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JN Mafia Thread: Superheroes Unite!

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Everyone pile on slats. Pile on Arsis. Do something... Arsis is bored and restless and has been awake for days. InsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomniaInsomnia

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And you suck at this game and are a tremendous douche.

If you and LAout are indeed telling the truth it doesn't mean that you aren't scum or that he isn't scum.

Not to mention that all the powers seem to have something to do with the character. So if your power is to absorb other's powers, you would be either Rogue or Peter Petrelli. Is Rogue significant enough to be in this game? Would Peter Petrelli be in this game considering he is not a comic book character?

If characters from the TV show hero are in the game you could by Sylar. That would give you the power to absorb others powers and be scum and a giant douchnozzle.

But since you claim to be a good guy, I'll play along for a second because there seems to be a question that no one has aksed.

When can you use your power? Do you have to submit it as a night action?

You gonna answer me Pac or are you waiting for Chan to tell you what to say?

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Ok... Guys... Kill me.

Worst case scenario, we are down 10-6 right now.

I die: 9-6

Innocent dies at night: 8-6

Vig Kill CTM/LaOut/Pac: 8-5

Lynch 1 of 2 remaining 8-4

Innocent death at night: 7-4

Lynch last of 3: 7-3

Innocent death at night: 6-3

At this point, we know Arsis is in question, but still must remain until the end.

It should become clear who is innocent left, there will be 2+ potentially arsis.

As I said, either kill one of the big 3, or kill me... you guys decide, but anything else is a mistake...

But, if you decide to kill me, then you goddamn better follow through with this strategy no matter what, or you just threw the game in the garbage.

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Depends on the player's powers. If I were to assign an absorption role, i'd consider it an instantaneous absorption. i.e. able to use it right away. Though i'm not answering your second question. Sucks, but you have to figure it on your own.

Pac, you forgot to bold this part.

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Ok... Guys... Kill me.

Worst case scenario, we are down 10-6 right now.

I die: 9-6

Innocent dies at night: 8-6

Vig Kill CTM/LaOut/Pac: 8-5

Lynch 1 of 2 remaining 8-4

Innocent death at night: 7-4

Lynch last of 3: 7-3

Innocent death at night: 6-3

At this point, we know Arsis is in question, but still must remain until the end.

It should become clear who is innocent left, there will be 2+ potentially arsis.

As I said, either kill one of the big 3, or kill me... you guys decide, but anything else is a mistake...

But, if you decide to kill me, then you goddamn better follow through with this strategy no matter what, or you just threw the game in the garbage.

How long in between Mafia games? A week or two? Unvote: Slats even though he still has that evil avatar. Vote: EY


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Ok... Guys... Kill me.

Worst case scenario, we are down 10-6 right now.

I die: 9-6

Innocent dies at night: 8-6

Vig Kill CTM/LaOut/Pac: 8-5

Lynch 1 of 2 remaining 8-4

Innocent death at night: 7-4

Lynch last of 3: 7-3

Innocent death at night: 6-3

At this point, we know Arsis is in question, but still must remain until the end.

It should become clear who is innocent left, there will be 2+ potentially arsis.

As I said, either kill one of the big 3, or kill me... you guys decide, but anything else is a mistake...

But, if you decide to kill me, then you goddamn better follow through with this strategy no matter what, or you just threw the game in the garbage.


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Do me a favor.

Kill CTM, Pac, or LaOut...

Or kill me...

Voting anyone else is a waste of your time right now.

Bull crap..

Again, why is lynching crusher (the current vote leader) a waste of time? Why the extreme need to box in kills to your favorites or yourself? I personally think the way both trains stalled at 4-5, it's a great chance one of the two are scum and I'm pretty confident in Pac right now. And if your so worried that Arsis is that much of a game changer, the vig should shoot him now so we can end that question..

You seem to think that there's resolution to be found, and right now, the only hard ties we have it between La Out and Pac (i think there's a very good chance that they are either both innocent or both guilty). So if you are looking to tie multiple players together, you should be pushing LaOut as the safer lynch to vet Pac.

I juts don't understand what the urgnecy is all the sudden, or why you want to restrict ourselves to 25% of the remaining players

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Bull crap..

