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New York Jets Mafia Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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Vic, I can see you time in the Gym has paid off...

You are atleast a cup, if not 2 cup sizes smaller..

Thanks I appreciate it. It's been frustrating, I've wanted to lose my stomach but it seems I'm losing too much from my boobs. I want to keep those puppies!

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Btw, i'm a little angry with you CTM. I sent you that picture of me lifting in private to get workout advice. I expected confidentiality and got backstabbed...again. Jerk. :bp1:


I'm sure Pactard will join..

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Thanks I appreciate it. It's been frustrating, I've wanted to lose my stomach but it seems I'm losing too much from my boobs. I want to keep those puppies!

They do look floppy sloppy... Not firm like young breasts. Prolly from the weight loss

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Everything is very borderline at this point. She has done some questionable things but then again there are others who have done the same. As slats pointed out notably AVM seemed to be on the defensive with absolutely not votes on him.

Doggin's inactivity has certainly slowed the pace of the game, he, amongst others, seem to always be able to swing votes with his theories. EY has been mildly active.

While I agree he may have been more defensive than was necessary, he pretty much gave a similar explanation as you did for your continued defensiveness. Didn't you both complain that people kept bringing up the same thing and you had to keep saying the same thing in response?

I think in both cases it's unfortunately somewhat understandable, since we've all basically been saying the same things over and over about the same three people - you, AVM, and Jets Babe.

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Two votes away from being lynched? I think I would've made my last post for the night in this thread. But again, I've had trouble applying logic to her style of play.

It is pretty strange ... she's posted a few times in another thread this morning, but nothing here. Maybe she figured she should stop posting because she contradicts herself every time she does. :P At any rate, it seems weird to whine about never getting to play a game from the beginning but then barely participate in the thread anyway.

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I probably should get modkilled for this atrocity. I'm laughing my ass off over here though.

Where's JiF at?

Hovering over post #649, no doubt.

Doggin's inactivity has certainly slowed the pace of the game, he, amongst others, seem to always be able to swing votes with his theories. EY has been mildly active.

Yes, they would both help drive the game while simultaneously serving as prime suspects.

It is pretty strange ... she's posted a few times in another thread this morning, but nothing here. Maybe she figured she should stop posting because she contradicts herself every time she does. :P At any rate, it seems weird to whine about never getting to play a game from the beginning but then barely participate in the thread anyway.


I hate to drive the train to lynch her because she could just be behaving the way she always does. I can't help but think this disappearance is similar to JI's last game right before he got whacked, though.

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Back. I see there isn't a whole lot to catch up on...

Jets Babe has made several posts in other threads and is obviously avoiding this one. Unless something drastic happens it doesn't seem like she's doing much to get me to unvote her. Why bring up the fact that you want to keep playing, get to two votes away from lynch, and then completely disappear? This is also within the window where she said she'd be free...

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Back. I see there isn't a whole lot to catch up on...

Jets Babe has made several posts in other threads and is obviously avoiding this one. Unless something drastic happens it doesn't seem like she's doing much to get me to unvote her. Why bring up the fact that you want to keep playing, get to two votes away from lynch, and then completely disappear? This is also within the window where she said she'd be free...

Good catch.

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Back. I see there isn't a whole lot to catch up on...

Jets Babe has made several posts in other threads and is obviously avoiding this one. Unless something drastic happens it doesn't seem like she's doing much to get me to unvote her. Why bring up the fact that you want to keep playing, get to two votes away from lynch, and then completely disappear? This is also within the window where she said she'd be free...

Yup ...

Hey guys, just a heads up...I'm at work from 3-9 monday-thursday, but i'll be active in the game in the morning/early afternoons. also on the weekend. :cheers:

And I know I said that I would be more active during the day, today was kindof a rare exception. I had an interview slated at 4pm with Jermaine Taylor, but it got moved up to 1:30. That's a little more important, sorry. :D
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so are we waiting for Doggin and Jif to share their thoughts? Not that I think that's a bad move but just wondered why we seemed to have stalled... plus I'm bored.

What's JiF's excuse? He hasn't posted in over a day.

Doggin should be back after sundown tonight... ?

It's up to the people not currently on the train. Either hop aboard, or suggest another direction.

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so are we waiting for Doggin and Jif to share their thoughts? Not that I think that's a bad move but just wondered why we seemed to have stalled... plus I'm bored.

I wasn't sure if it was that or if we were trying to give her a chance for a final post, since she's two votes away from being lynched. (Which, at this point, I feel she's been given more than enough time to do.)

Either way, it's not helping her case to complain about not getting to play from the beginning, then completely vanish while making posts in other threads. If you want to play from the beginning, then play. :P

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Sorry fellas, long night. Just got a chance to catch up. Thanks for all the cheap shots, really appreciate them all. gfy. You know who you are.

Vic and JB are playing typical Vic and JB games. Whether thats a good thing or not is to be determined. This is not a defense of them, its scummy play, but its typical from them even when they are innocent.

AVM and slats are standing out to me as potential newbie mafia. Both of them are playing differently. Slats was all business last game and didnt get into the silliness that takes place. He was doing more figuring out than questioning and this game he seems to be doing the opposite. AVM's suspicious play has been beaten up and I liked his defense...for the most part.

I'm not changing my vote on slats.

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Slats was all business last game and didnt get into the silliness that takes place. He was doing more figuring out than questioning and this game he seems to be doing the opposite. AVM's suspicious play has been beaten up and I liked his defense...for the most part.

I'm not changing my vote on slats.

Not much solid info to do any figuring on. What can we really do day one but probe around?

