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The Second Annual Jetnation Tourney


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Tictack has been missing for some time now. I think Drago ate her - and not the way you think....Borgo! Anyway, Arsis wins 'cause he's here. No other reason.

Bob loves curling. Borgo loves Asian porn. Bob wins!

Mrs. TaborJet smokes cigars on occasion. I hear Marko smokes Max on occasion. Mrs. T wins!

Bren gets arrested for stalking Kevin Mawea - misses the match. LBS gets to the bout early because, interestingly enough, there was no traffic after the UMass Amherst/UMass Lowell hockey game. :)

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MrsTabor, Bren, Arsis and Borgo advance.

The round of 16 begins.

BP vs. Irish

Bronzey vs. 124

Thor99 vs. JetMoses

PDM vs. Bergen

I am told that BP has a very sexey hairey chest and back and moves on over the hairless IJ, who is lucky to make it this far.

Thor99 uses his new xmas thong which has images of sexey rexey all over it to strangle Moses, who is just glad to leave NY

PDM is a machine and uses his long curly hair to tie up BJ in knots

Bronzey over 124 cause she at least knows her football and reads melville while 124 cannot get past DR seuss and yes she is a goddess with some nice equip:D

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MrsTabor, Bren, Arsis and Borgo advance.

The round of 16 begins.

BP vs. Irish

Bronzey vs. 124

Thor99 vs. JetMoses

PDM vs. Bergen

BP vs. Irish - I don't think anyone can stand in BP's way this tournament.

Bronzey vs. 124 - 124 is simply no match for this goddess of JN Fame.

Thor99 vs. JetMoses - Thor99 created the tournament, so there's no way he allows the philosopher to take him out.

PDM vs. Bergen - BergenJet, representing what little remains of JI defectors, comes through with a clutch wins.

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BP vs. Irish: This one will be decided by the animals. By that, I mean how many innocent goslings--happily supplied by an acquaintance of Max--will be bludgeoned to death--sang froid--by our two contestants in a 17 minute time period. The implements chosen are certainly non-traditional, but seemingly effective: reinforced croquet mallet (BP), and a hurling stick, for this occasion graciously donated by Ireland's Setanta Hurls (IrishJet). At the bell, the bloodletting is fast and furious, with BP's "kill skill" coming to the fore. The match is stopped briefly, however, when it is discovered that school children have been betting on the result. The betting is stopped by a local judge, who--generously and correctly--allows the kids to watch the rest of the carnage. Final tally: BP: 278 skull crushings; IrishJet: 356 bashings. Winner: IrishJet.

Bronzey vs. 124: As one would expect from two sexual dynamos, the mood is highly charged with a fecund sensual energy. Bronzey and 124 use this day's match as their long-anticipated first date. The contest is quickly over, however, as Bronzey opens the door to her apartment causing 124 to go--understandably given Bronzey's stunning appearance--into premature ejaculatory mode. Always the proper hostess, Bronzey is at the ready with a hastily supplied BevNap, helping to assuage 124's embarrassment and dispatch the considerable DNA "messings". Winner: Bronzey.

Thor99 vs. JetMoses: It comes down to this, my friends: Which of our combatants has the largest collection of Klaus Nomi records. Having lived in The Fatherland, Thor steals the victory, though for some reason only known by the panel of judges and JetMo, it will cost him a testicle. Winner: Thor99.

PDM vs. Bergen: How one man was able to hold so many cats--25 by some estimates--underwater with his bare hands is still all the buzz with stunned local fisherman, and their wives, here on the island of Corfu. It is also the reason a clearly horrified, yet somehow impressed, BergenJet conceded the match. Those of us privileged to be acquainted with Panzer, know that if it were not for the self-imposed overtime he put in as Head Mallet Technician at a Newark-area equine slaughterhouse the day before, that number would have been doubled...easily. Winner: Panzer Division Marduk.

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MrsTabor, Bren, Arsis and Borgo advance.

The round of 16 begins.

BP vs. Irish

Bronzey vs. 124

Thor99 vs. JetMoses

PDM vs. Bergen

BP gets electrocuted when he mistakenly drops his electric back shaver in a full tub. Irish wins.

Nice run by the newbie - but it ends here. Gainzo's adopted son/sex slave goes on. 124 wins.

Thor wins a tight one. He reminds me of a neighbor - or is it that he's neighborly? I 'dunno. He has a New England aura about him.