Again, why is lynching crusher (the current vote leader) a waste of time?

Everything else after this is irrelevant...

Remember the BG's Jets game. Scum (pac and I alone) tried to avoid settling the biggest conflict because it bought them time to keep killing, and the later the decision was made, the harder it was to make. That's exactly what Pac and I were trying to do as scum.

We settle this now.

Those who remember that game, please remember it was a scum tactic to delay settling the big decision because they knew that once that happened, they'd be outed. So they... I... dragged it out as long as possible.

And, my guess is Crusher's going to come up with a reveal a lot more genuine than the BS you concocted, you'll have to get him there without my support.

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How long in between Mafia games? A week or two? Unvote: Slats even though he still has that evil avatar. Vote: EY


As long as the vig acts, and you lynch one of the 3 tomorrow... I'm in.

Vote: EY

Btw, you're scum too. You're style has 100% changed.

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Everything else after this is irrelevant...

Remember the BG's Jets game. Scum (pac and I alone) tried to avoid settling the biggest conflict because it bought them time to keep killing, and the later the decision was made, the harder it was to make. That's exactly what Pac and I were trying to do as scum.

We settle this now.

Those who remember that game, please remember it was a scum tactic to delay settling the big decision because they knew that once that happened, they'd be outed. So they... I... dragged it out as long as possible.

And, my guess is Crusher's going to come up with a reveal a lot more genuine than the BS you concocted, you'll have to get him there without my support.

The BG game was heading towards that cause you two were on the opposite side of me, I was unkillable as the doctor and the three of us all have an onging mafia fued..

And btw, I felt it too, as an innocent, and I also delayed it till I knew I would have as much people on my side as possible..

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This game is all over the place. I'm not even sure what to think anymore. It seems like every time comes under suspicion, moments later they make a claim to how they are "confirmed" innocents. Hate to break it to you all, but there just can't be that many confirmed innocents, unless it just so happens that every single mafia member has gone completely unquestioned so far this game. Pac is still a big question, the role absorption thing sounds fishy (as funny as it is, the Peter Petrelli comparison is a good one). At what point does it seem that this town has way too much power? Especially since we've seen nothing out of the scum yet aside from your standard night kill? I would bet good money that at least one of the top targets out there, we've got to have at least one scum there. Things have just spiraled out of control way too much and there wouldn't be so much struggle if all the scum had to do was help us choose between a group of innocents.

I have to figure out who I'm voting for, but regardless of what we're hearing, I still don't feel too good about a lot of these "cleared" folks.

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The BG game was heading towards that cause you two were on the opposite side of me, I was unkillable as the doctor and the three of us all have an onging mafia fued..

And btw, I felt it too, as an innocent, and I also delayed it till I knew I would have as much people on my side as possible..

And that was your mistake.

We did as well as we could considering we lost 1/3 of our team to NK night 1. We got it down to a WIFOM call from Jets Things, the SK, and he chose to let you win.

It's in Doggin's signature. "The cerebral move would have been to settle this two days ago" or something to that affect.

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As long as the vig acts, and you lynch one of the 3 tomorrow... I'm in.

Vote: EY

Btw, you're scum too. You're style has 100% changed.

No it hasn't. Arsis is getting impatient. Trust me, get a train going on Pac or Laout and I would join it. Arsis figures he gets offed by the vig anyway. So we can both laugh about it when we are dead tomorrow and it is 9-5 mafia.

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This game is all over the place. I'm not even sure what to think anymore. It seems like every time comes under suspicion, moments later they make a claim to how they are "confirmed" innocents. Hate to break it to you all, but there just can't be that many confirmed innocents, unless it just so happens that every single mafia member has gone completely unquestioned so far this game. Pac is still a big question, the role absorption thing sounds fishy (as funny as it is, the Peter Petrelli comparison is a good one). At what point does it seem that this town has way too much power? Especially since we've seen nothing out of the scum yet aside from your standard night kill? I would bet good money that at least one of the top targets out there, we've got to have at least one scum there. Things have just spiraled out of control way too much and there wouldn't be so much struggle if all the scum had to do was help us choose between a group of innocents.

I have to figure out who I'm voting for, but regardless of what we're hearing, I still don't feel too good about a lot of these "cleared" folks.

