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Hell House Mafia Game Thread


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I've got one last thing to say.

People keep saying I based my argument on Lily on something I did myself. Trying to get the doc to claim doc on thread. That's kind of true, but for the most part it isn't.

Lily hinted for a counter claim to an already claimed role

She was the loudest doubter of my claim.

For her to know I was lying she would have to be the doc herself or she would of had to be on the mafia team. There is no other alternatives. Since I think I've figured out who the doc is that leads me to the conclusion that she is mafia.

The key differences in Lily's and my trying to get the doc to reveal on thread is that I didn't know who the doc was at the time. I believe she did. I was trying to find the doc because that would have been one less person to look at, when the mafia already knew who they were.

You can argue about different schematics of one time vests or a roleblocker or whatever, but in all likelihood the mafia targeted the doc and the doc self healed.

I know you all know how to play mafia and are all probably to some degree better then myself but the easiest way to fond mafia is knowledge. The mafia know more then te general townie and it will show in some of their posts if you look hard enough. I think Lily's hinting for the real doc to counter claim and her throwing doubt on my reveal displays that extra knowledge.

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For her to know I was lying she would have to be the doc herself or she would of had to be on the mafia team. There is no other alternatives.


LMFAO!!! You are a gift from mafia heaven.

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Oh of someone gets silenced tomorrow. They should rep the posts they think are important or the posts they agree with. Just so they can kind of stay on the game.


bwhahahahahahaha :rl:

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LMFAO!!! You are a gift from mafia heaven.

I would say he's DPR on steroids. It is just so incredibly epic I can't even begin to fathom how my low self esteem will work in these games anymore.

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I think so. Pacturd has been viewing for 12 hours and has like 2 posts.

I was trying to read through this mafia ghoulash. It's a steaming pile of sh-t. 20 pages have been dominated by the Jackoff and Lily Vanilli show and you azzwipes take the easy route and vote off 80. You guys suck.

I've identified 2 scum. Dan X and CTurdM. You're welcome.

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I just got caught up and it looks like you had an interesting night. Sorry I missed it.

I can't believe one offhand comment is still haunting me. I didn't and I don't want the doc to out him/herself. This is nothing but lying newbie-induced nonsense. I can't think of anything more to say.

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1:48 am

Most of you are devastated by the lost of your good friend 80 and wonder off to be by yourselves…a perfect time for the demons to hunt.

Verb remembers CTM is still locked in the basement cellar all by himself. “He must be going mad down there. I should go check on him and see if he’s alright.”

But the cellar door is open. “Hello, Chan! You down there buddy?”


I should grab a flashlight and see…


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...Meanwhile Crusher’s stomach can’t take any more deprivation and heads out in search of the kitchen. As he opens the refrigerator door he’s startled by what he sees out of the corner of his eye. It appears to be someone sitting at the giant oak table in the center of the room.

“Holy sh*t CTM. You scared me half to death. How’d you get out of th…”

“DON’T GO DOWN TO THE CELLAR” Chan interrupts. You left me down there to die. I don’t know what the **** is down there but if I didn’t bust that door open I’d be as good as toast.”

“Mmmm, toast.”

“But what about JiF?”

“Crusher!!! Listen to me don’t go down ther…”


“What was that...?”

“From the basement, C’mon we have to go down and look”

Crush takes one last desperate look back at the fridge, “Until we meet again my good friend,” and down to the basement he and CTM go.

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The Cellar

Flashlights in hand the entire group meet up with each to see what all the commotion was about. There they find what is left of Verb.


One of the demons has finally landed a fresh kill.

Verbal is Dead

and is now a spirit of the house


Link to the Dead Thread, same rules


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I am the ghost of 80. I'm even more annoying than alive 80.


Are you in pain or something?

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Haha! I have no idea what to make of you.

I think your logic that the doc had to be targeted on N1 is flawed. The scene clearly suggested the person attacked knew they were attacked, and that doesn't mesh with a doc role as well as it does with a one-time bulletproof - which is a pretty common role around here. I'm surprised no one's stepped forward to claim they were the one targeted N1 yet.

