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WrestleMafia Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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Unlike monkey brains and SMC in the dead threads, we've all been wrong before.

Your an idiot... I was the first one to remark on how wrong I was all last game (except about Crusher). I'll be the first one to laugh at how wrong I probably am in this game, except about you. SCUMMER!!!!

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I just think at this point JF80 and War need to reveal considering their 1/2 reveals and bail. Doggin wants to run up brett too but that would make 4 people in one day with reveals. I think at this point we go with JF80 and War and choose the least believable one. If time allows it and they're both believable we run up Brett.

I think Brett NOT doing a 1/2 reveal and just sticking to his guns and War just tossing it out there and leaving makes me think brett is more town than War or JF80. As scum I think it behooves you to throw out claims earlier than L-1 because it gives you more time to defend. If you do it at L-1 and say someone like Pac doesn't buy it he'll just hammer your a$$. Doing it early on has us spinning in circles like we have been for the past 36 hours and that's more or less on 1/2 reveals. I'm not clearing Brett, just saying he's more of a town play to me, or just better at being scum in making me think that.

Ah - this answers my prior question - reasonable.

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Actually this is the most awesome scum hunter Bup-z Ive seen you in awhile. Makes my cholesterol engorge heart swell with happiness.


Typically with JIF, when I have seen him "on" as a scum hunter, he doesn't waste time with long write ups and chasing dead-end information as he has this game. Nobody is biting on his theories... and he's not really pioneering any cases of his own... so where is the awesome?

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I'm in. JIF is a booby. WE has been my #1 all day... Kinda want to know why Pac was so quick to call my vote for WE a "wasted vote" when I unvoted SMC too.

have mercy!

cause he's currently partying in east jesus and playing the game on his motorola razr... what happens when we're sitting there at 11am tomorrow at L1 and he promenades in to say he's the Doc? That's right Ape, we're phucked.

the way it's shaping up we're going to get reveals no matter who we run up so we've got to pick somebody... Since he was the 1st to semi-reveal we can deal with his dopey a$$ later on.

assuming he's anything but the doc he's already placed a bullseye on himself for scum so he might not even be around day 2..

as it stands SMC and his lady friend Song, JetFat, Doggings, and Doogie have all made themselves attractive targets. JetFats reveal felt the most fake and when you couple that with his shady play he makes for an attractive lynch candidate.

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I'm in. JIF is a booby. WE has been my #1 all day... Kinda want to know why Pac was so quick to call my vote for WE a "wasted vote" when I unvoted SMC too.

Would be great to get some context for why CTM keeps giving JF80 little bumps of credibility on play that he'd normally tear apart...

I'm not.. jyoy asked me why i voted him based on HIS vote on jf80... and then i misstyped something.

I'd like to vote someone from SMC's train.. preferrably avm, ape or dan.. but jf80 is on that train, so he'd be 4th

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I just think at this point JF80 and War need to reveal considering their 1/2 reveals and bail. Doggin wants to run up brett too but that would make 4 people in one day with reveals. I think at this point we go with JF80 and War and choose the least believable one. If time allows it and they're both believable we run up Brett.

I think Brett NOT doing a 1/2 reveal and just sticking to his guns and War just tossing it out there and leaving makes me think brett is more town than War or JF80. As scum I think it behooves you to throw out claims earlier than L-1 because it gives you more time to defend. If you do it at L-1 and say someone like Pac doesn't buy it he'll just hammer your a$$. Doing it early on has us spinning in circles like we have been for the past 36 hours and that's more or less on 1/2 reveals. I'm not clearing Brett, just saying he's more of a town play to me, or just better at being scum in making me think that.

I can't argue with this at all.

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I'm bored and pissed because I reaggravated my ankle playing hoops last night and now I'm treating it again, instead of working on my tan toned body. Suns out, Guns out.

In red - look at the way he skirts around the subject by deferring to insults and seeing if he can incite an debate over old game facts, versus allowing me to focus on his play in this game. Smarmy little creep.

What said in red was doodoo. I was making a funny, you dont think I'm funny so I get why you'd use that in this pathetic case you've started that nobody is listening to...lol I never skirted around the subject, you changed the subject. The reasons I stated for testing Doggin, is not the reasons you repeated.

