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WrestleMafia Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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Now, turning to the game content.....

I don't like that we backed off on Doggin so quickly. Have we considered testing him, and if a 12th vote is cast and Doggin flips town, FOSing the 12th voter as scum?

Lots of potential problems with that. First off, you could have the double voter we spoke of earlier, and all that would tell us is that one dumb town, or one scum is hidden on an 11 person train. In other words, nothing. Secondly, if a 12th vote is not cast, where does that really get us? The one time we've had this in a JN game (that I know of), it was a town role (BG's Star Wars game, btw). Several others have said it seems more like a scum role, but as said, BG has used it as a town role before so it's not crazy (in fact I lean towards it being a town role) that it is.

I just think we'll probably end up no closer to a lynch than we are right now, because some will still want to back off, and some will still think its a scum role.

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When is the cage match between JIF and Potter to see who has the right to stalk Song?

When you contribute something productive to this game.

And I'll kick the **** out of Harry Potter and make that creepy picture Kristen posted look like a scene from Disney compared to what I do with his wand.

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Interesting timing. Makes me think suspect you are doing a swooping to defend a teammate act. All of the things I said about Jetsfan80 are true, I couldn't care less about experience levels. And if anything, he'd be more apt to showing his hand as scum with some pressure. It's not really coincidence that the second I ping someone who is scum as scum the louder the calls to lynch me are.

holy sh*t this guy has no ego at all, lol

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When is the cage match between JIF and Potter to see who has the right to stalk Song?

When you contribute something productive to this game.

And I'll kick the **** out of Harry Potter and make that creepy picture Kristen posted look like a scene from Disney compared to what I do with his wand.

haha you guys are silly. I'd like to see a cage match XD

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Hmmm. I was very intrigued by your exchange with JVOR. You know I'm always listening for a reason to lynch JVOR, why are you backing off?

JVOR made a good point about JF80. He's definitely playing differently.

is he playing like noob scum? Be carefy, you don't want a jvor-strike like me

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Several others have said it seems more like a scum role, but as said, BG has used it as a town role before so it's not crazy (in fact I lean towards it being a town role) that it is.

I'm just as inclined to think the opposite for the very same reason. Doggin's the safe play and nothing's moving, but I just don't know. Thinking about it, he might have revealed so early because he was busy with so much stuff (which must suck to have to deal with...hope you get through all that fine) and wouldn't have time to defend himself if he got to L1 or L2 or whatever. I don't know what to do from here.

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I'm just as inclined to think the opposite for the very same reason. Doggin's the safe play and nothing's moving, but I just don't know. Thinking about it, he might have revealed so early because he was busy with so much stuff (which must suck to have to deal with...hope you get through all that fine) and wouldn't have time to defend himself if he got to L1 or L2 or whatever. I don't know what to do from here.

Which is why I still have my vote on him. Doggin is the type of player that wouldnt hold the town hostage as a roleless townie. Also, he's not the type of player to basically claim roleless with a marginal power thinking it so important that he had to reveal early.

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Pretty sure it was Jetfan80, teh newb. Would you like me to fetch you a copy of "Gamer Digest" and get your picture of Olivia Munn ready for the washroom? Sir? Funny Sharrow.

it was mainly jf80.. and i think he's still driving while texting, if you get my drift..

I still find it a little suspicious, but after thinking about it, it was Pac afterall so maybe its actually almost admirable to try to get him modkilled.

Also, imo, whoever was here should have tested Doggin out while it was easier to do so. They could have done the old vote/unvote by the same person in consecutive posts safely enough. Yeah it doesn't tell us about his alignment, but its not like confirming his role is useless information. And if something strange like a double vote happened then its better to find that out lynching someone who is either a roleless townie basically or scum than while lynching someone who might end up being more important.

UNVOTE DOGGIN I don't agee in testing out his +1 lynch ability. There's no reason for me not to believe him and it just takes one dumbass or scum to "accidently" lynch him. Not willing to do that right now.

I'm in favor of lynching Doggin either today or tomorrow at the latest. He has claimed 1) being roless and 2) needing an extra vote to be lynched. Losing a roless townie on day one beats randomly lynching a power role any day of the week. The numbers are still in our favor this early. I had never heard of the plus 1 being used as a townie before you guys brought it up. I just really don't see how that is goingto help the town in the long run. Right now lynching Doggin 1) saves us from lynching someone we may need later in the game 2) gives us valuable info in regards to who Doggin has been sparring with/defending/attacking. My vote stays where it is.

Speaking of which, I find it interesting that one DMer (Song) seemed to me like she was buying Doggins innocence, while another (AK) said he never heard of the role on a townie before.



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I'm just as inclined to think the opposite for the very same reason. Doggin's the safe play and nothing's moving, but I just don't know. Thinking about it, he might have revealed so early because he was busy with so much stuff (which must suck to have to deal with...hope you get through all that fine) and wouldn't have time to defend himself if he got to L1 or L2 or whatever. I don't know what to do from here.

