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Reservoir Dogs Mafia

Bleedin Green

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Ok so Hess was technically correct then that Sharrow left a vote on him until he was at L1? I have to double check how quickly he removed it but for now it's logical to assume Sharrow wouldn't have done to a scum team member.

So back to this...

Slats.. Please shoot 1 of JiF, CTM, SMC or Verb... much intel to be garnered there.

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Ok so Hess was technically correct then that Sharrow left a vote on him until he was at L1? I have to double check how quickly he removed it but for now it's logical to assume Sharrow wouldn't have done to a scum team member.

So back to this...

Slats.. Please shoot 1 of JiF, CTM, SMC or Verb... much intel to be garnered there.

Scummy doctor is scum.

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ok Hess.. so I went back and looked and while you were technically correct that sh*tshow left a vote on you until you were at L1, he really wasn't around when you went from 2 votes to 5 in the blink of an eye. He came back in the following real day and unvoted you with his first post.

I rescind my earlier suggestion that you should be cleared as a result of how that went down. You're back near the top of the list for me...

I have to give a tip of the hat to scum this game.. they're hiding well. I still think we should shoot JiF squarely in the face. I'd say there's about a 10% chance he's innocent but even if he is he's worthless to keep around. He's spamming the thread with his insistence that I'm scum despite the fact that everything I've said makes sense.. he's not even trying to look elsewhere.. either the scum or the stupid is strong in that one. we need to rid ourselves of it.

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ok Hess.. so I went back and looked and while you were technically correct that sh*tshow left a vote on you until you were at L1, he really wasn't around when you went from 2 votes to 5 in the blink of an eye. He came back in the following real day and unvoted you with his first post.

I rescind my earlier suggestion that you should be cleared as a result of how that went down. You're back near the top of the list for me...

I have to give a tip of the hat to scum this game.. they're hiding well. I still think we should shoot JiF squarely in the face. I'd say there's about a 10% chance he's innocent but even if he is he's worthless to keep around. He's spamming the thread with his insistence that I'm scum despite the fact that everything I've said makes sense.. he's not even trying to look elsewhere.. either the scum or the stupid is strong in that one. we need to rid ourselves of it.

My vote is on Verbal. You're not even paying attention.

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Ok so Hess was technically correct then that Sharrow left a vote on him until he was at L1? I have to double check how quickly he removed it but for now it's logical to assume Sharrow wouldn't have done to a scum team member.

So back to this...

Slats.. Please shoot 1 of JiF, CTM, SMC or Verb... much intel to be garnered there.

again, hess went from 2 votes to 5 in a 1/2 hour and sharrow was not on (big surprise).. he very possily got caught with his hands in the cookie jar after making a joke vote on hess..


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ok Hess.. so I went back and looked and while you were technically correct that sh*tshow left a vote on you until you were at L1, he really wasn't around when you went from 2 votes to 5 in the blink of an eye. He came back in the following real day and unvoted you with his first post.

I rescind my earlier suggestion that you should be cleared as a result of how that went down. You're back near the top of the list for me...


sorry pac <3, my favorite color is brown, did i ever tell ya that?

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ok, so we're at a stalemate here with verbal/hess... slats doesn't seem inclined to shoot..

so.. unvote vote crusher

i didn't like the way he backed off the ape, and then hemmed and hawed about voting jf80 even though he was one of his favorites.. just a hunch

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ok Hess.. so I went back and looked and while you were technically correct that sh*tshow left a vote on you until you were at L1, he really wasn't around when you went from 2 votes to 5 in the blink of an eye. He came back in the following real day and unvoted you with his first post.

I rescind my earlier suggestion that you should be cleared as a result of how that went down. You're back near the top of the list for me...

I have to give a tip of the hat to scum this game.. they're hiding well. I still think we should shoot JiF squarely in the face. I'd say there's about a 10% chance he's innocent but even if he is he's worthless to keep around. He's spamming the thread with his insistence that I'm scum despite the fact that everything I've said makes sense.. he's not even trying to look elsewhere.. either the scum or the stupid is strong in that one. we need to rid ourselves of it.

Ok, well I wasn't around either at the time and wasn't ever really looking at times. It's cool. He was around with me at 3 votes with 6 to lynch and didn't seem to mind leaving for a day. Still doesn't really make sense tbh but whatevs.

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ok, so we're at a stalemate here with verbal/hess... slats doesn't seem inclined to shoot..

so.. unvote vote crusher

i didn't like the way he backed off the ape, and then hemmed and hawed about voting jf80 even though he was one of his favorites.. just a hunch

I'm thinking slats is gonna wait as long as he possibly can to take a shot. Which is smart imo.

