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Please give blood


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I gave last month.

Im a guy who only drinks one beer in an evening, so the day I give blood is always extra special. :cheers:

The day of the last drive, I had to go to a cub scout meeting. By the time I could get home my stupid marrow had done its job and ruined everything.

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I'm A Negative. Kind of fitting actually. LOL!

Anyway, Jeto, I win! ;)

B Negative was the pun, duh.

You win, hah, never!

EDIT: I think it's something crazy like only 2% of the world population, yet there's two of us so far.



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the new york blood center is cutting their rewards program severely

just received a letter from them basically saying they don't want to give out much anymore, so points are being reduced a lot and they'll confiscate them if you're inactive, etc. This is being implemented in June.

I've never cashed out my points, but I do have a lot. I'll donate maybe twice before the change if I can, and then cash out

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They're squeamish/frail/dehydrated or something like that? I don't pass out, but I can certainly understand why others would.

Well from my experience, they give you food and water before. Honestly, I didn't even feel slightly dizzy or anything after I gave blood, and went to football practice like 30 minutes later. And this was when I was only 185, so it wasn't that I was a gargantuan.

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I would give blood, but I haven't been allowed to the past 2 years cause of surgery (they have a rule or something that won't let me). Never understood how some people have passed out from giving blood, though.

I have two strikes against me. I had Hodgkin's disease in my 20s while living in a Mad Cow area for a long time.

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I would give blood, but I haven't been allowed to the past 2 years cause of surgery (they have a rule or something that won't let me). Never understood how some people have passed out from giving blood, though.

A bad blood tech can lead to serious queasiness.

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You have me beat by more than a hundred pounds already, so that's probably why I can more easily relate with the queasy people, haha.

Yeah, I've gone up and down these past few years (low of 185, high of 275), but once I tore 2 ACLs and realized I now wasn't fast enough to play MLB, and I had to play OL, I bulked up. Gonna try and get to 300 :D

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