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They went with Hal Jordan? They always go with Hal Jordan. I would have rather them went with anyone else. I would have been happier with Killowog. Especially with this Hal Jordon collecting rings and becoming the rainbow lantern.

In honor of ComicCon I just posted a typical annoying comic fanboy rant. I hope it was up to ComicCon standards as I am not really a big DC fan I wasn't sure how to approach it. I was going to call Batman a "Mary Sue" but decided to go with the Green Lantern rant.


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I don't want to stir the pot but I think this is going to be a copyright lawsuit.

Thats the exactly the same as the tatoo on Vics ass.

How long have you and Vic been dating? Crazy kids. :winking0001:

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How long have you and Vic been dating? Crazy kids. :winking0001:

Dating? What the hell does dating have to do with seeing someones ass? His wife is teaching me Japenese so I can enjoy gay Japanese anime. Vic just happen to walk by wearing assless chaps. One of those things.

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