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PREDATOR Mafia Game Thread


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To those asking.. and all that jazz... I do/have been reading.. I just cannot keep those two straight. You'd think with all the stupid mistakes others have made in this game.. transposing two people with very similar initial handles wouldn't be the worst and you are right.. it isnt. You all again blindly believe whatever Lily spews out but I call cvs dmv and i'm suddenly the bad guy.

I did back off CTM because I didn't see the point in pursuing it at that juncture. It was closer to the deadline and I didn't have time to go back thru his posts. I'm about to go do that now. I didn't just totally back off.. I just stored it for the moment.

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Dawn breaks, revealing the carnage wrought over the night. Some of you are shell-shocked. Some of you are wounded. Sharrow's headless body rests over a tarp.

And yet, there is a feeling of exhileration as well. These things can be killed. All hope is not lost.



Your exhiliration is short lived as you look at the back of JiFs head and see the three tiny red points resting there...

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I'm trying to think this out in the post, so bear with me. These were the 7 who voted for me:

SMC (7) - BG, Barm, Shutout, Hess, Sharrow, JVoR, Brett

BG was scum, Barm and Shutout were shot at and essentially cleared, Sharrow is dead, and JVOR was a lynched townie.

That leaves Hess and Brett.

These are the 10 who voted for JVOR

JVoR (10) - Lily, CTM, JiF, I28, Nae, SMC, DanX, Pac, Crush, AVM

Lily, CTM, SMC, Pac, and Crush have been cleared.

That leaves JiF, 128, Nae, Dan X, and AVM. Adella never voted.

The question is, if there are 4 scum left where would they vote? Would 3 of them congregate on JVOR. Or would 2 go on me and stay clear of the JVOR lynch?

Vote: Hess

At least one of the scum has to be a player who is out there. It's either Hess or I28, or maybe even both. I'm going Hess.

If you were the center of the world I would agree but at that time it was between you and JVOR. My pick for you vs. JVOR was mostly on this post.

If you mention my name i'm going to defend and explain myself. I can easily float under the radar when I want, I just don't have the incentive to do that this game.

I thought he could of had a power role hence why I didn't hammer him even though it was sitting out there like a dead duck.

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Nae - she hasn't done much that I've taken notice of, and seems to be dwelling on the "I don't know the difference between read and whategver" defense. I do have a strong town read on Dan (not just cause she likes my funny) and trust following that vote if I have to.

JIF - you've voted twice in a half an hour. In a rush? I like the vote on Nae, but you seem opportunistic here.

CTM, SMC - I didn't buy your reveal or that dumb ****ing "deal" but I like how you've parlayed it into leading everyone around by their nose. Nobody else noticed all the steering coming from these two since last night? If we are too stupid to press either of these scummers after that retarded exhibit the other day, then I guess they deserve to win.

Lily - How have you stayed alive this long? You've gotten scummier each day, despite your "I killed Slats, now lets kill JVOR" awesomeness. How you revealed as Vig and made it through the night is beyond me. The scene did not say "A PREDATOR" so I have no doubt a vig made the kill... but I feel like you claimed vig, and we all bought it... and neither real vig (there are 2, look at DPRs scene) can speak up because they know they'll get killed right quick.

Vote Lily.

I have to go to that lunch I posted yesterday, its part of my interview process. I will be back later.

Try not to speed lynch, especially if its one of the trains JIF is jumping back and forth to... I'm not liking what I'm seeing there.

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And you just start running...it hits you that the first Predator was still stalking the camp...you remember those eyes.

Another scream comes, and you can tell whose it is.

You burst out into the clearing in time to see Sharrow with twin slashes across his chest, and Predator leaning in to deliver the coup de' grace'.

The blades take Sharrow's head clean off of his shoulders. The Predator grabs the head, shimmers, and is gone.


That sucks, I should have posted my list, was right on BG but he was playing too clean. Should have seen the writing on the wall that I was next. Gay that they miss on everybody but me.

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Whats even funnier is you can tell he got his inspiration from the popular stick man games I see my kids playing online. Very cool post.

No inspiration, just that all I can draw are stick figures, lol.

