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WrestleMafia Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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I thought that might be the case but not this early... if he is doing that then he deserves to retire to the dead thread. after all, that's where his mastery of the game is on full display.

have mercy!

smc likes to have a reason to call people an idiot... think about for a bit

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**** it, I'm wasting my vote with Doggin at this point, clearly.

I dont really see the case on SMC other than he's playing passive. I do think WE is ultra defensive, but the monkey is such a pain in the a$$, I get it.

I'm going to flip a coin. Heads SMC, Tails WE.

Sorry SMC - heads

Unvote Doggin

Vote SMC

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Official Vote Count

JVOR (1) - Dan

Doggin (1) - Aemon

brett (3) - war ensemble, Jets Things, doggin

war ensemble (5) - Crusher, Jetscode, I28, AVM, brett

SMC (6) - Pac, slats, CTM, Jetsfan80, Vicious, JiF

Pac (1) - SMC

Jetsfan80 (1) - JVOR

Song (1) - Sharrow

Not Voting: Song

With 20 players remaining, it takes 11 to lynch.

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smc likes to have a reason to call people an idiot... think about for a bit

every other time I've seen him go down as town he's been vociferous on thread about how idiotic we all are. I don't think he'd be saving it for the after party...

your situation was at end game.. not D1.

bang bang pow!

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Jetfan80 FINALLY shows up to bus is scummate. I guess it had to be done, since CTM made a great argument in the scum QT thread. I was going to be pissed that Jetfan80 got me killed in Lily's game and would bus me in this game too, but I'm a team player.

Anything for my scummates, Pac, Slats, CTM, and Jetfan80. Like Slats mentioned, I'm pretty helpful in the scum QT thread after I'm dead so my scummates wanted to speed up the process.

You and I spoke about this in the QT scum thread.

Cute defense. Now, be a good lad and do something pro-town for once.

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every other time I've seen him go down as town he's been vociferous on thread about how idiotic we all are. I don't think he'd be saving it for the after party...

your situation was at end game.. not D1.

bang bang pow!

i know it, believe i brought it up first in thread.. you're missing my point

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Cute defense. Now, be a good lad and do something pro-town for once.

I told Pac & CTM in the QT scumthread that it wouldn't make sense for you to built a "case" on how "different" I'm playing considering you played with me only once and I died the first day. Of course, I subbed for Crusher, so that would give us scummates cover.

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On to business...WE's reveal/non-reveal really only tells me one thing about him: he's not getting lynched today. At the same time, I can understand the thought process behind making him reveal after already saying that bit.

So here's what we need to be considering. Due to him "revealing without revealing," at some point this game we're going to have to get a reveal out of him. Saying wait can be written off as looking scummy, as you're taking pressure of someone several people had as their Day 1 lynch. Saying do it now seems scummy, as we'll be wasting more time with less than 24 hours from the deadline, and knowing he won't be back in til tonight. Some of our players don't show up until 11/1130 in the mornings (or much later), and if they aren't on when he's on tonight, things can get messy. Real messy. I don't like the idea of having potentially everyone on having to vote the same person just to get a lynch (though I'd assume scum wouldn't want a random lynch either, as they're actually more likely to get hit than a major town power role).

Then you get to who would be the consensus pick in a tight situation. Doggin? Assuming he's being honest then you need one more on tomorrow morning. An inactive? Which one? Too many problems.

My issue is in a sense, I feel like we need to revisit WE, in a sense. If he's town, he's just flailing out there now for scum to pick him off. If he's scum, he's going to get a pass by too many people I fear. But...unfortunately we don't have time, and I don't foresee any situation in which we can lynch him today.


Of the other two with multiple votes, I feel a little better about Brett. Don't honestly feel one way or another about SMC, though the case against him makes sense. I'll put him at L4.

vote: SMC

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I told Pac & CTM in the QT scumthread that it wouldn't make sense for you to built a "case" on how "different" I'm playing considering you played with me only once and I died the first day. Of course, I subbed for Crusher, so that would give us scummates cover.

Right now, your vote is on Pac. Is that really your best choice for scum right now? Or even your best choice for info from an otherwise fruitless D1 lynch?