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1. Crusher - ?

2. JiF - roleless

3. Ape - roleless

4. Pac - Doc

5. SMC - roleless

6. CTM - roleless

7. slats - Vig

8. JF80 - GF finder

9. Sharrow - Symp

10. Verbal - ?

11. Hess - roleless

So since this post, both Verbal and Crusher have claimed roleless, too.

I'm confused by the fact that there was a GF Finder, but that there's no standard finder. What's the point of having a GF if the only finder in the game specifically finds GF's? Sorry for the obvious role-phishing, but shouldn't one of these roleless players be a finder?

Pac's explanation of his role has a couple holes in it. First, he protects against arrests. Then, he'll be able to protect himself from a shot from me. I wish I felt better about him, but the lack of a finder makes the lack of a doc more likely, IMHO. I'm not ready to vote there today, though.

The only player left in the game that I have a strong town feeling about is CTM (god help me). I could vote anyone else. I won't be shooting today. Shooting the ape was funny, now I'd like to win.

I want to investigate the potential signaling of Sharrow to the police. That means either Hess or SMC. I'm gonna...

vote: SMC

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Would you just shoot me, Slats?

This is moronic because there is zero basis for your vote or for me to be at the top of anyones list. Best to clear up the nonsense and focus on the scummiest player thus far in Verbal.

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Would you just shoot me, Slats?

This is moronic because there is zero basis for your vote or for me to be at the top of anyones list. Best to clear up the nonsense and focus on the scummiest player thus far in Verbal.

What do you think about the parts of my post where I didn't vote you? What do you think about the lack of a standard finder in this game? What do you think about Hess?

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What do you think about the parts of my post where I didn't vote you? What do you think about the lack of a standard finder in this game? What do you think about Hess?

Lack of Standard Finder

Hate to game the mod, but BG did mention before that he was trying to work out the balance issue. It's not that different between 11/12 players. So 3 scum would work in both. Have 2 scum and 1 symp who knows who the scum are. So I think the balance issue was something else.

That could be with the power roles. Pac's role seems suspect and it isn't comforting that he has the slip of the tongue and calls himself the cop rather than doc, but let's put that aside and assume that there is a town power role. I doubt there would be only 1. In a 12 player game there are 2 power roles standard.

Now, the issue with balance, and fitting in the underlying source material, is how to find Mr. Orange. He was deep undercover, but he wasn't indiscoverable. A normal GF role makes him indiscoverable, which would be contrary to the source material. So, I think that BG used a finder that could only find Mr. Orange. The other scum player is vanilla, but he can't be found.


CTM's "signaling" claim is completely bogus. Sharrow joke voted with a bunch of people. Were they all signaled? He joke voted me and Pac. Doesn't that make both Pac and myself scum under CTMlogic?

I don't see any signaling AND that was a completely reckless move by Sharrow to squat his vote on Hess for so long assuming that Hess was scum.

Further, CTM claims that it's standard scum move for what Sharrow did in casting suspicion on Verbal but not vote him. The problem with that is that it was D1. That doesn't work early in a game when there is no real "casing" and there is a high probability of a sacrificial lamb for the first lynch.

That's the thing. I don't see any real connection between Hess and Sharrow despite CTM's attempt to do Mafia-color-by-numbers. I do see connection between Sharrow and Verbal, which I've posted at length already, but except for JiF, that's pretty much been ignored.

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That's the thing. I don't see any real connection between Hess and Sharrow despite CTM's attempt to do Mafia-color-by-numbers. I do see connection between Sharrow and Verbal, which I've posted at length already, but except for JiF, that's pretty much been ignored.

I can't get over how strongly you are defending hess. I also think your connection is ridiculous, Verbal was within lynch range, a real possibility and the flavor of the moment, and sharrow the symp did nothing but egg it on. That's not symp behavior, that's scum behavior looking to take out an innocent with clean hands..

As i stated, I have my own reasons of being suspicious of Verbal, namely the invocation of ape logic..

lastly... Sharrow had 2 jokes votes, you and hess. Hess's vote occured in a post in which he likely named the entire scum team's characters.. fairly blatent signalling in my book... maybe not for hess, but he's my best guess since he was in the post.. ( i do think hess has defended well however)


I want to vote for Verbal or the Ape too. The Hess thing seems fishy to me too. I could see both of them (Ape & Verbal) being scum and deciding that one of them should vote for Hess at that point and both accidentally doing it cause they're such retards and then hoping someone would hammer or Hess would have a sloppy reveal instead of unvoting quickly and drawing more attention. Their little scuffle with the Ape voting Verbal & Verbal accusing the Ape of exaggerating but not returning the vote looks like a good distancing play when the Ape was getting closer to a lynch.

