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The difference between the Red Sox and the Yankees


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The Yankees are playing a weak team from the Central at home. The Red Sox are playing a very good Angels team on the road.

Also about 70 to 80 million dollars. Not sayin', just sayin'.

Going to the money card a little early, just saying. For all the payroll in the world, Robertson won that game last night. Just saying again.

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Going to the money card a little early, just saying. For all the payroll in the world, Robertson won that game last night. Just saying again.

I was just poking a little fun. In all truth, the difference betwene the Sox and the Yankees right now is Mark Teixera. Plain and simple.

And Bob, I still believe that if the Red Sox were playing the Twins you'd be seeing the Red Sox up 2-0, especially at Fenway. The Angels are a very good team, make no mistake about it. Minnesota isn't on the same level as the other three teams. They don't have the starting pitching to keep up. Even with Morneau I think they'd be struggling in the playoffs. Let's not forget it took an epic choke by the Tigers, who were beaten heartily by both the Yanks and Sox this season as well. The Central teams just aren't as good.

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Going to the money card a little early, just saying. For all the payroll in the world, Robertson won that game last night. Just saying again.

What other card is there in the MLB? It's what makes it unwatchable for most years in small markets. May as well not even have a regular season and just stick the tired old money teams in to duke it out...oh...and throw a random in there once in a while; Rays, Brewers, Astros, Rockies, Twins, Indians. You know, to keep it fresh.

What i don't get, is what's the fun in watching a team that should, by all counts, win without too much trouble (yankees). I mean, if they lose, you feel like they failed you, if they win, well...they're supposed to win. Where's the excitement?

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What other card is there in the MLB? It's what makes it unwatchable for most years in small markets. May as well not even have a regular season and just stick the tired old money teams in to duke it out...oh...and throw a random in there once in a while; Rays, Brewers, Astros, Rockies, Twins, Indians. You know, to keep it fresh.

What i don't get, is what's the fun in watching a team that should, by all counts, win without too much trouble (yankees). I mean, if they lose, you feel like they failed you, if they win, well...they're supposed to win. Where's the excitement?

Hey go tell it to the Commish. I am all for a salary cap. You don't think Yankee fans could go for everything being a little cheaper? Check my thread, it cost me $250 to take my son to a game two weeks ago, for so-so seats.

That being said there is a difference between someone in a small market city playing the money card and someone in Boston doing it. Big difference.

Also money doesn't guarantee that you will win it all. The Yankees have a lot of payroll tied up in guys that won 4 rings that were drafted and came up through the farm system. They also have pretty good bullpen that is homegrown and inexpensive.

Yes they have high priced guys but that alone guarantees nothing. Oh and it is exciting as hell watching this team play! :-P

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The Yankees are playing a weak team from the Central at home. The Red Sox are playing a very good Angels team on the road.

Also about 70 to 80 million dollars. Not sayin', just sayin'.

Considering last year's world series (and hell, most of the recent ones), 70-80 million is pretty much nothing.

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The Yankees are playing a weak team from the Central at home. The Red Sox are playing a very good Angels team on the road.

There are consequences when you fail to win the division. The Red Sox would of played the Twins if they didn't have a worse record than the AL East Champion Yankees.

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Minnesota came from behind to win their division with solid baseball in all areas. Boston backed into the playoffs as a second-place team.

It was not true all season, but right now, Twins > Red Sox.

Ignoring the fact that Boston won 9 more regular season games in a by far tougher division, the Sox are this season's example of what is wrong with the baseball economic system.

If the Twins had any of the probelms Boston had with (their 1-4 starters, their biggest bat hitting below the Mendoza line for two months and a 200 percent drop in OPs over the last two seasons), they would have been closer to the Royals then the Tigers.

Cash covers a lot of flaws.

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