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SOA Mafia Game Thread


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I believe i said I thought DPR and JIF should be the next up goldilocks.. if i was the cop, I'd investigate you however

I know what you said, that is why I said I'd like to get after those 2 (to keep you honest), before having you spin 'round on me. Which is inevitable you freak show.

And everyone knows if you were the cop, you'd investigate me... how about you stop directing the cop, with your ill-informed paranoid obsession and let the cop play their own game?

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I'm not obsessed you retard, I'm saying you come out of d1 looking squeeky clean and shouldn't be assumed

Don't worry, the rest of us don't assume anything like that. You two love to repeat yourselves in this argument so much that we now completely ignore it and move on. ;-)

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He tried to derail my push on JC, with a fabricated case on me. The type of thing I'd expect ballsy scum to do to see if they could get me off on an Ape tirade, and forget about JC. He backed off and tried to talk his way out of casing me, when it became clear JC was getting lynched.

My list is DPR right now.

Curious about SMC's reluctance to vote JC until the end, no self-preservation vote there.

Couple other things going on, but I'll refrain for now.

I think if DPR is scum, so is SMC. Feel very strongly about DPR at this moment.

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If JiF really doesn't have a PR, he's my favorite for scum. If there's one thing we know about him, he's been part of some really disastrous scum teams. Scum getting killed off Day 1 makes me look in his direction.

You're an idiot and my favorite for scum as well. You campaigned my lynch the entire day phase and the second SMC picked up momentum, you switched and dissapeared when things shifted toward JC. Doesnt sit well with me...maybe a little OMGUS...but its the move the stands out the most to me from yesterday.

Weirdly enough, I think I believe JiF here. It does sound like something he'd do and have it backfire in spectacular fashion.

I'm the absolute worst scum ever, everyone knows this! There is no way I'd try these antics (wifom, I know). The last 2 times I've been scum I stuck my neck out to save a teammate or derail a lynch and my team has gone down in flames in an embarrassing and comical fashion almost in consecutive days. And the time before that, Dan X had to pull of a miracle to save me and my muffin top.

I'm not this bold. lol...but god I wish I was sometimes. Coming home from hoops and reading this thread is hands down one of the funniest if not the funniest moment in all of my message board posting life. The ******* Ape, I was so ready to make fun him for this entire day phase and he nailed JC with a "ping!" lmfao. I'm totally content witht his game now...that was fully worth every second invested. I was almost in tears last night when Bret posted that scene.

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Weirdly enough, I think I believe JiF here. It does sound like something he'd do and have it backfire in spectacular fashion.

You two can no longer make fun of anybody on DM. This is gay even for us.

(Disclaimer: if neither of you have ever done that, then please read this post as "Oh, cool." - kthx)

I disagree with your read on BooBoo. This just ain't his style.

I completely agree with your read on teh gayness.

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See jif... All he needed all this time was your love and support

Ape... Would you consider outing my bait as protown

In the context that I did it? Sure, I mean you made your bait vote... then a couple people followed over, bringing the situation to what they thought was L1. Since that was the case, I thought it was fine to point out.

If you made the same move and the people that followed behind only brought the train to L4, then it would have been dumb to point it out.

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sure.. But I'm asking ape why, if he knew I was baiting scum, would he announce it in order to prevent anymore scum from taking bait?

Like I said above, your trap wasn't going to catch anyone else - they thought it was at L1.

Of all the outcomes of D1, the best you can do is obsess over your disbelief that I caught scum and now your casing me. I really find your fixation with me laughable.

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Note to scum: Please kill both CTM & Ape and save us the 295693456 posts about how they obsess over each other. Thanks in advance.

Disclaimer: If either of them are scum (or both), please buss them and lead the lynch. We promise to not lynch you afterwards.

Disclaimer2: Ok, we'll lynch you afterwards. But won't the remaining time without babble on obsession be glorious?

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I guess so, lol.

I'm almost encouraged to go play over at DM for a little while. I mean, look at what its done for the Ape.

I've learned more from you guys, than from DM. Playing at DM has basically just allowed me to concentrate on the game more, and less on acting like a complete doosh and chasing my own tail.

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I'm askng if it was protown .. Not casing u

Stop obsessing over me, it can never be

and I could care less what u caught, with you leading the way it was smc heading for a lynch not jc

I voted SMC because he was #5 on the signup list for crying out loud. I told you guys JC was my only ping of D1 - until DPR joined him on my list. My posts are in the thread, you should read them.

Anyway, I stand by how I played off of your laughable bait play. Thank you for providing what was needed to get people to see what I saw with JC. It was a shared effort.

I'm done with this discussion now.

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Note to scum: Please kill both CTM & Ape and save us the 295693456 posts about how they obsess over each other. Thanks in advance.

Disclaimer: If either of them are scum (or both), please buss them and lead the lynch. We promise to not lynch you afterwards.

Disclaimer2: Ok, we'll lynch you afterwards. But won't the remaining time without babble on obsession be glorious?

Shut up a$$hole.

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You are so obsessed with me.

A lot of players are obsessed with you. Lucky for you Slats aint playing.

Him killing you early last game was the town's undoing. If you had stayed alive he wouldve obsessed over you more than he did me.

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