I said it looked like blatant distancing between you and Verbal. The rest is just putting the pieces together. And it makes sense, imo. Just need to decide which of you to vote for.

Why should I FOS him for something I could expect him to do every game? Ape and Verbal leaving somebody at L-1 like that I don't expect. It's a completely different situation. Not to mention the fact that it was CTM in the first example, who is much easier to lynch than you are, and he was at L2 and you were at L1, which is a huge difference.

vote count while this was going on...

Vote Count:

JF80 (3) - Crusher, Hess, Verbal

Ape (2) - JiF, CTM

Hess (1) - Pac

Verbal (3) - JF80, Ape, slats

With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch.

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Continue with your Hesscapade, CTM. I don't see how a joke vote is a signal when Sharrow did it for more than one. But he only cased Verbal.

a) it sounds dirty when you say it like that

2) it wasn't the joke vote, it was the content of the post..

You played in BG's jets game? The one at the end where pac and ey did the flamboyant scum reveal and pleaded with jets things the sk? Brady's a catcher did the same thing to signal to scum

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blah blah blah... smart guys over analyzing everything.

SMC and Slats - frankly at this point I couldn't give a sh-t if you "feel good about my reveal"... I am the Doc and I'll post the PM exchange I had with BG at the end to clear up all your confusion. and you both sound very confused.

in the meantime how about we shoot JiF and lynch one of Hess, SMC, or Verbal eh?

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and I have no idea why you 2 are questioning the balance..

2 scum, 1 symp (2 of which are undetectable to a finder)

1 Doc, 1 modified cop, 1 Vig (who as we've seen can be a detriment to the town)

Pretty straight forward to me... Part of me wonders if 1 of the scummates has an added power but that might be giving them too much in such a small game.

Sometimes if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck.. it's a fukin duck.

Now shoot JiF.. he's scum or completely worthless.

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Pac, I wasn't questioning balance. I was trying to figure out why BLEEDIN GREEN originally questioned the balance. I'm trying to solve the puzzle. The game seems balanced to me. I wanted to know why BG had a question because that would give us insight.

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Pac, I wasn't questioning balance. I was trying to figure out why BLEEDIN GREEN originally questioned the balance. I'm trying to solve the puzzle. The game seems balanced to me. I wanted to know why BG had a question because that would give us insight.

I would think it's because originally he had a normal Finder in the game but thought that might be too powerful. He probably switched it to a GF finder so that 2 of the scum team would be undetectable.

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Sorry I was unable to get on last night. Took Sal and a couple friends to eat after practice and came home and crashed.

I will get on and read last couple pages during office hours this morning and will give my thoughts.

I <3 u muffin top, but this is getting excessive and I think its convenient and I'm not sure if there's been any real game content from you. I've seen you hide as scum and I'm starting to get affraid. Part of me thinks that we are chasing tails so I'm willing to try something new. Still think Pac is a lying all talk no action pussy. But we have too many pussies in this game not willing to do anything about it.

Unvote Verb

Vote Crusher

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Gotta couple minutes now will get on as I can. If you think my time away from the game is excessive.... I'd miss me too if I where you.

Slats- His shooting the ape and punking of Pac where epic. Seems legit.

Pac- Reveal and role description is odd but at the same time nobody has counter him. Legit until counter

CTM- No idea why he seems to be exalted of suspicion and seems to be running the game like his old pied piper days. Concerned. Not sure he is what he says he is. don;t trust.


JiF- all over the place like dog sh*t. Has voted everyone and is even challenging Pacs claim. Comes off a little like scum hunting bored townie JiF but has been doing the scums work alla ape. Adding nothing of value to the game except amusement.

Hess- Still find the Sharrow post amusing and interesting but he is playing very serious right now. shaky at best

SMC- another one that sharrow may have been signaling. The difference with SMC he seems to be chumming hard on Hess. Be silly to think two scum would be hanging that tight at this point in the game. I get the feeling SMC is "Cumming: up to Hess and playing the protective townie role. Stick out more than anything,

unvote vote smc

Verb- need more time to look at his contributions, but not getting any ping from him and he seems to be fighting hysteria with relative descent reasoning. Good feeling.

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