If you're town playing around right now, you're hardly being pro-town. You really won't have much of a point in the dead thread about us being stupid for lynching you with this style play. How 'bout you play the game?

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I'd agree that he's a NK target but since we have some much speculation and he could eventually come back on the lynch radar, considering myself and a couple of others are still voting, he might be someone they think they can lynch.

Doggin should become a NK target if he is town, BUT now with the soft reveal from WE, I'd like to see what scum does with 2 reveals out there... and who is standing in the morning.

Ha! Monkey brains. You have so much flaw in your theories that you dont even see, its comical. You bring me much entertainment. I most definitely think you have ample knowledge to gain from testing Doggin's claim. This game IMO is all about narrowing scum. You are all about fling poo every where and making a mess of things. I personally like to stay focused on what I see concerning and what we KNOW, instead of creating multiple theories that actually makes the game more difficult and deters progress, which is your forte and why you are easy to identify as scum.

The quote you posted wasn't even a theory you dipsh*t. I basically said 2 things:

1. The ONLY thing conclusive about Doggin's lynch will be finding out Doggin's alignment. Plain and simple... the fact that you called that logic flawed is mind-numbing.

2. Talking extensively about Pac's post restriction, and lynching Doggin to then find ourselves saying the double-voter might not have been on his train, or there might now be one at all seems like a moot point as we already have that wealth of knowledge now... I think BOTH are counter-productive agendas to be pushing at this point. You have pushed them both.

Also, scum hunter... if you are implying I am giving off my "scum tell" then vote me please. Just move Crusher's balls out of the way and make some room for egg on your face.

**** it, I'm wasting my vote with Doggin at this point, clearly.

I dont really see the case on SMC other than he's playing passive. I do think WE is ultra defensive, but the monkey is such a pain in the a$$, I get it.

I'm going to flip a coin. Heads SMC, Tails WE.

Sorry SMC - heads

Unvote Doggin

Vote SMC

Clearly a man of conviction. :rolleyes:

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Right now, your vote is on Pac. Is that really your best choice for scum right now? Or even your best choice for info from an otherwise fruitless D1 lynch?

If you're town playing around right now, you're hardly being pro-town. You really won't have much of a point in the dead thread about us being stupid for lynching you with this style play. How 'bout you play the game?

My suspicion is that he's out to prove how making an anti town play (like he thinks I did) is harmful to the town..

or he's bluffing.. but he's not defending at all, which is weird. Of course jetscode did similiar last game, and basically antagonized people voting for him, and he turned out legit

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Right now, your vote is on Pac. Is that really your best choice for scum right now? Or even your best choice for info from an otherwise fruitless D1 lynch?

If you're town playing around right now, you're hardly being pro-town. You really won't have much of a point in the dead thread about us being stupid for lynching you with this style play. How 'bout you play the game?

Good job, with the cut & paste job from the QT thread. I warned you about making the same mistake Vic did in keeping "how does this sound" at top.

The beauty of this is that no matter the result, the voters are cleared because you can just blame the lynched. "Oh, he wasn't acting pro-town." What a bunch of horsesh*t. What the heck is "pro-town" on day 1?

And I'm playing the game as you, Pac, CTM and JF80 just discussed in the QT scumthread. I told CTM it was a brilliant strategy to have JF80 do the hatchet job and then have you swoop in later to increase momentum.

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Official Vote Count

JVOR (1) - Dan

Doggin (1) - Aemon

brett (3) - war ensemble, Jets Things, doggin

war ensemble (4) - Crusher, Jetscode, I28, brett

SMC (7) - Pac, slats, CTM, Jetsfan80, Vicious, JiF, AVM

Pac (1) - SMC

Jetsfan80 (1) - JVOR

Song (1) - Sharrow

Not Voting: Song

With 20 players remaining, it takes 11 to lynch.

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On to business...WE's reveal/non-reveal really only tells me one thing about him: he's not getting lynched today. At the same time, I can understand the thought process behind making him reveal after already saying that bit.