I take it back.. you're no Doogie Howser.. took you 9 hours to figure out something even I got in 5 minutes.

have a nice day.. in the Bing-Hamptons.

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Which is why I still have my vote on him. Doggin is the type of player that wouldnt hold the town hostage as a roleless townie. Also, he's not the type of player to basically claim roleless with a marginal power thinking it so important that he had to reveal early.

I'm torn on Doggin's alignment.

On the one hand, I was initially inclined to take him at face value - especially in light of what he has going on in RL (good luck w/that btw, Doggin. Divorce w/kids is no fun).

OTOH, he essentially dropped that defense and then skipped away, allowing the train to evaporate in his absence. Which is what scum does, right? Lay low, and let the town screw up?

Don't see the extra vote to lynch particularly helpful as a town role, either. I 100% believe that's his power (which is still why I think it's pointless to test), but potentially see it more as a scum power.

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Good to know!

Vote JVOR. He can no longer be trusted. :)

So, Dan... I know you said you had no school this week and you'd be posting more. But you dropped this seemingly joke vote on your romantic lady friend, and haven't done much since but offer up some "oh look a game" posts since.

Care to break down your thoughts so far?

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I'm just as inclined to think the opposite for the very same reason. Doggin's the safe play and nothing's moving, but I just don't know. Thinking about it, he might have revealed so early because he was busy with so much stuff (which must suck to have to deal with...hope you get through all that fine) and wouldn't have time to defend himself if he got to L1 or L2 or whatever. I don't know what to do from here.

Wow do I love my vote where it is. :rolleyes:

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Speaking of which, I find it interesting that one DMer (Song) seemed to me like she was buying Doggins innocence, while another (AK) said he never heard of the role on a townie before.



I've actually never seen the role on DM period, though I play a lot on a different site who uses it a lot and I've only seen it used as a town power and never a scum power.

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I take it back.. you're no Doogie Howser.. took you 9 hours to figure out something even I got in 5 minutes.

have a nice day.. in the Bing-Hamptons.

I prefer calling it Bingcompton...more accurate. Regardless, I felt there's no harm in reiterating the point because some may have missed that. Or I was thinking about it for 9 hours to come up with revelation, you got me.

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I've actually never seen the role on DM period, though I play a lot on a different site who uses it a lot and I've only seen it used as a town power and never a scum power.

I never said that!

(And Integrity, what was wrong with my post, or shall I resort to the aforementioned infinite monkey theorem gone wrong?

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I never said that!

(And Integrity, what was wrong with my post, or shall I resort to the aforementioned infinite monkey theorem gone wrong?

What was supposed to be a slow week for me quickly turned into a busy one and I'm going on less than two hours sleep, but I'm around now and should be for most of the day. Just caught up with everything and I don't think anything has been said that would make me move my vote. Doggin's reveal was very un-doggin, SMC is unusually quiet, Pac is grating on me with every post and I just don't trust CTM (and never have when playing in a game with him). Something jetfan said a few pages back about changing the way he plays because someone said he was too active strikes me as scummy. Eh, my vote stays.

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So, Dan... I know you said you had no school this week and you'd be posting more. But you dropped this seemingly joke vote on your romantic lady friend, and haven't done much since but offer up some "oh look a game" posts since.

Care to break down your thoughts so far?

Feeling mostly ambivalent, as usual on Day 1 ... nothing too new or exciting to share. War Ensemble has exaggerated a bit and been noticeably defensive, but he also hasn't played in a long time. Jetsfan80 has played very differently, but it's just his second game and he's no longer protected by the "noob rule," if that was influencing his play last game. The vote on JVoR wasn't completely a joke vote because he is always shady and won't deign to share his ideas with people unless he gets some kind of pressure. Voting for him is almost always a good idea. ;)

Feeling okay right now about CTM (shocking), Pac, Slats, and you. Keeping a wary eye on SMC, Song, Crusher, brett, Jets Things, and Doggin. So that's basically everyone, haha.

Who knows, a lot of this is gut reactions.

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I'm torn on Doggin's alignment.

On the one hand, I was initially inclined to take him at face value - especially in light of what he has going on in RL (good luck w/that btw, Doggin. Divorce w/kids is no fun).

OTOH, he essentially dropped that defense and then skipped away, allowing the train to evaporate in his absence. Which is what scum does, right? Lay low, and let the town screw up?

Don't see the extra vote to lynch particularly helpful as a town role, either. I 100% believe that's his power (which is still why I think it's pointless to test), but potentially see it more as a scum power.

Yeah, I'm torn too. I dont see it being very town friendly. But if it is a town aligned role, then I actually do think there is probably a double voting scum or 3rd party. Based on that logic, I almost think its a good idea to test (which I was originally against), for 2 reason:

1) if we test and get to 11 and nothing happens, its probably safe to say that we can focus on those who didnt join the test. Now, I'm not saying that there wont be scum on the train and there wont be innocents off...but the double voting scum is out there and we can narrow that field, because thats a dangerous role for scum

2) if we test and he gets lynched at 11 and flips innocent, its obvious the double voter was on the train and again, narrows the field.

