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Scarface Mafia - The World is Yours


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Vote: Tom Shane. I'm wavering too much on Vic.


explain why a no lynch isn't the right play?

seriously, scum will kill another townie which is 1 less peorson to potentially mislynch.. and we can put together a purposeful train for you to examine, that can unequivocally determine the scum team.

vote No lynch

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i really hope nobody buys what this freaken ape is selling..

he wants to believe avm, but then lynch a 50/50 shot instead of the surefire shot..

also, he was hounding dpr right out of the gate, but DPR wasn't one of his favorite on day 1 and day 2... bs

Talk it out with me about TS. He's either scum or there are only 3 left, agreed? Either way, lynching TS the game is NOT over and we get information. Adding in to that, if we no lynch there IS the possibility of a framer out there, though they'd have to really work to figure out what to do I'd bet as there aren't many combination's left. That's assuming I were to live, of course, which is probably a long shot.

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Talk it out with me about TS. He's either scum or there are only 3 left, agreed? Either way, lynching TS the game is NOT over and we get information. Adding in to that, if we no lynch there IS the possibility of a framer out there, though they'd have to really work to figure out what to do I'd bet as there aren't many combination's left. That's assuming I were to live, of course, which is probably a long shot.

Or your scum.. and lynching tom shane is end game

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explain why a no lynch isn't the right play?

seriously, scum will kill another townie which is 1 less peorson to potentially mislynch.. and we can put together a purposeful train for you to examine, that can unequivocally determine the scum team.

vote No lynch

They'll kill me or Hess most likely. Probably Hess. And that tells us absolutely nothing. Who do you propose stays on the no-lynch train?

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They'll kill me or Hess most likely. Probably Hess. And that tells us absolutely nothing. Who do you propose stays on the no-lynch train?

have to think.. but only 1 of smc and vic to figure that out

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Here's the question: Do you think there is a Framer, yes or no? If you say no, then we've got Smash dead to rights already as he's in EVERY list that doesn't factor in a potential Framer. If you think yes, then nothing we do putting together that train is going to work. If we put the wrong guy up there, they'll simply frame someone on the train.

And thinking about it...you're hedging this no-lynch idea on getting more information out of me, then you argued I could be lying. Well, fact is everyone has to figure out whether they think I'm lying or not, because if I'm lying then you should lynch me, period. If you don't think I am, then you have to go forward assuming I'm not. A no lynch isn't going to tell you any more about my alignment than it would have before unless I'm dead. And if I'm dead, you don't find out how many scum are on my list.

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Here's the question: Do you think there is a Framer, yes or no? If you say no, then we've got Smash dead to rights already as he's in EVERY list that doesn't factor in a potential Framer. If you think yes, then nothing we do putting together that train is going to work. If we put the wrong guy up there, they'll simply frame someone on the train.

And thinking about it...you're hedging this no-lynch idea on getting more information out of me, then you argued I could be lying. Well, fact is everyone has to figure out whether they think I'm lying or not, because if I'm lying then you should lynch me, period. If you don't think I am, then you have to go forward assuming I'm not. A no lynch isn't going to tell you any more about my alignment than it would have before unless I'm dead. And if I'm dead, you don't find out how many scum are on my list.

a no lynch allows us 2 more reveals, 1 less suspect, and more data from you.. if they kill you, we don't get data, but we can trust what you offered previously. If we trust you today, and lynch smash, and he is scum, you are for sure dead tonight and tomorrow we have to decide between vic and smc or tomshane if there's only 3 scum..

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Talk it out with me about TS. He's either scum or there are only 3 left, agreed? Either way, lynching TS the game is NOT over and we get information. Adding in to that, if we no lynch there IS the possibility of a framer out there, though they'd have to really work to figure out what to do I'd bet as there aren't many combination's left. That's assuming I were to live, of course, which is probably a long shot.

I gotta give you scum credit--you've really pushed your agenda on the town and forced us to cannibalize ourselves. It's my first time playing and I find it fascinating how well you mix a little obfuscation with the power of suggestion and then, at the end, dropping a name who then gets immediately railroaded. Genius stuff, really. I'm learning much here.

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I gotta give you scum credit--you've really pushed your agenda on the town and forced us to cannibalize ourselves. It's my first time playing and I find it fascinating how well you mix a little obfuscation with the power of suggestion and then, at the end, dropping a name who then gets immediately railroaded. Genius stuff, really. I'm learning much here.

who are the scum?

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Here's the question: Do you think there is a Framer, yes or no? If you say no, then we've got Smash dead to rights already as he's in EVERY list that doesn't factor in a potential Framer. If you think yes, then nothing we do putting together that train is going to work. If we put the wrong guy up there, they'll simply frame someone on the train.

And thinking about it...you're hedging this no-lynch idea on getting more information out of me, then you argued I could be lying. Well, fact is everyone has to figure out whether they think I'm lying or not, because if I'm lying then you should lynch me, period. If you don't think I am, then you have to go forward assuming I'm not. A no lynch isn't going to tell you any more about my alignment than it would have before unless I'm dead. And if I'm dead, you don't find out how many scum are on my list.

Cant sleep the thunderstorms woke me up again here in Texas :( .

