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Steelers / Bengals game


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Roethlisberger is far from great in my mind. He stilll hasn't proven anything to me.

How the hell can you make a stupid comment like that? :shock:

All the guy does is make clutch plays, doesn't make mistakes and friggn' wins.

What else do you want from your QB?

But then again, you thought that Nugent was a good 2nd round draft pick. :shock:

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As opposed to Pennington, Rothlisberger usuually is on the field rather than on the sidelines. When it's all said and done, he'll have missed 26 of 48 games over the last 3 seasons. A QB in a cast and a baseball cap doesn't do anyone any good.

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Well StillerPaul, wherever you are, I have returned to this thread to eat crow. The Steelers proved again why they are one of the most well-run organizations in the game, and although Big Ben didn't look great (without a doubt making 124 very happy), they pulled out with a win, and put themselves right back on Cincy's heels for the division. Huge win for you guys on the road.

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Once again it was the D and the Running game.

But hey I'm here to eat crow cause the Steelers won it and won it by 2 TD's.

Big Ben, once again, had very few pass atempts. But ya gotta give him his props, HE MADE EM' COUNT. He totally outclassed Palmer today and once again showed him how to manage a football game. If only that 50 yard dart he threw to Hines Ward would've been completed i'd have a much better case for Ben being the better QB, that was a great throw. But the gameplan was clear as a bell, pound the Bengal weak front 7 into submission and it worked to a tee. I don't know why you hate Ben so much, all the guy does is what's expected of him, WIN games. :)

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Congrats on the win StillerPaul. I watched this one and really enjoyed it...seeing Willie break one off for that TD was great!!

Heath Miller is a good TE too, glad to see him get involved in that offense.

BTW, I loved HInes Ward doing the Chad Johnson dance in the end zone!! Hillarious.

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Congrats on the win StillerPaul. I watched this one and really enjoyed it...seeing Willie break one off for that TD was great!!

Heath Miller is a good TE too, glad to see him get involved in that offense.

BTW, I loved HInes Ward doing the Chad Johnson dance in the end zone!! Hillarious.

Thanks again buddy. I'll admit that i was pretty damn hard on the Steelers when we drafted Heath. :oops:

We hardly ever threw to the TE in the past, this is all new to me. In fact, i always thought that TE meant "tackle eligible". :lol:

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9-14, 96 yards, 2 TD, INT

He did NOTHING to help this team win this game. NOTHING. I don't care if you want to say that he wins, even though he doesn't because it is the Running game and Defense that does, he does nothing.

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9-14, 96 yards, 2 TD, INT

He did NOTHING to help this team win this game. NOTHING. I don't care if you want to say that he wins, even though he doesn't because it is the Running game and Defense that does, he does nothing.

He managed the game and made the throws when needed. This game has not been an indication of our offensice gameplans BTW, either. This particular game called for smashmouth football.

Oh, BTW, Carson sure looked pretty out there throwing the ball 30 some times huh? :roll:

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He managed the game and made the throws when needed. This game has not been an indication of our offensice gameplans BTW, either. This particular game called for smashmouth football.

Oh, BTW, Carson sure looked pretty out there throwing the ball 30 some times huh? :roll:

I'd take Carson over Roethlisberger anyday as long as I wasn't making a franchise based on 45 runs and 15 passes a game.

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I'd take Carson over Roethlisberger anyday as long as I wasn't making a franchise based on 45 runs and 15 passes a game.

:roll: This debate is getting us nowhere. Now, what exactly did you see in Carson today that Ben doesn't possess? Once again, Ben cannot help it if he only gets so many passes per game. It's a team game and it's not all about one guy's stats. If ya wanna look at stats, perhaps the most telling is the QB rating, it guages how well your QB manages the game and is a good indicator of his mental makeup.

Lets say you swith Ben and Carson around. Carson only gets 15 throws a game, but his team consistantly wins. Then lets say that Ben gets 30 - 40 passes a game (which Carson gets). Now, Bens rating projected to 30 passes a game would drop significantly? Possible but NOT likely. Why? Because they are what they are. If Ben was this horrible QB you make him out to be, surely his rating wouldn't be tops in the league, right?

Try and dispute these points (you must have FACTS to dispute em').

Arm Strength - Carson can throw the ball a few yards longer, both QB's have completed their share of long balls. But is it really needed to win games?

