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Rex: McKnight has earned a bigger role on offense


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He needs to get 100 carries this year taken mostly off of LT2's plate. Keep LT2 fresh for the playoffs (even though he had a good playoff run with us) and groom the kid to replace LT2.

If LT could hit the post season with the same intensity he did the start of this season it would be pretty incredible. I'm not sure I have ever seen a player who wasn't injured hit a wall that hard. McKnight, Green and a fresh LT in the playoffs could be something special. Providing we have teh football this year.

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He needs to get 100 carries this year taken mostly off of LT2's plate. Keep LT2 fresh for the playoffs (even though he had a good playoff run with us) and groom the kid to replace LT2.

I agree.

LT was gung-ho to play in the preseason for the Jets after sitting them out for the Chargers for a few years, and I think he needs to go back to sitting it out. Rex and Schotty need to contain themselves and keep LT on the bench as much as they can in the early going, too. Rex is one of those guys who seems to love his vets.

McKnight had a sh*tty start to his career, but I think he can be a very useful player for the Jets.

I also hope the Jets look to RB's in the undrafted market again. LT has already demonstrated he can't be completely counted upon. They at least need a quality practice squad body, if not a guy who can replace LT on the opening day roster.

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I think that Irish and Ghost of Glenn Foley hit the most important point. Special teams. McKnight will be active because he is a good special teamer. It will be easy to get him some carries or rest others in garbage time if he's active. I think he may end up taking Brad Smith's place as a gunner/returner and then maybe we will carry another real WR.

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Guy impressed the hell out of me towards the end of the season. Was a special teams ace.

The attitude seems to be there. I think he'll be a big player for us sooner rather than later.

I completely agree with this, and think it's something that has been underrated by a lot of fans. Let's not forget, the criticism of McKnight was NEVER the ability, it was the hard work, dedication and commitment needed to be a successful NFL player. Well after a rough start, he dug himself out of the hole he got himself into and stood out on the one unit in football that's more about hard work and dedication than physical talent more so than any other, special teams. He was extremely impressive as a gunner on the punt coverage, which was a little bit of a question coming into the season when seeing who would fill the hole left by Wallace Wright.

Not only that, while I know people like to discount it because of the opponent, the fact is that when he got in on offense against the Bills in the season finale, he played pretty damn well. And while it may have been against a pretty god awful run defense, it was also with the likes of Vlad Duccasse doing the blocking, so I would hardly say success was a given. With LT another year older, I expect some sort contributions from McKnight this year.

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