PDM comes to the match dressed as Bill Belichick. Bergen comes dressed as a Balling Ball with a Butcher Knife. He starts rolling towards BB - oops, I mean PDM - and he accidently stabs himself at the first roll. TX - who is in the audience - mutters "dumbass." PDM wins.

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BP vs. Irish - they flipped a coin and irish won.. so using his keen smarts.. he tells bp to meet him over the pond in irish's hometown.. bp knows he is done for and curses irish as he lost his passport in the big easy.. but at least he has his mardi gras beeds.. bp has to forfiet irish with the win

Bronzey vs. 124..you would think this is a nobrainer as 124 can not resist a smart beautiful woman.. but bronzey also cant resist the brawn of 124.. in this case.. although bronzey is my gal.. brawn wins over beauty.. 124 with the win

Thor99 vs. JetMoses.. thor gives moses a book of the greatest writings of william f. buckley.. but when he opens it up ..he sees that it is actually the collected works of Adlai Stevenson.. moses brain explodes... thor with the win

PDM vs. Bergen.. a real tough one.. but bergen being the great husband and soon to be father knows that a match with pdm, even if he wins .. will lead to some part of him dismembered.. he cant take the risk and forfits .. pdm with the win

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MrsTabor, Bren, Arsis and Borgo advance.

The round of 16 begins.

BP vs. Irish

Bronzey vs. 124

Thor99 vs. JetMoses

PDM vs. Bergen

Despite the temptation to put myself through, I won't vote for myself this round. LOL

124 sits on Bronzey. Mike Nugent isn't required in this round. Easy win for 124

Thor99 scares JetMo by showing up to the "fight" in a thong. Scary stuff, can't blame JetMo for running. Thor wins.

No sign of Panzer for the matchup against Bergen. Bergen shows up only to be vaporized by a giant laser beam from the sky. Unexplainable but Panzer moves on.

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BP vs. Irish -- IrishJet voted for me, I have to vote for him. :) BP will eat me later on I guess.

Thor99 vs. JetMoses -- Great matchup, but you always go with the bartender, never against the bartender.

PDM vs. Bergen -- Have to vote for my Uncle. :)

And even though a vote by me to pass Broney would give me the win, I won't do it, its still 4-4 on that, next vote wins.

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BP vs. Irish -- IrishJet voted for me, I have to vote for him. :) BP will eat me later on I guess.

Thor99 vs. JetMoses -- Great matchup, but you always go with the bartender, never against the bartender.

PDM vs. Bergen -- Have to vote for my Uncle. :)

And even though a vote by me to pass Broney would give me the win, I won't do it, its still 4-4 on that, next vote wins.

Oh, go a head and vote for yourself already. Begging for it is just as bad - if not worse, really ;) Quick, give Gainzo a call and tell him to log on and vote! LOL!

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Oh, go a head and vote for yourself already. Begging for it is just as bad - if not worse, really ;) Quick, give Gainzo a call and tell him to log on and vote! LOL!

I genuinely wouldn't be shocked if he's called Gainzo, his brother and half of Australia by now in an effort to get this vote.:D

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124 decides to challenge Bronzey to a game of beer pong to sort it out. Unfortunately, Bronzey accidentally drops a cup of beer. Superman-esque,, 124 literally flies across the table to try and save the beer, but forgets Bronzey's in the way. Bronzey will be out of traction in another 4 weeks.

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BP vs. Irish .. I love Irish men!

Bronzey vs. 124 ..I don't know Bronzey so I have to give it to 124

Thor99 vs. JetMoses ..Thor reps me more

PDM vs. Bergen ..PDM is just a bit.. umm.. left of center and I'd prefer not to have a revenge signature made in my honor if I don't vote for him! lol

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Thor, Irish and PDM have gotten through the old fashioned way. By winning. 124 has gotten through by whining. It's too bad they didn't keep score during his little league days.

Up next-

Arsis vs. Beans

Borgo vs. gg

MrsTabor vs. Verde

Bren vs. Jetsbabe

We should break out the kiddy pool full of jello for a couple of these matches.

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Thor, Irish and PDM have gotten through the old fashioned way. By winning. 124 has gotten through by whining. It's too bad they didn't keep score during his little league days.

Up next-

Arsis vs. Beans

Borgo vs. gg

MrsTabor vs. Verde

Bren vs. Jetsbabe

We should break out the kiddy pool full of jello for a couple of these matches.

