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Yeah, that didn't really fly over there. Consider the only times I've ever come close to being banned were for trashing you the day you become a mod and for a few choice words I had for a certain site owner after he completely dicked me over during our last financial transaction.

I wasn't going to ban you. It was a different humorless prick.

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Not even close dude. SBIII is way worse..lol..he almost had somebody banned over at JI over this gif Panzer made

I wasn't referring to the hissy fit specifically...

Early-20's? Check.

Corpulent? Check.

Keen eye for authentic jerseys? Check.

Spend money on unecessary items as if they have a 7-figure income? Check.

Repeatedly threaten to leave Jets message board for good? Check.

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Why should he?

I hope they get blacked out so that the "real" fans who sit on their asses at home can bitch and moan while I enjoy the win in person.

F the people who refuse to pony up the cash. F 'em.

Its one thing if you can't afford it, its another thing if you just won't do it.

wait, a few months ago the real fans were the ones who got squeezed out and couldn't afford the psl, the working class guy. And now after your parents give you access to your communion money to buy a psl the real fans are the ones who made the sacrifice and bought a psl?

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and who is he kidding actually accusing you of running anywhere, lolz

Bastard. :-P

Anytime you want to do a TailgateJoe vs Mr. JetNation race you just say the word. You pick the distance. I am on the wrong side of 40 and I won't even ask for odds. :winking0001: But the running line was a good one!

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Bastard. :-P

Anytime you want to do a TailgateJoe vs Mr. JetNation race you just say the word. You pick the distance. I am on the wrong side of 40 and I won't even ask for odds. :winking0001: But the running line was a good one!



You guys set up the race and I'll take care of the particulars!

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Bastard. :-P

Anytime you want to do a TailgateJoe vs Mr. JetNation race you just say the word. You pick the distance. I am on the wrong side of 40 and I won't even ask for odds. :winking0001: But the running line was a good one!

i'll handicap it by actually running backwards, how about that?

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i'll handicap it by actually running backwards, how about that?

I will take that. I know I could beat you in a race if I was running forward and you were running backwards. I could also beat you in a race if we were both running forward. So although I would take odds (handicap) they certainly wouldn't be required.

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Why should he?

I hope they get blacked out so that the "real" fans who sit on their asses at home can bitch and moan while I enjoy the win in person.

F the people who refuse to pony up the cash. F 'em.

Its one thing if you can't afford it, its another thing if you just won't do it.

So, to be a "real" fan, you have to be financially irresponsible?

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What would a blackout do except make the people on the fence say "well, I'm not missing any games so I'm gonna buy seats"?

My guess more people would just stop watching before they financially tanked themselves.

I like to shave, but if razor blades started costing $100 each, I'd have a beard.

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Never did I say that you aren't a real fan if you don't purchase a PSL.


You fail.

You may think I didn't make a sound financial decision, but that is your opinion. I'm fairly certain I come from a better background when it comes to finances. But, what have you.

Maybe you should **** off and die, Phil. You stupid religious dumb **** bastard. :)

This board has run its course and so have you. It is pathetic, sir.

You don't have to ban me because I'm leaving.

You truly turned into an ******* from a good guy. A grade a ****ing ahole. Enjoy it. You became what you left 5 years ago.

Guess I should have read this before responding to him. :bag:

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F#ck Woody.

F#ck the Jets.

F#ck the NFL.

I dont care if i never see another Jets game live or on TV. This team, league and owner have completely sucked all the passion and excitement I had out of me.

I used to drive 4 f#cking hours each way 10 times a year for 8 years to watch this team... and most years they were awful and embarrassing. But I went. Now... f#ck them. I hope they're blacked out. I hope fans become Giants fans. I hope Woody, Goodell and the entire NFL falls flat on their face.

I almost didnt move to Massachusetts 8 years ago because of how much I loved the Jets and going to games. Imagine that, a fan who needed to move but almost didnt because of his team now is bitter and disillusioned. I never imagined my life without watching my Mets every night, my Jets every sunday. Now? Meh.

I think you should be thanking Woody for giving you your life back. It sounds like being able to afford season tickets was sucking the life out of you.

It may be that cheap season tickets that people felt they had to renew or lose kept many thousands of Jets fans from spending time with their families and actually enjoying their Sundays.

You sound like an ex junkie, alcholic or chronic gambler who has finally been forced to stare down his addiction and see it for what it really is. The NFL is a 10 step program away from derailing the gravy train.

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I think you should be thanking Woody for giving you your life back. It sounds like being able to afford season tickets was sucking the life out of you.

It may be that cheap season tickets that people felt they had to renew or lose kept many thousands of Jets fans from spending time with their families and actually enjoying their Sundays.

You sound like an ex junkie, alcholic or chronic gambler who has finally been forced to stare down his addiction and see it for what it really is. The NFL is a 10 step program away from derailing the gravy train.


maybe you're right.... The sun shines brighter now. The flowers smell better. And my chest pains have all but disappeared. but now I am forced to spend time with the people I "love" and no longer have the excuse to disappear for a day or 2 when life is getting out of control.

Thanks for bringing it into perspective for me. :D

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maybe you're right.... The sun shines brighter now. The flowers smell better. And my chest pains have all but disappeared. but now I am forced to spend time with the people I "love" and no longer have the excuse to disappear for a day or 2 when life is getting out of control.

Thanks for bringing it into perspective for me. :D

Think of yourself as one of the lucky ones to finally see your addiction for what it was. The track marks are going to heel, the Monday morning bags under the eyes are going to disappear. You may find yourself yielding to someone at the Super Market parking lot rather than giving them the finger and yelling obscenities out loud to no one in particular like some kind of schizophrenic lunatic. Think of the poor schmucks who are going to fork over 20K and be committed for 20 plus years shelling out for 10 tickets every single year. They are the football equivalent of crack ho's.

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maybe you're right.... The sun shines brighter now. The flowers smell better. And my chest pains have all but disappeared. but now I am forced to spend time with the people I "love" and no longer have the excuse to disappear for a day or 2 when life is getting out of control.

Thanks for bringing it into perspective for me. :D

But what happens when you actually start spending time with your wife on sundays, you find out you don't like her?

Some things are best left unknown

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