BG we've seen an attempt at a kill during the day and also an "injection of sereum".

I'm not ready to buy 100% into that shot being taken by a Vig.

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No it hasn't. Arsis is getting impatient. Trust me, get a train going on Pac or Laout and I would join it. Arsis figures he gets offed by the vig anyway. So we can both laugh about it when we are dead tomorrow and it is 9-5 mafia.

My vote is still there.

Just like in the NY Jets Game.

You've got one player, 'then pac/now pac' creating a fake reveal and another player 'then me/now ctm' trying to delay the resolution to the conflict.

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And that was your mistake.

We did as well as we could considering we lost 1/3 of our team to NK night 1. We got it down to a WIFOM call from Jets Things, the SK, and he chose to let you win.

It's in Doggin's signature. "The cerebral move would have been to settle this two days ago" or something to that affect.

If you remember correctly, at that point everone believed Pac, so I had no chance. My mistake was the no lynch day, which it seemed to me that Vic was going to get killed so I choose a no lynch over this

The other game, Jif and Pac fought like dogs, the big confrontation was delayed and they both ended up innocent..

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If you remember correctly, at that point everone believed Pac, so I had no chance. My mistake was the no lynch day, which it seemed to me that Vic was going to get killed so I choose a no lynch over this

The other game, Jif and Pac fought like dogs, the big confrontation was delayed and they both ended up innocent..

Yes, they did, it was well played.

However, the smart move was to kill Vic then... sacrifice the real cop, and pac would have been NK'd by the serial, leaving me for lynch the following day. I'd have had no defense.

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My vote is still there.

Just like in the NY Jets Game.

You've got one player, 'then pac/now pac' creating a fake reveal and another player 'then me/now ctm' trying to delay the resolution to the conflict.

Of course the huge differnce being that there aren't competing cop claims in this game

This is starting to reek of Jvor's trying to compare apples and oranges in the alts game where I got the quick lynch

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We've also seen a townie go down with 10 votes instead of 11...

my point is to say all we've seen is a "standard NK" is a gross understatement. Frankly I was kind of surprised to see you say that.

The vote thing I completely forgot about, which is obviously my mistake. Beyond that I still feel as though the shot that took place yesterday was a vig shot. It doesn't make sense that scum would wait that long to take a shot yesterday or that one hasn't been taken today. And we already know for a fact that there were townies with the ability to survive a kill attempt, so that fits in to how things played out with that attack as well.

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Of course the huge differnce being that there aren't competing cop claims in this game

This is starting to reek of Jvor's trying to compare apples and oranges in the alts game where I got the quick lynch

No... but there are clearly guys on opposite sides of the spectrum here, one of which are in the right, one of which are in the wrong. You're horrified of people listening to me know because you've built your foundation on one big lie, and either I'm scum, and on a kamikaze mission, or you are, and the whole house of cards comes crumbling down at once.

There is 0 chance we are all innocent. You know that.

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The vote thing I completely forgot about, which is obviously my mistake. Beyond that I still feel as though the shot that took place yesterday was a vig shot. It doesn't make sense that scum would wait that long to take a shot yesterday or that one hasn't been taken today. And we already know for a fact that there were townies with the ability to survive a kill attempt, so that fits in to how things played out with that attack as well.

And the serum?

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No... but there are clearly guys on opposite sides of the spectrum here, one of which are in the right, one of which are in the wrong. You're horrified of people listening to me know because you've built your foundation on one big lie, and either I'm scum, and on a kamikaze mission, or you are, and the whole house of cards comes crumbling down at once.

There is 0 chance we are all innocent. You know that.

I'm convinced about LAout but certainly not CTM.... It's possible both of you are scum and are staging this fight so whoever lives gets a free pass till the end.

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No... but there are clearly guys on opposite sides of the spectrum here, one of which are in the right, one of which are in the wrong. You're horrified of people listening to me know because you've built your foundation on one big lie, and either I'm scum, and on a kamikaze mission, or you are, and the whole house of cards comes crumbling down at once.

There is 0 chance we are all innocent. You know that.

Wait, why am I on a kamikazee mission? You're the only one going kamikazee here. I've been steady almost all day with vote 4 Crusher..

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