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Hell House Mafia Game Thread


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Fighting ensues again in the main hall. Everyone stops what they're doing and comes back to see what's going on.

"It's 80!!! He pulled the same sh*t last time we were stuck in a haunted house being stalked by demons with Satan modding."

The groups turns to look at Primate in confusion.

"Yeah, you're right, I'm a "real life" demon." He takes the butter knife from off the floor and gives himself a small little slash the size of a papercut on his left arm.

The group looks at each other, shrugs their shoulders, "Must be a demon then," and they go in for the kill.


With their bare hands they rip 80 to shreds. The demons are actually impressed.

"Wait...WAIT!!!! He's dead already."

The group looks down at 80's shredded body.

"Oh sh*t man we just killed 80."

The demons grin with satisfaction.

Jetsfan 80 IS DEAD

and is now a spirit of the house


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Are you going to claim I'm scum tomorrow and you caught me with your anonymous hammer? :D

Only after he claims he is the Town Power Plumber who wields a hammer.... off-topic by why the **** did Nintendo make Mario and Luigi a pair of plumbers and then arm them with a carpenter's signature tool? I feel like my whole childhood is a lie.

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Here's a link to the DEAD THREAD.


Rules are just like I told the other dead spirits. You can still talk and play the game and try to help town find and destroy demons. However you have no voting power anymore. If you had a role you can talk about it and whatever but your powers are gone.

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If I live through the nIght. Lily tomorrow. I feel for sure though I will because It's down to me or Lily for a lynch target.

You need a plumber to clean all that sh*t out of your mouth

On second thought, I'm glad you finished... its even more preposterous than I would have imagined.

If you live, then we kill Lily tomorrow. Okay, what if you don't live? Want to direct the town on what to do then?

I hope you continue to play here, your audacity is hilarious. Just get used to being lynched on the first or second day of every game for being a moron.

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I didn't want JF80 lynched. So don't put that on me. I told you who I suspect. So would all of you rather a random lynch hit and possibly knock out a real power role? One tat I haven't claimed already?

Defending already?

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Defending already?

No trying for light humor by making fun of myself. If you could look past the hair on your knuckles you'd see that. People were jumping on me for being the hammer so I just wanted to put it out there.

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I didn't want JF80 lynched. So don't put that on me. I told you who I suspect. So would all of you rather a random lynch hit and possibly knock out a real power role? One tat I haven't claimed already?

What's cool is that I'm watching The Wire while following the game tonight, and I totally read that in a West Baltimore dialect. Just needs a few n-words, and you'd be in. Mos' def.

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No trying for light humor by making fun of myself. If you could look past the hair on your knuckles you'd see that. People were jumping on me for being the hammer so I just wanted to put it out there.

In 3 sentences you managed to defend your defense, by saying it was light humor, and then defend yourself again.

Also, it must have been really, really light humor... like really light.

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I didn't want JF80 lynched. So don't put that on me. I told you who I suspect. So would all of you rather a random lynch hit and possibly knock out a real power role? One tat I haven't claimed already?

There it is

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I didn't want JF80 lynched. So don't put that on me. I told you who I suspect. So would all of you rather a random lynch hit and possibly knock out a real power role? One tat I haven't claimed already?

He didn't really say what I think he did.... did he?


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I was also curious earlier why you listed Jack, Lily, and myself as "our 3 main candidates" ....

... When the vote count looked like this:

The 3 main candidates should have been myself, Vic, and J80/Lily (tied at 2 votes).

Really easy to make me look bad in retrospect I guess Dan? How's it SOOOO difficult to see how I defined those three as the main candidates? You had the most votes and we'd spent the entire morning talking about Jack and his doc/cop/not cop but I know Lilys scum bit, and whether or not Lily was baiting him. I've made several posts about half of Jacks damn case being built on Lily doing the exact same thing he's done (baiting the doc). Yes, Vic had more votes -- but the f'n conversation had been stuck on those two for how long?

But yeah. It was a REALLL stretch Dan.

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Really easy to make me look bad in retrospect I guess Dan? How's it SOOOO difficult to see how I defined those three as the main candidates? You had the most votes and we'd spent the entire morning talking about Jack and his doc/cop/not cop but I know Lilys scum bit, and whether or not Lily was baiting him. I've made several posts about half of Jacks damn case being built on Lily doing the exact same thing he's done (baiting the doc). Yes, Vic had more votes -- but the f'n conversation had been stuck on those two for how long?

But yeah. It was a REALLL stretch Dan.

Hehe! REALLL defensive there, AVM.

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Hehe! REALLL defensive there, AVM.

Because I'm scum and trying to take attention and heat off of Vic. Just like I was the game before, and the game before that, and the game before that.

But yeah -- ignore the fact that I logically answered what you were asking, I'm just defensive so I HAZ 2 B SKUMM

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Really easy to make me look bad in retrospect I guess Dan? How's it SOOOO difficult to see how I defined those three as the main candidates? You had the most votes and we'd spent the entire morning talking about Jack and his doc/cop/not cop but I know Lilys scum bit, and whether or not Lily was baiting him. I've made several posts about half of Jacks damn case being built on Lily doing the exact same thing he's done (baiting the doc). Yes, Vic had more votes -- but the f'n conversation had been stuck on those two for how long?

But yeah. It was a REALLL stretch Dan.

Do you truly not see why I would have asked for more of an explanation?

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Because I'm scum and trying to take attention and heat off of Vic. Just like I was the game before, and the game before that, and the game before that.

But yeah -- ignore the fact that I logically answered what you were asking, I'm just defensive so I HAZ 2 B SKUMM

Lol I find your reactions bizarre. I think it was a valid question, especially seeing as how you had just asked something similar of someone else.

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Lol I find your reactions bizarre. I think it was a valid question, especially seeing as how you had just asked something similar of someone else.

Not counting Vic with 3 votes, and not counting the leading vote getter as it seemed to me, are two quite different things.

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Not counting Vic with 3 votes, and not counting the leading vote getter as it seemed to me, are two quite different things.

Well that's what I was wondering ... what your rationale was. Since it wasn't immediately clear to me. Haha. Not sure why that warrants jumping down my throat.

Do you think I'm scum?

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On second thought, I'm glad you finished... its even more preposterous than I would have imagined.

If you live, then we kill Lily tomorrow. Okay, what if you don't live? Want to direct the town on what to do then?

I hope you continue to play here, your audacity is hilarious. Just get used to being lynched on the first or second day of every game for being a moron.

Are you saying we finally found our new JB?

Although I'm not sure being a moron is reason enough to get lynched day one around here. There are a lot more morons playing these games than there are day one lynches.

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What's cool is that I'm watching The Wire while following the game tonight, and I totally read that in a West Baltimore dialect. Just needs a few n-words, and you'd be in. Mos' def.

I'll have you know that reading your posts about The Wire has me considering rewatching the entire series (once I'm done with BSG of course). It's been a few years now since I watched it and it's kind of tempting.

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