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Scarface Mafia - The World is Yours


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Freakin' sucks it's raining right now.

LOL, great scene, Pac. Bullseye. With Crusher being the hidden symp, I wonder if there was a scenario if he had to be found by the scum team or he remained "hidden"? If the the former was the case, was he found?

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Ahhh...but he's been fishing, trying to get noticed. I'd say Hess has some splainin to do.

If you were a mafia team looking for a symp, what signals would you be putting out there?

Folks, keep in mind that my vig shot is a voluntary action - meaning, that if everyone else has their actions in first, we'll roll into day. Get those vig shot opinions in pronto.

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Freakin' sucks it's raining right now.

LOL, great scene, Pac. Bullseye. With Crusher being the hidden symp, I wonder if there was a scenario if he had to be found by the scum team or he remained "hidden"? If the the former was the case, was he found?

I read it as he hadn't been found yet - what point would there be in a symp that couldn't be found?

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not done yet, but hidden symp usually means scum don't know who it is, but the symp know who scum is.

And crusher later brought up trying to signal... so I'm kind of thinking he was actually trying to signal scum

And dan x is who he was strangely obsessed with most of the game... plus she kicked into over drive when he mentioned signalling, maybe the light bulb went on? and she decided to sacrfice him?

At least your logic is sound. I still think the quieter people doing the light nudging are where scum hides. Truth is I thought my vote was putting her at L1. Didn;t seethe Danx vote right before mine. Was answering JiF's question and voted. Thought Nae was acting odd holding info that long and disapearing. Also was over all the arguing and CTM and Slats voting each other like twin tards. So AVM and Dan x are still my favs. Still feel Dan x is a good vote.


Jvor or Danx.. One or both of them is scum.. Fine, I hate voting for her cause she is very sweet, yet lethal.


vote Danx

Good question. Seems JVOR and Danx are interested in lynching Slats. Weird because I have had a town feel on Slats all game. Most of his post Ive read are similar to what I was thinking and not sure what thsoe two are up to. I did not play last game and watched Slats pwn the town over and over again. Got no feel for him being scum in this one.

JVOR and Danx are two to watch. Or one as it may be.

Lol why did you pick me, when there are other people more interested in lynching him than I am? I said I'm watching him, but I have a few different ideas and I said I don't have a really strong read on him yet.

Cause you love to kill Slats when your scum. DUH!!

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Just an opinion. Think Dan and Crusher would have possibly run a gambit of sorts there?

ninja'd but yes.. i think crusher was trying to signal dan, and dan finally got the message and sacrificed the big lummox...

edit.. he's also voted and metnioned avm a lot..

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Freakin' sucks that the league year won't start yet.

I read it as he hadn't been found yet - what point would there be in a symp that couldn't be found?

I couldn't tell either way from the scene whether he had been found. A "hidden mafia symp" is just a role title, it doesn't mean he hadn't been found. As to your point about "couldn't be found" I know there are situations where the symp remains hidden for a reason, such a spy. But that's pure speculation. If we go on standard form, he was hidden trying to get found and was signalling to his scummates to find him. I can't tell if they were successful. CTM and Vic seem to be suggesting that Dan and Crusher were running a gambit or Crusher was trying to signal her.

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ninja'd but yes.. i think crusher was trying to signal dan, and dan finally got the message and sacrificed the big lummox...

edit.. he's also voted and metnioned avm a lot..

I haven't liked AVM's play myself to be honest. I guess Dan wouldn't have known since he was hidden, but I could see your logic in believing that.

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I don't get the "hidden" part. Seems redundant to me. A symp is always hidden from the mafia. Also to point out the obvious, depending on how much the mafia figured out about Crusher, they could have been dealing with him anywhere on the spectrum from presumed innocent to team member.

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I don't get the "hidden" part. Seems redundant to me. A symp is always hidden from the mafia. Also to point out the obvious, depending on how much the mafia figured out about Crusher, they could have been dealing with him anywhere on the spectrum from presumed innocent to team member.

Ive played games where the mafia knew who thier symp was, and I've played games where they didn't.. he had to signal them... that's usually what was referred to as hidden

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Ive played games where the mafia knew who thier symp was, and I've played games where they didn't.. he had to signal them... that's usually what was referred to as hidden

Ok. I haven't seen the unhidden variety before although I have thought about doing a setup with a mafia member that couldn't access the QT until some event happened.