GreenBeans brings pictures of his precious children. A collective AWWW...... is heard from the crowd. Arsis has no chance. Beans, the Great Legume and the mastermind behind POTW, wins!

GG is one of the most esteemed posters here. Borgo's got a way with words and all - but I could do without the smut. GG wins big.

Verde - understanding how important these internet popularity contest are - wears a bikini to the match. Verde Wins.

Old School versus JI princess. C'mon. This is a slaughter. Bren wins.

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Arsis vs. Beans - Tough call, but to me this more like Alcohol (Arsis) vs Milk (the family man Beans) I sell Alcohol. Alcohol pays the bills. Arsis wins

Borgo vs. gg - A fan of all the female posters here, it's soooo tough to vote against one. But Borgo sure knows his music, and his taste in females is impeccable. Borgo

MrsTabor vs. Verde - Verde is my favore color. I vote Green. Verde

Bren vs. Jetsbabe - Jetsbabe is one of my favorite sh1t stirrers on this website. But a vote against Bren, is a vote agaisnt America. Gentlemen. Bren wins

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Arsis vs. Beans: The celestial bodies line up perfectly for this match, as Arsis beats Beans handily in a game of strip Stratego. Winner: Arsis.

Borgo vs. gg : I am emasculated publicly--and forced to bear the scorn of my wife--by gg when she reveals--through the brilliant use of a Non-Contact 3-Dimensional Digitizer (on loan for the occasion by our friends at the Cato Institute)--that my 11.5 is actually only an embarrassingly miniscule 11.0. Winner: gg.

MrsTabor vs. Verde: Though, at first, reticent, Mrs.T. relents---and actually enjoys--being Verd'd. Tabor, we all await the video from the proceedings. Winner: Verde.

Bren vs. Jetsbabe: To the blaring, some would say deafening, strains of "She's My Cherry Pie" by 80s hair band sensations, Warrant, JB and Bren duel it out on the pummel horse. At the conclusion of seven grueling rounds, a hastily assembled group from the F

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Thor, Irish and PDM have gotten through the old fashioned way. By winning. 124 has gotten through by whining. It's too bad they didn't keep score during his little league days.

Up next-

Arsis vs. Beans

Borgo vs. gg

MrsTabor vs. Verde

Bren vs. Jetsbabe

We should break out the kiddy pool full of jello for a couple of these matches.

Beans ends the nice run of Arsis, and cooks em in a nice brunswick stew! followed by some nice Bullocks BBQ and fried Chicken and don't forget

the hushpuppies!!!!

Verde is pumped she has been working out for weeks for MrsT, extra crunches extra miles on treadmill, MrsT misses match as she had one to many PinaColidas and was taken advantage of by TaborJet.

JB over bren as she argues more than a mouthful is a waste

Borgo vs GG-- I will cast my vote after testing Borgo's Creme Brulee vs Wyomings famous jewish Briscuit! I would suggest sending 24 hr delivery:D

Just received GG's nice plate of Briscuit, followed by a tres

magnifique Key lime pie avec framboises...Chapeau!!!

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Beans ends the nice run of Arsis, and cooks em in a nice brunswick stew! followed by some nice Bullocks BBQ and fried Chicken and don't forget

the hushpuppies!!!!

Verde is pumped she has been working out for weeks for MrsT, extra crunches extra miles on treadmill, MrsT misses match as she had one to many PinaColidas and was taken advantage of by TaborJet.

[B]JB over bren as she argues more than a mouthful is a waste

Borgo vs GG-- I will cast my vote after testing Borgo's Creme Brulee vs Wyomings famous jewish Briscuit! I would suggest sending 24 hr delivery:D


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Arsis vs. Beans

Borgo vs. gg

MrsTabor vs. Verde

Bren vs. Jetsbabe

We should break out the kiddy pool full of jello for a couple of these matches.

jello is too bourgeois for borgo and me.. sheesh!! :D but i suspect if it was a fight in some kind of food.. i would win easily over borgo.. he wouldnt know what hit him.. just sayin :lol:

arsis v beans.. gb is da MAN.. arsis is a snot nose kid .. winner is gb!!

mrsT v verde.. i think mrsT is terrific.. but V is my gal.. and she has awesome abs! :DV with the win.

bren v. jb.. jb is giving it the old college try :D. but bren is bren.. period.. bren with the win

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