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Black Friday Shopping - WHY???

The Gun Of Bavaria

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First of all I hate the term Black Friday, it's possibly one of the most ridiculous terms ever created by the media.

That out of the way, Why, Why would people put themselves through the misery of getting up at 3-4 am, standing in line for hours (Which currently in Michigan would allow you to enjoy the 18 degree weather) and fight a bunch of people to race for the 5 $10 DVD players that the store is sucking you in with?????

I mean the possible savings cannot outweigh the hassle, misery and chaos that opening day bell will bring.

To each his own I know, and to those of you willing to put up with it and fight the hoardes I commend you, but there's no way you'll ever get me out there. :lol:

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i HATE shopping! but that said...i did try to do "black friday" once ( the term is because it is the day that puts retailers "in the black" )...i got to target at 4:45am...the line was already 100 people deep... i got in my car... turned around... got some DD coffee and went home! :lol:

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My wife actually got up at 4:00 this morning for shopping. She wouldn't have but she caught word that Wal Mart had Gameboy Advance SP for $48. That just happens to be at the top of Grant's christmas list. With her being pregnant, I was actually worried for her with all the stories I hear about the day after thanksgiving. Every thing went smooth though and she was home before I even woke up for work with not one, but TWO Gameboy Advances in hand and about five games.

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My wife actually got up at 4:00 this morning for shopping. She wouldn't have but she caught word that Wal Mart had Gameboy Advance SP for $48. That just happens to be at the top of Grant's christmas list. With her being pregnant, I was actually worried for her with all the stories I hear about the day after thanksgiving. Every thing went smooth though and she was home before I even woke up for work with not one, but TWO Gameboy Advances in hand and about five games.

ha, u bought that line? she is actually seeing the co-manager at WalMart on the side.

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I do practically all my shopping online now- avoid the crowds and can do comparison shopping all on the PC.

No way I would get up at 4 A.M to wait on a line for stuff. I hate waiting on lines for anything for that matter

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I do practically all my shopping online now- avoid the crowds and can do comparison shopping all on the PC.

No way I would get up at 4 A.M to wait on a line for stuff. I hate waiting on lines for anything for that matter

There are some things you cannot get on line. ANd for those shop midweek during the day, if you can sneak out of work for half a day.

Gift certificates that people will use are great too. Women love getting a salon session.

But why anyone would willingly submit to dealing with this idiocy is beyond me. The news will undoubtedly highlight some silly folks who were trampled in a mall somwhere in America today. Especailly unpleasant crowd today with all that gas from turkey, and it was 26 degrees in NYC this morning.

But I can see what AIK's dealing with-the one most improtant toy that will sell out. The 16-year old's past that, and the 6-year old doesn't know that yet. So for another year or 2, I'm not going to deal with that.

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I was at wal-mart at 3:30 AM this morning. I do not do this every year but if there are deals that are just too good to pass up I will do it. It was 7 degrees outside and by 4:30 there had to be 100 people there. The store was a mad house but it is fun i think.

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I was at wal-mart at 3:30 AM this morning. I do not do this every year but if there are deals that are just too good to pass up I will do it. It was 7 degrees outside and by 4:30 there had to be 100 people there. The store was a mad house but it is fun i think.

For some odd reason, I actually wish I was off work today so I could go with my wife. I thought the idea of blasting through bitchy women's shopping carts sounded like a good time. :lol:

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For some odd reason, I actually wish I was off work today so I could go with my wife. I thought the idea of blasting through bitchy women's shopping carts sounded like a good time. :lol:

:lol: It totally is. My brother and I pulled all nighters got some dunkin donuts around 3:00. Wal Mart does not handle this the best way though. I think they are partially at fault for the madness. They actually hid products in different departments and lets everyone in at once. It is like adding fuel to the fire.

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I attempted a couple stores but not until the mad rush was over. There was nothing in the flyers that my guys were asking for so no need to fight the crowds. We did head to the mall in PA but it really was not bad at all.

I have done that though. I actually enjoyed getting up early and heading out by myself, no kids to worry about, and got alot of stuff I needed on sale. If you are by yourself it is easier cause you do not have to wait or worry about anyone else.

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My shift today was from 1 to 9pm.

I am just getting home...store was trashed, people brought in trades, etc. Just a crappy a$$ night.

I don't want to leave my house again until after Christmas is over. This sucks.

God bless working at a portrait studio. The past two days have been super slow. That's the only reason I've been at the mall. Otherwise, my ass woulda been home.

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