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Ok. I haven't seen the unhidden variety before although I have thought about doing a setup with a mafia member that couldn't access the QT until some event happened.

to clarify, pac has gotten creative with roles and has never actually modded before, so this is purely speculation on my part... certainly not some hard and fast rule over here..

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No way Jetscode makes the play he did as scum... to protect a symp right? So with Crusher as symp, and JVOR as SK. I think Jetscode is as close to confirmed as you can get without the mod telling us his alignment, unless there is a wrinkle I'm not understanding about the symp role.

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I'd like to hear what Dan has to say regarding suggestions she might have been running a gambit with Crusher. The whole thing with them sorta came out of nowhere, and came on fast. Could it just have been the smart Dan picking up on slips from Crusher....or a plan? I have to say I'm leaning towards townie Dan, but I always seem to really miss on a key scum player each game - maybe Dan is the one this game?

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No way Jetscode makes the play he did as scum... to protect a symp right? So with Crusher as symp, and JVOR as SK. I think Jetscode is as close to confirmed as you can get without the mod telling us his alignment, unless there is a wrinkle I'm not understanding about the symp role.

I agree with this. For those of you who seem set on 2 scum teams btw I'm still curious how to explain the low number of deaths so far, considering we had an SK team as well. Unless our doctor has been shot at several times already lol.

My gut feeling is that crusher might have already been found by his team because the coke addict part of his reveal was so tight (at least until he said he knew about hess from the start), it seems like something a team would come up with together ... plus the stalling for time, idk. Not sure about the protection award part though. I could be wrong on that bc maybe "hidden" could mean not yet found. I need to look at his reveal again when I have more time.

I don't have much to say about the gambit theory other than I'm flattered and I hope it's something I might think about doing if in that position lol. Still you know crusher hates busing, and I definitely could have waited longer than i did before questioning his reveal. I also feel good about Hess right now because I think they would have played that differently and crusher wouldn't have been all "huh????" when Hess first revealed. Either that or he would have had to not be part of the team yet, idk. I wonder if crusher left any hints about his character to signal to people?

Something else ... if Pac says pafo about integrity idk if we want dpr to shoot him, rather use it on someone we can confirm. Sharrow also brings up a good point about dpr possibly not saying who he's shooting but mb we can narrow it down to a few top choices?

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Think this is my first game with a symp in it...


From Mafiawiki

This is a generally evil role who is on the same team as another known member, but is not able to communicate with that person. Usually the other player does not know of their symp's existence or identity.

For discussion of symp clues, see symp clues page.

Common use

Almost always, the symp is aligned with a mafia team and will help them win, but the mafia do not know who their symp or symps are. A symp cannot win alone, so once the mafia are all dead, the symp also loses.


Communicating symps: Two or more symps who are friends and can talk to each other, but not the FM.

Roled symps: Symps who have additional powers (such as healer or guard) in addition to knowledge of the killers.

Symp who does not know his masters: This role is just for evil mods. Don't use it.

Finder symp: This is similar to the symp who does not know his masters, but the symp is also a finder and can search for his master each night.

Promotable symp: Instead of losing once the killers are dead, this symp will be promoted to kill himself.


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I'd like to hear what Dan has to say regarding suggestions she might have been running a gambit with Crusher. The whole thing with them sorta came out of nowhere, and came on fast. Could it just have been the smart Dan picking up on slips from Crusher....or a plan? I have to say I'm leaning towards townie Dan, but I always seem to really miss on a key scum player each game - maybe Dan is the one this game?

I read it as her being smart and catching slips. Crusher did what Crusher always does as scum, he left a wake of inconsistent statements that undermined his claim once he got pressure. It seemed legit to me, and I also don't know what to make of Crusher carrying on about Dan being scum on his way to the gallows... kind of a wifom there. Does he call her out as scum on his way down? Or all those other people for that matter?

The players I'm most concerned with right now are AVM and Hess... I'll have to re-read when I get home from work later. If it is blatant that Crusher was trying to signal either of them by his early posts, then I'd advocate DPR shoot them tbh. I'd like to be vetted, but I'd like to take out scum if it seems like an obvious catch even more.

