet vs. Arsis

124 vs. GG

Thor99 vs. Verde

PDM vs. JB

PDM is a eunach and is not swayed by JB's beauty and develops a Detroit like Taser and cuts her like swiss cheese, add the dijon and its

ovah for Abobo's finest.

Arsis has IJ take an Irish IQ test. it involves first drinking 50 different beers ofDublins finest and then pissing out answers in a uniquely designed Litter box, Sadly IJ does not meet Eringobraugh standards as his stream

was way too weak.

Thor99 tries to entices yung verde with an unusual shaped thong shaped like a dobie's head. V's new found love of french language yells "T'as une t

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IrishJet vs. Arsis: Whatever Belichick-like cheating moves Arsis used to survive the last two rounds have run out.

124 vs. GG: GG sings. 124 whines.

Thor99 vs. Verde: Sorry Thorsten. The lady is growing on me.

PDM vs. JB: JB comes out all full of attitude, but quickly finds herself stuck in an animated GIF. What happened to BZ and Jetsrule is child's play compared to what happens next.

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Arsis, Verde, GG and JetsBabe advance.

Up next-

IrishJet vs. Arsis

124 vs. GG

Thor99 vs. Verde

PDM vs. JB

IrishJet - I nearly beat him, and if he makes the final four, that's a bit of redemption.

GG - GG goes jewish mother on 124, asks about his grades, if he's dating anyone, mentions someone far more successful then him. 124 is demoralized.

Verde - The streak of voting for Thor comes to an end. Verde's illustration is pretty cool, so she gets the nod.

JB - JB wins one more, but her time is drawing to a close in this tournament, I fear.

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IrishJet vs. Arsis -- IJ, angry that he wasn't chosen as the token Irish Catholic mod over GOB, unleashes a true Irish temper on Arsis, who is unable to stand withstand the heat.

124 vs. GG -- GG flies to victory over a whiny 124.

Thor99 vs. Verde -- Thor invokes all of his mod powers. Okay, so he doesn't have many but he is the keeper of this tourney.

PDM vs. JB -- After taking on ECURB's smilies in the last-to-post thread and jetsrule's BB & AFL threads, PDM accurately feels that he's invincible.

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IrishJet vs. Arsis - Very tough one but I once again have to vote for the person who has a location in his name.

124 vs. GG - GG rocks... she really does... but I have to give the nod to my nephew 124. :cheers: BTW I think 124 and GG's daughter will make a cute couple one day.

Thor99 vs. Verde - Thor has survived for this long as a mod... there is nothing that Verde can do that could stop Thor.

PDM vs. JB - A very tough one but JB is teh awesome.

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IrishJet' visa was rejected and his passport revoked. Arsis wins.

124 downs a case of bud lights and falls asleep on Gainzo's couch. GG wins.

Verde is smart enough to challenge Thor in an arm wrestling match instead. No contest, Verde wins in three seconds.

PDM's super powers turn Princess back into a pumpkin. PDM wins.

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IrishJet vs. Arsis - Arsis over the Irishman

124 vs. GG - 124 goes for the motorboat, but GG tells him, Marina is closed. GG wins

Thor99 vs. Verde - A tough one here. Verde over Thor, but not before he eats her left leg

PDM vs. JB - Sorry JB, PDM is going for the repeat. No shame in losing to him

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GreenBeans brings pictures of his precious children. A collective AWWW...... is heard from the crowd. Arsis has no chance. Beans, the Great Legume and the mastermind behind POTW, wins!

GG is one of the most esteemed posters here. Borgo's got a way with words and all - but I could do without the smut. GG wins big.

Verde - understanding how important these internet popularity contest are - wears a bikini to the match. Verde Wins.

Old School versus JI princess. C'mon. This is a slaughter. Bren wins.

Thanks Garbie - you're too kind

jello is too bourgeois for borgo and me.. sheesh!! :D but i suspect if it was a fight in some kind of food.. i would win easily over borgo.. he wouldnt know what hit him.. just sayin :lol:

arsis v beans.. gb is da MAN.. arsis is a snot nose kid .. winner is gb!!

mrsT v verde.. i think mrsT is terrific.. but V is my gal.. and she has awesome abs! :DV with the win.

bren v. jb.. jb is giving it the old college try :D. but bren is bren.. period.. bren with the win

ha ha - thanks gg, my pal.

Beans ends the nice run of Arsis, and cooks em in a nice brunswick stew! followed by some nice Bullocks BBQ and fried Chicken and don't forget

the hushpuppies!!!!

Verde is pumped she has been working out for weeks for MrsT, extra crunches extra miles on treadmill, MrsT misses match as she had one to many PinaColidas and was taken advantage of by TaborJet.

JB over bren as she argues more than a mouthful is a waste

Borgo vs GG-- I will cast my vote after testing Borgo's Creme Brulee vs Wyomings famous jewish Briscuit! I would suggest sending 24 hr delivery:D

Just received GG's nice plate of Briscuit, followed by a tres

magnifique Key lime pie avec framboises...Chapeau!!!

Bullocks - y'all don't know what you are missing - well, except some of you do.

Arsis vs. Beans: Not only is Beans a great guy, he has the cutest kids and i have a secret crush on him! ;)

Borgo vs. gg : Gotta go with my girl, gg (d

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IrishJet vs. Arsis: Arsis' 140 IQ can't save him against a fellow Irishman.

124 vs. GG: 124 gave me a cool Jets glass, so that gets my vote. \:D/

Thor99 vs. Verde: Apparently Dobies like marshmallows.

PDM vs. JB: PDM threatens to make another in the sig series, and JB runs out the door, terrified beyond belief.

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IrishJet vs. GG: I've never known an Irishman who wouldn't rather get lost in beautiful blue eyes and an ample bosom than fight. Alas, GG came here to win. IJ never knew what hit him.

Verde vs. PDM: In battle of illustrations, PDM throws 25-ton weights, bombs and Arnold Scharzenegger against Verde's muscular army. It doesn't work.. She just makes more of them. The reigning champ is dethroned, setting up an epic girl-fight in the final round.

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Damn, the last time a woman beat me like that, I had to pay for it.

The final four-

IrishJet vs. GG

Verde vs. PDM

IrishJet sets a trail of candy corn to lure his Yung Cougar's prey into the

home of none other than Leon W, where he plans to impale a lance thru

the both them while they are occupied in the 'chambrette'. Alas IJ is unaware

how nimble GG is and with Cougar like quickness claws him into tiny french fries

Defending champion PDM disguises himself as Mulder and tells V, that she is the cause of his sex addiction and would leave Tea right now for this lady in green. V Notices that some of Mulders hair has come out of his disguised pony tail and discovers it is none other than PDM and leads him to the treadmill where she convinces him they can burn more calories there and after a little sultry dance undresses him and handcuffs him to the handle. The

rest is left to your imagination. Vinner Verde

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