So my "scum tell" isn't there now eh? Interesting because you've thought I was scum in the last 8-9 games now all of a sudden nothing eh? My guess is earlier in thread when you were telling people to "press the monkey" it was so they would divert my attention away from you... I know you know I'm town this game, but its not because of a tell.

You do have a scum tell. I havent seen it this game and its simply not true that you are on my scumdar every game...ask Slats, Bret and JVOR, they know what thats like. You wish you did you pathetic attention whore ape.

So... Let's talk about the "points about points you didn't make" because I've only discussed 2 things you have done, and made one point about them... that they both fit a "steer the town towards confusion" type of agenda.

Are you saying you didn't want to discuss Pac's post restriction?

Are you saying you didn't want to vote for Doggin to, I'll paraphrase, isolate and/or get information about a double voter?

I'm going to try and make this easy because I'm not repeating myself again.

Pac - Yes. I wanted to discuss Pac. I did discuss Pac and what came from it the conclusion that his restriction was probably being carried away because he's an obnoxious douche, not just that he's an obnoxious douche which is what you are cliaming. My conclusion was BG probably gave him a one a day restriction, but Pac is taking it to the next level. To be honest, at this point in the game, I actually think the poor guy has to post something each time.

Doggin - My theory is simple, yet hard for you to grasp. Go figure. I want to test it because I believe there is a double voter, and he's scum (assuming Doggin is telling the truth). If Doggin die's at 11, the double voter is on the chain. If he doesnt, then the double voter was not on the chain. Therefore, narrowing the pool of players to choose from for scum.

WE has been my #1 all day.

Yet your voting and pushing a case against me when he's actually got a train started and is a lot of others favorite target. :blink:


You have dumb brains.

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Typically with JIF, when I have seen him "on" as a scum hunter, he doesn't waste time with long write ups and chasing dead-end information as he has this game. Nobody is biting on his theories... and he's not really pioneering any cases of his own... so where is the awesome?

Awesome is in the eye of the beholder. ie.. first game Im not getting a scum vibe from him

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Yea what an addition Aemon has been. Gato levels of goodness.

I've already got three times as many posts as Gato made. I've stated my case on Doggin and I'd love to see him strung up today, but that is obviously going nowhere. SMC and Song claiming a mason team effectively protects them from lynching unless something startling happens. War Ensemble and JiF have both said they will reveal later if they get close to a lynch. I don't even see that as a half reveal. That's just plain sense when you know a deadline is coming up and you're getting votes. I don't read anything scummy in that. I-28 is just fingering everyone indiscriminately with one exception: Doggin. He's been very vocal in his defense. I'm not saying either are scum, but it is an association I'll be keeping an eye on. There has been talk of people playing different than their normal style and I can't speak to that, being new and all, so I'll just take your word for it since everyone seems to agree. Right now it looks like Brett is the most viable lynch candidate right now, so



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Catching up right now. I buy Song and SMC as a mason team purely cause of how that went down. Song coming forward to vouch reads more like what a mason teammate would do than what a scum team because the minute one gets investigated they both go down. Also, tag team fits the flavor.

Also looks like we had a day kill attempt. It could be a day vig but it could also be a scum shot. We'll have to see about that.

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I've already got three times as many posts as Gato made. I've stated my case on Doggin and I'd love to see him strung up today, but that is obviously going nowhere. SMC and Song claiming a mason team effectively protects them from lynching unless something startling happens. War Ensemble and JiF have both said they will reveal later if they get close to a lynch. I don't even see that as a half reveal. That's just plain sense when you know a deadline is coming up and you're getting votes. I don't read anything scummy in that. I-28 is just fingering everyone indiscriminately with one exception: Doggin. He's been very vocal in his defense. I'm not saying either are scum, but it is an association I'll be keeping an eye on. There has been talk of people playing different than their normal style and I can't speak to that, being new and all, so I'll just take your word for it since everyone seems to agree. Right now it looks like Brett is the most viable lynch candidate right now, so



Red: Not JIF - JF80.