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Think this is my first game with a symp in it...


From Mafiawiki

This is a generally evil role who is on the same team as another known member, but is not able to communicate with that person. Usually the other player does not know of their symp's existence or identity.

Bolded part could explain why Hess was like "huh?" when Crusher revealed???

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I agree with this. For those of you who seem set on 2 scum teams btw I'm still curious how to explain the low number of deaths so far, considering we had an SK team as well. Unless our doctor has been shot at several times already lol.

My gut feeling is that crusher might have already been found by his team because the coke addict part of his reveal was so tight (at least until he said he knew about hess from the start), it seems like something a team would come up with together ... plus the stalling for time, idk. Not sure about the protection award part though. I could be wrong on that bc maybe "hidden" could mean not yet found. I need to look at his reveal again when I have more time.

I don't have much to say about the gambit theory other than I'm flattered and I hope it's something I might think about doing if in that position lol. Still you know crusher hates busing, and I definitely could have waited longer than i did before questioning his reveal. I also feel good about Hess right now because I think they would have played that differently and crusher wouldn't have been all "huh????" when Hess first revealed. Either that or he would have had to not be part of the team yet, idk. I wonder if crusher left any hints about his character to signal to people?

Something else ... if Pac says pafo about integrity idk if we want dpr to shoot him, rather use it on someone we can confirm. Sharrow also brings up a good point about dpr possibly not saying who he's shooting but mb we can narrow it down to a few top choices?

Your avatar always makes me believe you. DAMN YOU OLIVIA MUNN.

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I read it as her being smart and catching slips. Crusher did what Crusher always does as scum, he left a wake of inconsistent statements that undermined his claim once he got pressure. It seemed legit to me, and I also don't know what to make of Crusher carrying on about Dan being scum on his way to the gallows... kind of a wifom there. Does he call her out as scum on his way down? Or all those other people for that matter?

The players I'm most concerned with right now are AVM and Hess... I'll have to re-read when I get home from work later. If it is blatant that Crusher was trying to signal either of them by his early posts, then I'd advocate DPR shoot them tbh. I'd like to be vetted, but I'd like to take out scum if it seems like an obvious catch even more.

My theory is that crusher was trying to hint to dan that he was her symp, dan was maybe not picking up on it, but when crusher said to her that he was singaling to hess, the light went on, she panic'd a bit because knowing he was a symp we'd be looking for signalling attempts and see all the dan votes, and buried the fat manimal to distance....

I'm not convinced of this by any means, but this is where i'm leaning. Mostly cause of the way dan went from sleep walking to just pwning his big a$$ almost instantly..

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My theory is that crusher was trying to hint to dan that he was her symp, dan was maybe not picking up on it, but when crusher said to her that he was singaling to hess, the light went on, she panic'd a bit because knowing he was a symp we'd be looking for signalling attempts and see all the dan votes, and buried the fat manimal to distance....

I'm not convinced of this by any means, but this is where i'm leaning. Mostly cause of the way dan went from sleep walking to just pwning his big a$$ almost instantly..

The sudden aggression was not lost on me. She definitely unleashed the fury in a serious way. I've got to re-read... too much going on at work to do it here.

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Freakin' sucks I don't know who the Jets will draft

I have a hard time buying the Prodessor Dan X gambit or that she would go after Crusher so thoroughly as scum not knowing they were teammates.

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Ahhh...but he's been fishing, trying to get noticed. I'd say Hess has some splainin to do.

If you were a mafia team looking for a symp, what signals would you be putting out there?

Folks, keep in mind that my vig shot is a voluntary action - meaning, that if everyone else has their actions in first, we'll roll into day. Get those vig shot opinions in pronto.

Can you Shoot yourself ?


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Feelin' a little nervous that the night will be called before I can shoot - maybe ya'll can kind of narrow it down a bit, be specific who you'd like to see shot as you post?

Again, I don't think anyone is really expecting me to last too long tomorrow unless we pick a person and I hit scum.

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Feelin' a little nervous that the night will be called before I can shoot - maybe ya'll can kind of narrow it down a bit, be specific who you'd like to see shot as you post?

Again, I don't think anyone is really expecting me to last too long tomorrow unless we pick a person and I hit scum.

Oh shut up and just pick someone.

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