Pocket presence and awareness - Ben wins hands down (Carson is not even close)

TD pass to INT ratio - Ben, once again.

Mobility - Ben in a landslide

Downfield vision - I give Ben that advantage as well. Carson still tries to force more throws at times (see one of his INT's today).

Carson is a very good young QB and so is Ben. But Ben is definately the better decision maker and ALOT better under pressure.

Need more evidence? Tommy Maddox was our starting QB last week. Even you have to admit that if Ben played, we win that game hands down. I'm not so sure Carson would win a game like that. Carson hasn't shown the ability to bounce back after mistakes too, Ben has. Did you not see the "deer in the headlights" look Carson was sporting today?

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:roll: This debate is getting us nowhere. Now, what exactly did you see in Carson today that Ben doesn't possess? Once again, Ben cannot help it if he only gets so many passes per game. It's a team game and it's not all about one guy's stats. If ya wanna look at stats, perhaps the most telling is the QB rating, it guages how well your QB manages the game and is a good indicator of his mental makeup.

Lets say you swith Ben and Carson around. Carson only gets 15 throws a game, but his team consistantly wins. Then lets say that Ben gets 30 - 40 passes a game (which Carson gets). Now, Bens rating projected to 30 passes a game would drop significantly? Possible but NOT likely. Why? Because they are what they are. If Ben was this horrible QB you make him out to be, surely his rating wouldn't be tops in the league, right?

Try and dispute these points (you must have FACTS to dispute em').

Arm Strength - Carson can throw the ball a few yards longer, both QB's have completed their share of long balls. But is it really needed to win games?

Pocket presence and awareness - Ben wins hands down (Carson is not even close)

TD pass to INT ratio - Ben, once again.

Mobility - Ben in a landslide

Downfield vision - I give Ben that advantage as well. Carson still tries to force more throws at times (see one of his INT's today).

Carson is a very good young QB and so is Ben. But Ben is definately the better decision maker and ALOT better under pressure.

Need more evidence? Tommy Maddox was our starting QB last week. Even you have to admit that if Ben played, we win that game hands down. I'm not so sure Carson would win a game like that. Carson hasn't shown the ability to bounce back after mistakes too, Ben has. Did you not see the "deer in the headlights" look Carson was sporting today?


StillerPaul, don't waste too much time with this guy. His resume includes the following:

1) dirty, homer Yankee fan

2) believed Nugent in rd 2 was a good pick

3) believed, until this season, that Pennington is a great QB

4) thought Ty Law would carry us to a Super Bowl

5) Picked the Packers to win it all last year (only after the Jets failed to make it there, of course)

6) Thought the Eagles would roll over the Pats in the SB last season

7) Thought we got "gipped" in both games against the Steelers

8 ) Was a believer that Hackett was always 100 % of the problem, not Herm

9) Thought Coles returning would make the Jet offense explosive

10) Thinks that great QB's are made by QB ratings and passing yardage, not wins.

11) Didn't pass his driver's test until about a month ago and already has been pulled over and received tickets

12) Is still in High School and is planning on attending either William Patterson (NJ) or Gonzaga (he'll never get in).

13) Typically makes at least one "punk" statement per day

14) Has the WORST taste in music of anyone I have ever met.

15) Will probably bitch and moan about me after he reads this post.

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As it turned out, Cinci and Marvin Lewis are not as ready for prime time as some would have you believe :wink:

Personally, I would take Roethlesberger at this stage over the young Carson.

He know how to manage a game, and he know how to win. That is a rarity for QB's his age.

I agree that Ben has more of the tools than Carson. He has the mobility, the size and better arm strength.

However, I just can't shake the fact that Carson Palmer has "IT". I don't know what it is about him, but he has so much poise back in the pocket and guys seem to look up to him to make the big play.

Plus, the Bengals offensive coordinator, according to Bengals fans, seems to be to have similar characteristics as Paul Hackett, and that never helps a young QB. Marvin Lewis's expertise is building defenses, not offenses. Bill Cowher always seems to produce solid QB's.

Right now, I think they're about equal. Both have strong supporting casts and have something about them that say they are both destined for greatness. The Bengals and Steelers, Palmer vs. Big Ben debate will be a debate that will rage on for years from now, methinks.

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