Bold: Welcome to JN mafia. The thing is, I was one of the FIRST people to suspect Doggin - check your facts. I have repeatedly said I am not defending him, I just don't think lynching him is a D1 priority. You can't seriously think that Doggin is still the most informative lynch scenario at this point, given the 4 other reveals we've seen...

and how the heck do you deem Brett "most viable" lynch candidate after 2 pages of everyone coming to consensus on WE or JF80?

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Disagree here... you were implying a certainty to a situation where there isn't one. What is the presumable outcome from what you suggested? We pressure and lynch JVOR, he flips town we automatically assume CTM is scum? Vice versa? Yet you criticize me for introducing stupid cases, blah, blah, blah...

All I see this as is another case where the town has started to focus finally, and you are introducing a whole new dimension of things you think we should be focused on... this would draw our attention away, and essentially force a reset on discussion.

A distraction, just like "talking out post restrictions" and going on a wild goose chase for a double voter.

Have I voted for either one monkey brains? No. I dont see what is wrong with saying, I "think" we have scum in CTM or JVOR. I'm not creating any distraction, I'm talking about what I'm seeing. If I was creating a distraction, I'd vote for CTM or JVOR. Instead, I havent voted because I realize its not going to happen before the deadline and I'm going to choose between the trains when I feel the time is right.

Ironically, you have avoided the trains and voted me pushing a case that no one is following and I'm bored enough to actually respond. So you tell me who is diverting attention while the town has started to focus.

Gawd your dumb.


Typically with JIF, when I have seen him "on" as a scum hunter, he doesn't waste time with long write ups and chasing dead-end information as he has this game. Nobody is biting on his theories... and he's not really pioneering any cases of his own... so where is the awesome?

Actually, that is exactly what I do.

and serves scum even better if you're wrong

I could understand his if I was a confirmed cop, but I know nothing more than you or anyone else...so I dont why you and monkey brains are acting like everyone is convinced of my theory that I'm not even voting.

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Can you elaborate on what you mean by this? You've openly stated you'd rather go another direction, so why him?

stop putting words in my mouth, i said your vote on him was scummy.. i also said i'd prefer avm, ape or Mr JVor... you guys are acting like i've been defending him all game

as to why i voted that way, both he and war have half claimed, i'm on board with the idea of why give scum any more targets by forcing more reveals when these two are already targets if not scum. I choose jf80 cause he had more votes. Comprende, dickhead?

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I could understand his if I was a confirmed cop, but I know nothing more than you or anyone else...so I dont why you and monkey brains are acting like everyone is convinced of my theory that I'm not even voting.

Cause you've said it about 3 times now... 2 games ago you had a hissy fit when i said you were coasting ... and i never voted you .... shirley you could appreciate how repeatedly saying something over and over can start to cause others to think the same

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stop putting words in my mouth, i said your vote on him was scummy.. i also said i'd prefer avm, ape or Mr JVor... you guys are acting like i've been defending him all game

as to why i voted that way, both he and war have half claimed, i'm on board with the idea of why give scum any more targets by forcing more reveals when these two are already targets if not scum. I choose jf80 cause he had more votes. Comprende, dickhead?

He gets dickhead and I get ignored? My feelings are hurt :(

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Because that's where I was when I was writing up my response before my kid dragged me away from the computer. The pace is a lot faster here and I didn't check to see what had happened while I was away before posting.



I do remember his play style from Lily's game and he is a lot more subdued that that game (as you have all mentioned). He says it is because he is trying to keep a lower profile now because he doesn't have the noob Day 1 protection against lynching and people's comments in the dead thread about how he was attracting a lot of attention and giving mafia the win, but it could just as easily be him playing scum for the first time.

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Also looks like we had a day kill attempt. It could be a day vig but it could also be a scum shot. We'll have to see about that.

What's bothersome is why a day vig would have taken a shot so early in the game. Leaning scum/SK.

Agree with everyone on the problematic half-reveals. Going to reread on a couple people.

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I'm bored and pissed because I reaggravated my ankle playing hoops last night and now I'm treating it again, instead of working on my tan toned body. Suns out, Guns out.