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JiF's head explodes in a cloud of red mist.


The screaming begins again, and it's a mind-bending repeat of last night, only this time, the sun is up.

JiF's body tumbles to the ground, blood coming from his neck like a fountain.

Another bloodcurtling scream, and you spin to see Adella trapped in a net, disapearring into the trees...

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Crap, with JiF now dead here's the UPDATED LIST. I think there's 4 Predators among this group (excluding the 7 potential clears)

1. Brett

2. I28

3. Adella

4. Hess

5. Nae

6. AVM

7. DanX

That gives us a better 50% chance to hit scum.

The fact that I28 wants to go after Lily because of the vig argument is ridiculous. It's completely clear based on everything that happened that there is NO VIGILANTE IN THE GAME. The soldiers have Predator weapons. Bleedin Green, a Predator, was killed by 2 soldiers with Predator weapons.

Hess and I28 were top on my list. Someone out front (rather than in the Shadows) is scum.

His going after someone not on the above list is scummy as hell considering we're on borrowed time because of day kills.

Unvote: Hess

Vote: I28

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A blade as long as her forearm appears in Adella's hand, cutting through the netting and spilling her out onto the ground. She rolls to the side, and springs back to her feet, knife held out in front of her...


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I28 unloads his sidearm into the trees above, following those eyes, knowing that they would come for him.

The gun empties after 9 rounds, and he tosses it aside.

I28 looks around the camp, and spots a weapon.

It is the multi-barreled, spinning machine gun. It is loaded, ready from where JiF was preparing it to travel.

I28 hefts it up to the trees and unloads.

The sound it makes is amazing, the devastation it wreaks beyond words. Daylight pours into the clearing as I28 clears a swath of foliage, and he is screaming the entire time.

Yellow blood spurts into the air, and another scream, much higher pitched tears through the mist.

It's camoflage fails, and the Predator is in view now, dancing as so many bullets rip through it's body.

It falls from the tree, and lands face first into the ground, dead.


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Wow, that's a great job! Two Predators down, 2 or 3 to go.

I think that clears I28 right? He was the one that killed Nae

Here's who's left:

1. Brett

2. Adella

3. Hess

4. AVM

5. DanX

Unvote: I28

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I28 unloads his sidearm into the trees above, following those eyes, knowing that they would come for him.

The gun empties after 9 rounds, and he tosses it aside.

I28 looks around the camp, and spots a weapon.

It is the multi-barreled, spinning machine gun. It is loaded, ready from where JiF was preparing it to travel.

I28 hefts it up to the trees and unloads.

The sound it makes is amazing, the devastation it wreaks beyond words. Daylight pours into the clearing as I28 clears a swath of foliage, and he is screaming the entire time.

Yellow blood spurts into the air, and another scream, much higher pitched tears through the mist.

It's camoflage fails, and the Predator is in view now, dancing as so many bullets rip through it's body.

It falls from the tree, and lands face first into the ground, dead.


Well thank god. CTM posts too damn much. I was only about 50 posts into his casing.

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Wow, that's a great job! Two Predators down, 2 or 3 to go.

I think that clears I28 right? He was the one that killed Nae

Here's who's left:

1. Brett

2. Adella

3. Hess

4. AVM

5. DanX

Unvote: I28

Unless one Predator flat out hasn't been taking shots, I think it's safe to say 2. I'm obviously going to say I'm clear, so that leaves me a 50/50 shot IF we assume they haven't taken shots at each other, which I don't quite put past them. Still feel like either way we're in pretty good shape.

I mentioned Dan some yesterday, but I can't really say I have a great case against her whatsoever. Brett survived some day 1 pressure, Adella has managed to be almost completely non-existent in the game (and yes, I know you had real stuff going on -- still haven't been around). My votes going on one of those two, and I'll go with brett for now.

vote: brett

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Wow, that's a great job! Two Predators down, 2 or 3 to go.