Should I live, I promise to do some more serious figuring once we have a couple lynch votes, NK's, and reveals to work from.

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Sorry fellas, long night. Just got a chance to catch up. Thanks for all the cheap shots, really appreciate them all. gfy. You know who you are.

Vic and JB are playing typical Vic and JB games. Whether thats a good thing or not is to be determined. This is not a defense of them, its scummy play, but its typical from them even when they are innocent.

AVM and slats are standing out to me as potential newbie mafia. Both of them are playing differently. Slats was all business last game and didnt get into the silliness that takes place. He was doing more figuring out than questioning and this game he seems to be doing the opposite. AVM's suspicious play has been beaten up and I liked his defense...for the most part.

I'm not changing my vote on slats.

Everyone keeps saying this, but this reasoning bothers me. I don't think JB should be given a free pass just because she always acts scummy. I think if you're innocent, it's your responsibility to not act scummy. As far as I can tell, scummy behavior as an innocent only serves as a great cover when you're actually scum, but doesn't help the town at all if you're innocent. Definitely not right from the start, at least. (As JiF explained his behavior at the end of the last game as an attempt to keep himself from getting NKed that night.) I don't see the point of acting this way from the beginning, though, and I think we certainly need to pay attention to people who are able to get away with scummy behavior simply because they act scummy no matter what. For this reason, I see her as a threat.

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I don't think JB should be given a free pass just because she always acts scummy.

Agreed. In the first two games, she was quickly lynched and turned out to be innocent.

In the last game, I know I took that into consideration when thinking she might be scum - only to have it turn out that she was! The "she always appears scummy" thing could just be excellent cover.

The disappearing act continues to be problematic. How bad does she really want to play?

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Agreed. In the first two games, she was quickly lynched and turned out to be innocent.

In the last game, I know I took that into consideration when thinking she might be scum - only to have it turn out that she was! The "she always appears scummy" thing could just be excellent cover.

The disappearing act continues to be problematic. How bad does she really want to play?

There is a lot about her play I dont like, but its consistent. At least you know what you are getting. It really hasnt worked in her favor, you would think she would change her play to avoid something similar if she was scum.

Thats why I'm not ready to vote her or Vic for that matter.

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Sorry fellas, long night. Just got a chance to catch up. Thanks for all the cheap shots, really appreciate them all. gfy. You know who you are.

Vic and JB are playing typical Vic and JB games. Whether thats a good thing or not is to be determined. This is not a defense of them, its scummy play, but its typical from them even when they are innocent.

AVM and slats are standing out to me as potential newbie mafia. Both of them are playing differently. Slats was all business last game and didnt get into the silliness that takes place. He was doing more figuring out than questioning and this game he seems to be doing the opposite. AVM's suspicious play has been beaten up and I liked his defense...for the most part.

I'm not changing my vote on slats.

Now that this cat is out of the bag, this is what I was referring to earlier. I wanted to give slats the benefit of the doubt as he's proven to be a strong town player and it's a little too early to call it a trend yet, but now he's sure to adjust..

In my mind it's not just about being about all "business". Last game almost nobody thought slats was scum. The reason why was that it was blatantly evident in almost everyone of his posts that he was trying to solve a puzzle. This game I haven't seen any of that out of him, and I'm betting that's because he doesn't have a puzzle to solve this time out (btw, this is how JVOR should've been caught last game)

I'm with the fruit.. (god help me)


vote Slats

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Agreed. In the first two games, she was quickly lynched and turned out to be innocent.

In the last game, I know I took that into consideration when thinking she might be scum - only to have it turn out that she was! The "she always appears scummy" thing could just be excellent cover.

The disappearing act continues to be problematic. How bad does she really want to play?

Right. And I don't think it should be on us to read her mind and figure out if this time her scummy behavior means she's innocent again, versus last time when her scummy behavior meant she was scum, versus the time before that when her scummy behavior meant she was innocent. If you're innocent, stop acting scummy! We reward scummy behavior by lynching you. :D

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Agreed. In the first two games, she was quickly lynched and turned out to be innocent.

In the last game, I know I took that into consideration when thinking she might be scum - only to have it turn out that she was! The "she always appears scummy" thing could just be excellent cover.

The disappearing act continues to be problematic. How bad does she really want to play?

Vote: Jets Babe

Always playing scummy is not excellent cover because even if she is an innocent she isn't that much help to the town.

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Now that this cat is out of the bag, this is what I was referring to earlier. I wanted to give slats the benefit of the doubt as he's proven to be a strong town player and it's a little too early to call it a trend yet, but now he's sure to adjust..

In my mind it's not just about being about all "business". Last game almost nobody thought slats was scum. The reason why was that it was blatantly evident in almost everyone of his posts that he was trying to solve a puzzle. This game I haven't seen any of that out of him, and I'm betting that's because he doesn't have a puzzle to solve this time out (btw, this is how JVOR should've been caught last game)

I'm with the fruit.. (god help me)


vote Slats

Hmmm, I'm not sure what I think of this. It's very, very early in the game. Is this really a big departure from the way he played at the beginning of the last game? I'm not certain what kind of puzzle he could possibly be solving at this point, based on the very scant information we have.

I'm going to go back and read some of his earlier posts from the last game ...

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I am also ok with lynching Jets Babe, I think she'll flip innocent and if she does, that makes me think we have some scum going for low hanging fruit..

If she's guilty, those same folks (including slats) will appear more innocent

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I am also ok with lynching Jets Babe, I think she'll flip innocent and if she does, that makes me think we have some scum going for low hanging fruit..

If she's guilty, those same folks (including slats) will appear more innocent

Low hanging fuit? Always so ghey.

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