What said in red was doodoo. I was making a funny, you dont think I'm funny so I get why you'd use that in this pathetic case you've started that nobody is listening to...lol I never skirted around the subject, you changed the subject. The reasons I stated for testing Doggin, is not the reasons you repeated.

You do have a scum tell. I havent seen it this game and its simply not true that you are on my scumdar every game...ask Slats, Bret and JVOR, they know what thats like. You wish you did you pathetic attention whore ape.

I'm going to try and make this easy because I'm not repeating myself again.

Pac - Yes. I wanted to discuss Pac. I did discuss Pac and what came from it the conclusion that his restriction was probably being carried away because he's an obnoxious douche, not just that he's an obnoxious douche which is what you are cliaming. My conclusion was BG probably gave him a one a day restriction, but Pac is taking it to the next level. To be honest, at this point in the game, I actually think the poor guy has to post something each time.

Doggin - My theory is simple, yet hard for you to grasp. Go figure. I want to test it because I believe there is a double voter, and he's scum (assuming Doggin is telling the truth). If Doggin die's at 11, the double voter is on the chain. If he doesnt, then the double voter was not on the chain. Therefore, narrowing the pool of players to choose from for scum.

Yet your voting and pushing a case against me when he's actually got a train started and is a lot of others favorite target. :blink:

You have dumb brains.

1. The red is not doodoo... you do that sh*t all the time when you are trying to wiggle out of pressure.

2. At the point in the game you wanted to discuss Pac's restriction it had no bearing on the game. You wanted to spend time focusing on a moot point.

3. I grasp your theory about Doggin just fine, I just don't think its as black and white as you've stated here:

"Doggin - My theory is simple, yet hard for you to grasp. Go figure. I want to test it because I believe there is a double voter, and he's scum (assuming Doggin is telling the truth). If Doggin die's at 11, the double voter is on the chain. If he doesnt, then the double voter was not on the chain. Therefore, narrowing the pool of players to choose from for scum."

And I really don't know how you accuse me of this: "The reasons I stated for testing Doggin, is not the reasons you repeated."

When this is what I said: "Are you saying you didn't want to vote for Doggin to, I'll paraphrase, isolate and/or get information about a double voter?"

The premise of your entire theory is that there is a double voter and we can "catch" them if we lynch Doggin. Earlier you said you prefer focusing on the known information or something to that effect, so this theory is a direct contradiction to that statement from earlier, tbh.

Your plan has only one good outcome... IF Doggin dies at 11 votes, not 12 then yes, we have a double voter and that person is on Doggin's train. Since Doggin will be lynched, we will know Doggin's affiliation, and that of the double voter. Fine. Sounds great...

Here is what doesn't sound so great.. and where I think your agenda turned scummy: What if he doesn't die at 11? Then he gets lynched at 12. Then what? You would have us assume that the double voter was just not on his train according to what you've written. But the truth is, we are still ghost hunting for a role we have no evidence of in the game. So what do you suggest then, we just start lynching ONLY from the non Doggin voters until we catch you your double voter or scum? Because that is what you have unequivocally implied here. This part of your plan just doesn't work - you either know that and are scum, or just don't get it and are as stupid as you accuse me of being. We would go into D2 pondering the same thing we are now, "Maybe there is a double voter..." Except we'd be doing it without Doggin, who could very well be town.

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What's bothersome is why a day vig would have taken a shot so early in the game. Leaning scum/SK.

Agree with everyone on the problematic half-reveals. Going to reread on a couple people.

While I agree, I think we'll figure this out a bit more as we go on.

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The premise of your entire theory is that there is a double voter and we can "catch" them if we lynch Doggin. Earlier you said you prefer focusing on the known information or something to that effect, so this theory is a direct contradiction to that statement from earlier, tbh.

Your plan has only one good outcome... IF Doggin dies at 11 votes, not 12 then yes, we have a double voter and that person is on Doggin's train. Since Doggin will be lynched, we will know Doggin's affiliation, and that of the double voter. Fine. Sounds great...