So here's what we need to be considering. Due to him "revealing without revealing," at some point this game we're going to have to get a reveal out of him. Saying wait can be written off as looking scummy, as you're taking pressure of someone several people had as their Day 1 lynch. Saying do it now seems scummy, as we'll be wasting more time with less than 24 hours from the deadline, and knowing he won't be back in til tonight. Some of our players don't show up until 11/1130 in the mornings (or much later), and if they aren't on when he's on tonight, things can get messy. Real messy. I don't like the idea of having potentially everyone on having to vote the same person just to get a lynch (though I'd assume scum wouldn't want a random lynch either, as they're actually more likely to get hit than a major town power role).

Then you get to who would be the consensus pick in a tight situation. Doggin? Assuming he's being honest then you need one more on tomorrow morning. An inactive? Which one? Too many problems.

My issue is in a sense, I feel like we need to revisit WE, in a sense. If he's town, he's just flailing out there now for scum to pick him off. If he's scum, he's going to get a pass by too many people I fear. But...unfortunately we don't have time, and I don't foresee any situation in which we can lynch him today.


Of the other two with multiple votes, I feel a little better about Brett. Don't honestly feel one way or another about SMC, though the case against him makes sense. I'll put him at L4.

vote: SMC

Agree with most of this. Also thought we would have seen a little more from SMC than we have today, considering the attention he was starting to get. Let's see where this goes ...


vote: SMC

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BG broke the thing last game. It might need recalibration.

In other news, I have a date tonight. I'll let Dan fill you in on how it went later.

But after that, I'm at my computer now thru the weekend, so I'm hoping that we get thru this deadline fairly quickly and get back to playing. I'm working day shifts next Mon-Thu, and it's going to be difficult for me to follow the game on my phone during the day. Scumbags.

Dan will only say nice things about the date if she's allowed to check the game on her phone, thanks.

My suspicion is that he's out to prove how making an anti town play (like he thinks I did) is harmful to the town..

or he's bluffing.. but he's not defending at all, which is weird. Of course jetscode did similiar last game, and basically antagonized people voting for him, and he turned out legit

That's a shame if true ...

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Official Vote Count

Doggin (1) - Aemon

brett (3) - war ensemble, Jets Things, doggin

war ensemble (4) - Crusher, Jetscode, I28, brett

SMC (8) - Pac, slats, CTM, Jetsfan80, Vicious, JiF, AVM, Dan

Pac (1) - SMC

Jetsfan80 (1) - JVOR

Song (1) - Sharrow

Not Voting: Song

With 20 players remaining, it takes 11 to lynch.

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As this first day of debate goes on, all 20 of you stand in the ring, arguing back and forth over who amongst you are the ones trying to put an end to each other's careers and the WWE as a whole. As you all start to get a little more impatient, the attention moves first towards war ensemble, and then quickly shifts over to SMC, who's response seems to catch a number of people off guard. As they continue to discuss it suddenly... the lights in the arena go out!

You all quickly get on your guard as you expect the worst, but also can't see a thing around you. Suddenly, a sound of a thud comes from behind you, followed by the loud, unmistakable bang of someone falling square in the center of the ring. The lights come back on and you all turn to see one of your fellow wrestlers laid out in the middle of the ring, a coconut laying on the ground right next to him. While you all fear you've already lost one teammate, suddenly the man laying in the middle of the ring sits straight up. He then climbs to his feet and looks around suspiciously. It appears as though he can continue for now, but is certainly worse for wear. Another shot like that might just be too much for him to handle.

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As this first day of debate goes on, all 20 of you stand in the ring, arguing back and forth over who amongst you are the ones trying to put an end to each other's careers and the WWE as a whole. As you all start to get a little more impatient, the attention moves first towards war ensemble, and then quickly shifts over to SMC, who's response seems to catch a number of people off guard. As they continue to discuss it suddenly... the lights in the arena go out!

You all quickly get on your guard as you expect the worst, but also can't see a thing around you. Suddenly, a sound of a thud comes from behind you, followed by the loud, unmistakable bang of someone falling square in the center of the ring. The lights come back on and you all turn to see one of your fellow wrestlers laid out in the middle of the ring, a coconut laying on the ground right next to him. While you all fear you've already lost one teammate, suddenly the man laying in the middle of the ring sits straight up. He then climbs to his feet and looks around suspiciously. It appears as though he can continue for now, but is certainly worse for wear. Another shot like that might just be too much for him to handle.

heh.. nice.. daytime vig?

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