AVM I do believe there is a strong possibility of a Framer, and it would taint your results. If I was in a position to frame I would not bounce it around I would probably focus on one maybe 2 players across the entire game rather than bounce it around. Why do I say this ? because if a COP (investigates someone) framed and they turn up town guess whos dead next, the freakin COP which works out good for scum. So keeping frames consistent would mean eventually some type of investigative role will go after the framed player. You very well could have tainted results.

Ape this is not really elaborate if AVM is scum he only has to make sure hes getting townie voted for which would be quite easy IMO. In all honesty Im stumped as well as to who might be scum but it looks like were being forced to take peoples word for their roles and we got the 2 quick reveals for no apparent reason other than to block the town Just like JVOR did. Does history repeat itself again ? Its very possible . If you guys Lynch me when I turn up town what then ?? Do you go to Tom Shane or ViC at what point do you stop and say this reveal is bogus and make a move ? When its too late ? If they have 4 left Thats Exactly what they want you to do > Im gonna keep my vote on Sharrow because I think they are both scum. Reason I think Sharrow is scum is because he revealed Doc so quick with no pressure it seemed like an obvious block to me if people started questioning AVM's role. I question it an what can I do but watch or try to convince you otherwise.

If its 6-4 and town dies its 5-4 with an impending NK to make it 4-4 how does town win that game ? In a 6-4 scenario the only move that makes sense is CTM's but if its 6-4 AVM and Sharrow's move makes a hell of alot of sense as well to lock this game down and end it.

AVM you said 2 times you know what role I will reveal If Im alive tomorrow Im curious as to what that might be. Because if you guess my role it would be really impressive.

Made a small edit in bold

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I gotta give you scum credit--you've really pushed your agenda on the town and forced us to cannibalize ourselves. It's my first time playing and I find it fascinating how well you mix a little obfuscation with the power of suggestion and then, at the end, dropping a name who then gets immediately railroaded. Genius stuff, really. I'm learning much here.

How could you know this information unless you know exactly who scum and town are. I little too specific if you ask me

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Unvote Vic

There was NO reason for Sharrow to reveal as Doc there. If we lynch wrong, scum would have been shooting into a pretty small field of 5 townies (assuming as you all have there are 4 scum), I have BP, Vic (if town) has BP, so in theory, scum would have to have fired into a field of 3 with an unidentified Doc. If they would have picked Sharrow, there would have been no NK, which would have extended the game. That can't happen now.

Then for SMC to basically claim deputy - if SMC "knows Smash is scum" then why didn't he say so sooner? How is it that Smash is the only player that SMC knows about at the moment. SMC may not know other scum, but you mean to tell me he can't verify if me or CTM are town? We've been in question since D1. I don't believe him.

Besides do we really think this game has 5 investigative roles? 1-time finder, a Cop, a Gunsmith (investigative role), Sensor (investigative) AND a deputy? Seems like a lot.

Not sure about Sharrow yet, but I do think SMC's "non-reveal" is kinda bullsh*t. He had a scum report on Smash and meandered in quietly? At this stage of the game?

Vote SMC

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Freakin' sucks for al Qaeda but great day of USA

I28, you're freakin' not thinking straight. How could I tell you about Smash if I didn't know sooner? Use your brain and stop skimming.

What, you think I would sit on what I know? Get real. I told you what I know when I knew it. I know what I know but can't say anything else because Sharrow reveal-blocked unnecessarily.

Also, YOU don't know if a gunsmith is an investigative role. I thought it was BUT another poster (Sharrow IIRC) linked to another site which states that a gunsmith is someone who can arm another player. We don't know what role PacMod chose.

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the ape is clearly skimming, probably because he's the godfather and thinks this thing is over..

still.. an positive investigation result at this point is to conveinant imo..

we should no lynch and allow you to give your full results tomorrow.

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Freakin sucks for the Phillies

CTM, if people want to go no lynch I'm cool with that. I can't say more because of PacMod, but let me be clear about 2 things: (1) unfortunately, I don't know what Bleedin' knows. I was hoping that since I looked up to him so much I would, but PacMod wasn't in a giving mood. and (2) I had 2 people I was interested to know about and I rolled the die and hit jackpot. Note, that I told what I know as soon as I knew it. You guys started the day over the weekend so it left some of us behind.

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If players try to circumvent the 2 reveal limit by being cute they are subject to MK. Someone is very close. 1 more post like that and there will be an unexpected death scene.

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this is the situation we are faced with.. MYLO

All FAQs » Pub Games FAQ » 2.2 Game Strategies

When is no lynch a good strategy?

There is allot of disagreement on when to use or avoid the no lynch vote. It is generally accepted that it helps the town only in a few end-game scenarios.

For example if there are 4 remaining players and 1 is mafia a no lynch followed by a mafia kill would leave 3 live players and 1 mafia. These are better odds to find the remaining mafia member with.

If the town had voted off the wrong person the first night instead of voting no lynch and the mafia made a successful kill; there would only be 2 people left alive resulting in a mafia win.

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Freakin' sucks that I got PacMod mad.

Sorry about that. Scum must be lobbying hard in the QT thread.

My bad. I aint gonna say sh*t. Blame Sharrow because of his reveal diarrhea.

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Freakin' sucks that I got PacMod mad.

Sorry about that. Scum must be lobbying hard in the QT thread.

My bad. I aint gonna say sh*t. Blame Sharrow because of his reveal diarrhea.

haha.. either that or you scum lobbying to get pacMule to "warn" you in thread... :D

freaken hate end game

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