Here is what doesn't sound so great.. and where I think your agenda turned scummy: What if he doesn't die at 11? Then he gets lynched at 12. Then what? You would have us assume that the double voter was just not on his train according to what you've written. But the truth is, we are still ghost hunting for a role we have no evidence of in the game. So what do you suggest then, we just start lynching ONLY from the non Doggin voters until we catch you your double voter or scum? Because that is what you have unequivocally implied here. This part of your plan just doesn't work - you either know that and are scum, or just don't get it and are as stupid as you accuse me of being. We would go into D2 pondering the same thing we are now, "Maybe there is a double voter..." Except we'd be doing it without Doggin, who could very well be town.

Not only that - but it works for any other player who dies at L-1. If someone dies at 10 votes, you have to think there's a secret/double voter out there. (btw, double voters, in general, are easy to spot - the mod counts their vote twice)

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Have I voted for either one monkey brains? No. I dont see what is wrong with saying, I "think" we have scum in CTM or JVOR. I'm not creating any distraction, I'm talking about what I'm seeing. If I was creating a distraction, I'd vote for CTM or JVOR. Instead, I havent voted because I realize its not going to happen before the deadline and I'm going to choose between the trains when I feel the time is right.

No you haven't... its not always necessary to make the first vote, to shift the direction of the town. The reason I call this out is because I feel like it fits into the play you have strung together as another attempt to swing momentum in a direction that is counter-productive given the timing you suggest it. 3 times isn't coincidence, its trend...

Ironically, you have avoided the trains and voted me pushing a case that no one is following and I'm bored enough to actually respond. So you tell me who is diverting attention while the town has started to focus.

I'm not diverting anything JIF, and I haven't avoided any trains. I made one of the earliest cases on WE, JF80 and SMC... and I voted you way early on on D1 too. While I have gone back and forth with you, I have also contributed to building consensus with players I feel much better about like Vic regarding WE and JF80. I'm multitasking...

I could understand his if I was a confirmed cop, but I know nothing more than you or anyone else...so I dont why you and monkey brains are acting like everyone is convinced of my theory that I'm not even voting.

Just like I said above about having my vote on you, while discussing other lynch candidates... you don't need to vote a case, to influence it. I see what you did as an attempt to influence a change of direction towards CTM and JVOR, and another "black and white" JiF scenario that isn't as black and white as you positioned it... just like the Doggin thing.

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Not only that - but it works for any other player who dies at L-1. If someone dies at 10 votes, you have to think there's a secret/double voter out there. (btw, double voters, in general, are easy to spot - the mod counts their vote twice)


As for the bolded, this was something I was curious about earlier. At one point, I looked at the vote count and the only ones not voting were JF80 and Song, and all the votes counts were right with the amount of people on the trains. Is it typical that a double voter's vote is always worth 2? OR do they have the option of being able to say when they want it to count twice.

Again, questions about variables like this not being considered by JIF's "plan to catch the double voter" further blow the whole theory up. Making it a pointless endeavor.

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People overall feel very townish this game. Nothing is screaming scummy, which is difficult, coupled with the reveals/half-reveals. Rereading didn't help much ... Dan feels useless right now. <_<

Vicious gave a good breakdown of our position. We're a bit stuck with the number of trains thus far and the deadline approaching.

vote: Jetsfan80 Not going to repeat what's already been said ...

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People overall feel very townish this game. Nothing is screaming scummy, which is difficult, coupled with the reveals/half-reveals. Rereading didn't help much ... Dan feels useless right now. <_<

Vicious gave a good breakdown of our position. We're a bit stuck with the number of trains thus far and the deadline approaching.

vote: Jetsfan80 Not going to repeat what's already been said ...

And yes, it can't be avoided that this post probably looks scummy. <3 CTM. :P

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1. The red is not doodoo... you do that sh*t all the time when you are trying to wiggle out of pressure.

What pressure? lol nobody is following your case that is diverting attention from the trains.

2. At the point in the game you wanted to discuss Pac's restriction it had no bearing on the game. You wanted to spend time focusing on a moot point.

You're arguing a moot point, I dropped and moved on along time ago until you brought it up again with this flimsy case.