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Not sure, but doesn't it keep you logged in if you keep it logged on from iPhone?

Probably, don't worry I wouldn't vote you for your name at the bottom of the screen. That whole thing was just the type of fencing CTM and I do when we aren't at each others throats - I wouldn't doubt it if he was half serious too.

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I am the ghost of 80. I'm even more annoying than alive 80.


Now that you are a ghost, you can probably suck your own ghost peener and slurp up all the ectoplasm you want. Silver lining.

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Jac D = ((DPR - Awesome) * (Jif + Pac))/Ape

Your formula is incomplete... if you don't think you fit into this somehow your nuts, he is setting traps all over this mofo...

Jac D = ((DPR - Awesome) * (Jif + Pac + CTM))/Ape

How do you like them apples?

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Haha! I have no idea what to make of you.

I think your logic that the doc had to be targeted on N1 is flawed. The scene clearly suggested the person attacked knew they were attacked, and that doesn't mesh with a doc role as well as it does with a one-time bulletproof - which is a pretty common role around here. I'm surprised no one's stepped forward to claim they were the one targeted N1 yet.

Even if the one time bulletproof is the case here the mafia wouldn't know they hit a one time bulletproof. If someone is claiming they are a doc and they protected themselves then the mafia (if that's who they targeted) will assume that they also attempted a kill on the doc.

Here's what I was thinking. If I claim doc and that I self healed then the real doc and the mafia would know I was lying. The real doc would counter claim while the mafia would try and throw doubt on the claim and try and bait a counter claim. That's what Lily did and that's why I think she is scum. DPR also tried to discredit the claim but I'm not feeling mafia asuch from him. Maybe a symp.

Whenever I claimed doc I did it for 2 reasons to save myself from a lynch and to look for the above reaction. I found it so that's what I think. Lily acted as I would expect a scum to.

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Even if the one time bulletproof is the case here the mafia wouldn't know they hit a one time bulletproof. If someone is claiming they are a doc and they protected themselves then the mafia (if that's who they targeted) will assume that they also attempted a kill on the doc.

Here's what I was thinking. If I claim doc and that I self healed then the real doc and the mafia would know I was lying. The real doc would counter claim while the mafia would try and throw doubt on the claim and try and bait a counter claim. That's what Lily did and that's why I think she is scum. DPR also tried to discredit the claim but I'm not feeling mafia asuch from him. Maybe a symp.

Whenever I claimed doc I did it for 2 reasons to save myself from a lynch and to look for the above reaction. I found it so that's what I think. Lily acted as I would expect a scum to.


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Even if the one time bulletproof is the case here the mafia wouldn't know they hit a one time bulletproof. If someone is claiming they are a doc and they protected themselves then the mafia (if that's who they targeted) will assume that they also attempted a kill on the doc.

Here's what I was thinking. If I claim doc and that I self healed then the real doc and the mafia would know I was lying. The real doc would counter claim while the mafia would try and throw doubt on the claim and try and bait a counter claim. That's what Lily did and that's why I think she is scum. DPR also tried to discredit the claim but I'm not feeling mafia asuch from him. Maybe a symp.

Whenever I claimed doc I did it for 2 reasons to save myself from a lynch and to look for the above reaction. I found it so that's what I think. Lily acted as I would expect a scum to.

Stop explaining this over and over, sheesh...

Almost every time someone claims a role here, someone else says, "hmm, I wonder if there's a counter claim". She may have been doing what you suggest, OR she may have just been saying what someone here always says after a claim with absolutely NO scummy agenda. So take a deep breathe... and prepare to swing.

Vote Jack

At this point, you've lied a couple times over, your play has been scummy and your lynch could prove to be most informative. Your blathering about "If you live through the night" was stupid, and the fact that you said "If you live, then Lily tomorrow" and then open with a self-vote after aggressively defending yourself in night phase is just absurd.

I think you silenced Verbal and NK'ed him to make it look like someone is trying to set you up, because you think an elementary wifom like that will fly here.

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