This is all assuming their is a double voter who isnt town, which I think is a safe assumption if Doggin is telling the truth.

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Haha, thanks! What is your class reading? I tutor kids all the time in reading/math stuff, and I distinctly remember certain series I read at that age, so I am actually interested. I was going to give this one kid I babysit who is really brilliant all my old books, but my mom gave them all to the library without telling me. I was pissed!

It takes one really good book that a kid can escape into to set him off for years, I was like that. Teaching and tutoring is so much fun.

It's official, you are awesome. :D

Many of our students are reading below grade level, so the book we're doing right now may be a little easier than what you're looking for ... it's called All of the Above (by Shelley Pearsall). It's been really popular with some of our more reluctant readers, which is great. Trying to decide what we'll read next, if you have any suggestions, haha!

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What was supposed to be a slow week for me quickly turned into a busy one and I'm going on less than two hours sleep, but I'm around now and should be for most of the day. Just caught up with everything and I don't think anything has been said that would make me move my vote. Doggin's reveal was very un-doggin, SMC is unusually quiet, Pac is grating on me with every post and I just don't trust CTM (and never have when playing in a game with him). Something jetfan said a few pages back about changing the way he plays because someone said he was too active strikes me as scummy. Eh, my vote stays.

good point...

i'm remembering that jetfan slowed down a bit after day 1 last game... which would fit his i cam out guns blazing thing..

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I've actually never seen the role on DM period, though I play a lot on a different site who uses it a lot and I've only seen it used as a town power and never a scum power.

But it's still not a townie roll for certain and combine the fact I'm always wary of doggin I don't like to just toss him into a "probable" town alignment.

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I've actually never seen the role on DM period, though I play a lot on a different site who uses it a lot and I've only seen it used as a town power and never a scum power.

That "role" has been used here before and a townie had it. JiF had it, I believe. Scum may have had it another game, but I'm not sure.

People are just trying to find excuses to vote someone. Day 1 is the closest thing we have to a sacrifice.

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That "role" has been used here before and a townie had it. JiF had it, I believe. Scum may have had it another game, but I'm not sure.

People are just trying to find excuses to vote someone. Day 1 is the closest thing we have to a sacrifice.

I've never had it...but I think we've discussed that its been used on both sides over here.

And I dont get your next comment, isnt the whole game finding reasons to vote someone?

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Feeling mostly ambivalent, as usual on Day 1 ... nothing too new or exciting to share. War Ensemble has exaggerated a bit and been noticeably defensive, but he also hasn't played in a long time. Jetsfan80 has played very differently, but it's just his second game and he's no longer protected by the "noob rule," if that was influencing his play last game. The vote on JVoR wasn't completely a joke vote because he is always shady and won't deign to share his ideas with people unless he gets some kind of pressure. Voting for him is almost always a good idea. ;)

Feeling okay right now about CTM (shocking), Pac, Slats, and you. Keeping a wary eye on SMC, Song, Crusher, brett, Jets Things, and Doggin. So that's basically everyone, haha.

Who knows, a lot of this is gut reactions.

i feel like I think this every game, but you always seem so scummy to me.. You've been defending people all thread and offer counterpoints to every accusation you yourself make (jetsfan80 is playing differently, but..) (ware is being defensive, but...) Maybe it's the being a girl thing, but seems soo non confrontational to me..

I feel like I come to this conclusion 75% of the games we play in together and am wrong 50% of the time..

and agreed about jvor.. put some votes on him is the best way to get him talking, he's the kind of guy that if pac brought him to one his orgies, he'd just stand in the corner quietly masterbating... heyo!

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That "role" has been used here before and a townie had it. JiF had it, I believe. Scum may have had it another game, but I'm not sure.

People are just trying to find excuses to vote someone. Day 1 is the closest thing we have to a sacrifice.

already went through this..

i had it in jvor's superhero game and was scum

klacko had it in bleedin's star wars game and was innocent

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First - thanks, all, for the kind thoughts. But but I hope nobody unvoted me based on it - that's not why I mentioned it.

BTW, went back and looked. Vote on Brett was based on the sparring with Dan and Slats . . . something struck me as off, and it's a good place to start gathering info.

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Official Vote Count

JVOR (1) - Dan

Doggin (2) - JiF, Aemon

brett (3) - war ensemble, Jets Things, doggin

slats (1) - brett

war ensemble (5) - Crusher, Vicious, Jetscode, I28, AVM

SMC (3) - Pac, slats, CTM

Pac (1) - SMC

Jetsfan80 (1) - JVOR

Song (1) - Sharrow

Not Voting: Jetsfan80, Song

With 20 players remaining, it takes 11 to lynch.

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