3. I grasp your theory about Doggin just fine, I just don't think its as black and white as you've stated here:

And I really don't know how you accuse me of this: "The reasons I stated for testing Doggin, is not the reasons you repeated."

When this is what I said: "Are you saying you didn't want to vote for Doggin to, I'll paraphrase, isolate and/or get information about a double voter?"

I read that wrong. My bad. Thought I read, information about the double voter implying it would narrow him down, which according to Doggin, we'd find out because their vote would be counted twice by the mod.

The premise of your entire theory is that there is a double voter and we can "catch" them if we lynch Doggin. Earlier you said you prefer focusing on the known information or something to that effect, so this theory is a direct contradiction to that statement from earlier, tbh.

We are trying to find information on people, right we know something about Doggin. Testing Doggin IMO gave us more information on something I believe is out there who is essentially scum. Isnt that the point of the game? I get what you are saying, we dont know this person exists, but the purpose is scum hunting, the premise is the same, I believe there is a double voter who is scum and this would narrow the pool. It couldnt hurt. Worst case scenario, we lose a roleless townie on day 1.

Your plan has only one good outcome... IF Doggin dies at 11 votes, not 12 then yes, we have a double voter and that person is on Doggin's train. Since Doggin will be lynched, we will know Doggin's affiliation, and that of the double voter. Fine. Sounds great...

Here is what doesn't sounds so great.. and where I think your agenda turned scummy: What if he doesn't die at 11? Then he gets lynched at 12. Then what? You would have us assume that the double voter was just not on his train according to what you've written. But the truth is, we are still ghost hunting for a role we have no evidence of in the game. So what do you suggest then, we just start lynching ONLY from the non Doggin voters until we catch you your double voter or scum? Because that is what you have unequivocally implied here. This part of your plan just doesn't work - you either know that and are scum, or just don't get it and are as stupid as you accuse me of being. We would go into D2 pondering the same thing we are now, "Maybe there is a double voter..." Except we'd be doing it without Doggin, who could very well be town.

IMO the plan has a couple of good outcomes, but its pointless if the mod shows who the double voter is...I didnt know that.

@ Mod, would you show that?

Either way, it all means nothing, we didnt do it. I'm moving on. You can have fun chasing a townie.

Vote Bret

Its between him and JF80 because WE isnt around, and I dont see dont really have a read on Bret and but I feel like JF80 is town.

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I just think at this point JF80 and War need to reveal considering their 1/2 reveals and bail. Doggin wants to run up brett too but that would make 4 people in one day with reveals. I think at this point we go with JF80 and War and choose the least believable one. If time allows it and they're both believable we run up Brett.

I think Brett NOT doing a 1/2 reveal and just sticking to his guns and War just tossing it out there and leaving makes me think brett is more town than War or JF80. As scum I think it behooves you to throw out claims earlier than L-1 because it gives you more time to defend. If you do it at L-1 and say someone like Pac doesn't buy it he'll just hammer your a$. Doing it early on has us spinning in circles like we have been for the past 36 hours and that's more or less on 1/2 reveals. I'm not clearing Brett, just saying he's more of a town play to me, or just better at being scum in making me think that.

I'd expect Brett to have a better reveal because he's good at this game and more experienced than the other two. We've seen townies get tripped up on honest reveals and lynched here on many occasions.

That said, I'm content with my vote on JF80 for the time being... although that means we're waiting around until 11PM to hear what he has to say now?

Doggin - My theory is simple, yet hard for you to grasp. Go figure. I want to test it because I believe there is a double voter, and he's scum (assuming Doggin is telling the truth). If Doggin die's at 11, the double voter is on the chain. If he doesnt, then the double voter was not on the chain. Therefore, narrowing the pool of players to choose from for scum.

Just don't see any merit in this at all.

A double voter could be a town or a scum role. It could possibly be controlled either way. We've definitely seen double voters who had to PM the mod to have their vote count twice. I think SMC had a one-time double vote in a game... but don't trust me, I don't have the memory for individual games that a lot of you have. Just don't see anything conclusive coming from running up a train on Doggin.

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