I think that clears I28 right? He was the one that killed Nae

Here's who's left:

1. Brett

2. Adella

3. Hess

4. AVM

5. DanX

Unvote: I28

Nice shot monkey..

vote Hess

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If we can exclude Adella from my previous list because of the attack, this narrows the last 2 (or 3?) scum to the following:

1. Brett

2. Hess

4. AVM

5. DanX

I'm going back to my previous vote (unfortunately before the day actually started--sorry for jumping the gun).

Vote: Hess

Someone out front has to be scum. If I28 is town based on him killing Nae, then that leaves Hess.

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I have to think they've attacked their own by this point, otherwise this will just be too easy

That's a possibility, but it's a gamble on their part. I believe they have a percentage limitation on their kill success. Thus, they may end up killing their own.

Plus, you have to balance the "too easy" part with the fact that the Predators have shown to have upward of EIGHT kill attempts in 2 phases. That's insane. Think about that. If the Predators were successful in each they could have wiped out half the players in a day & night phase.

Right now, I think it's safer to go after those on the list then go back to the others. Hess is the best scum candidate IMO.

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Quite a flurry of activity this morning. Based on your list SMC I don't really know where we should go first. I'd go with Hess because as you pointed out there's always one out in front, but my gut is telling me to vote Dan X.

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That's a possibility, but it's a gamble on their part. I believe they have a percentage limitation on their kill success. Thus, they may end up killing their own.

Plus, you have to balance the "too easy" part with the fact that the Predators have shown to have upward of EIGHT kill attempts in 2 phases. That's insane. Think about that. If the Predators were successful in each they could have wiped out half the players in a day & night phase.

Right now, I think it's safer to go after those on the list then go back to the others. Hess is the best scum candidate IMO.

I agree, but either they had some horrible roles or there's something else at play here. If we take this at face value they've basically confirmed most of the game at this point making it easy to hunt for them. THey should've kept shooting at the confirmed innocents.. I'm real curious to see the emchanics..

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Quite a flurry of activity this morning. Based on your list SMC I don't really know where we should go first. I'd go with Hess because as you pointed out there's always one out in front, but my gut is telling me to vote Dan X.

I can see that as well, Shutout.

That was quite ruthless of her to vote JVOR. But you have to note that she tried to jump back on my train at the end which Bleedin Green (HEAD SCUM) was leading that train.

It's something to consider.

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Current Vote Count:

Brett (2) - Barms, AVM

Hess (2) - CTM, SMC

Dan (1) - Shutout

With 13 players, it takes 7 to lynch.

My day has been free-kee as hell, so any help with the vote count is mucho appreciated.

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I agree, but either they had some horrible roles or there's something else at play here. If we take this at face value they've basically confirmed most of the game at this point making it easy to hunt for them. THey should've kept shooting at the confirmed innocents.. I'm real curious to see the emchanics..

I am as well.

Plus, I think it's simply a tradeoff. We've never seen a game where scum has an opportunity to kill so often. What is the tradeoff? The soldiers with weapons don't get the same number of kill attempts.

As an aside, maybe I'm paranoid, but I think it's in the town's best interest to speed up this vote so we can lynch our best guess at a Predator before there is another attack.

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I can see that as well, Shutout.

That was quite ruthless of her to vote JVOR. But you have to note that she tried to jump back on my train at the end which Bleedin Green (HEAD SCUM) was leading that train.

It's something to consider.

Yeah but I voted you too...I liked you better for scum than JVOR

If Hess is the direction we want to go in, I'll go there as well as we need to address those 4 and if that doesn't take care of the the predators, then we look back into the pool of people who have been shot at once.

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Yeah but I voted you too...I liked you better for scum than JVOR

If Hess is the direction we want to go in, I'll go there as well as we need to address those 4 and if that doesn't take care of the the predators, then we look back into the pool of people who have been shot at once.

I agree. And FU for voting for me. :D Lucky you're cleared.

Hess is the best move right now IMO.

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I am as well.

Plus, I think it's simply a tradeoff. We've never seen a game where scum has an opportunity to kill so often. What is the tradeoff? The soldiers with weapons don't get the same number of kill attempts.

As an aside, maybe I'm paranoid, but I think it's in the town's best interest to speed up this vote so we can lynch our best guess at a Predator before there is another attack.

Valid point

Unvote, Vote Hess

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