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Todd Haley on the Jets


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Kansas City Chiefs Head Coach Todd Haley, 12.7.11 – Courtesy NY Jets PR Department

On if he feels they are finding consistency on defense…

Defense is the name of the game and early on, obviously, we were kind of an up and down team. We started out pretty rough but kind of got hold and started playing better football, defensively included, and then went through a tough stretch again. But I think during that stretch we’ve kind of found ourselves in exactly, as coaches, as the season goes on and you have injuries and things like that, you have to make adjustments. And sometimes those adjustments are drastic and it takes some time to kind of get everybody comfortable and on the same page. But at the same time, that’s coaching. But I think that’s what is going on. We’ve all, as coaches and players, gotten comfortable with how we need to play across the board. I think it’s showing up, and again, we need to play good defense, especially down the stretch. That’s always critical to a team’s success.

On the type of leader that Thomas Jones has been…

Thomas has been tremendous. He really has. He’s a true professional and he’s been nothing but an unselfish leader that helps so much in the progress of Jamaal (Charles) last year and continued progress even with Jamaal going through a very difficult season for himself personally. Thomas has been a big part of helping him kind of through that and now helping Dexter (McCluster) and Jackie Battle. So, when he is kind of in the spotlight he brings everything that he has and when he’s not in the spotlight he’s bringing everything he has. So, he’s somebody that I’m really happy that is a part of our team and has been a big part of helping us kind of grow as a team.

On what his experience with the Jets meant to him…

The Jets will always hold a dear, close spot in my heart because I started out on the scouting side, in the pro personnel. That’s where I started and kind of went through, survived some changes there and moved over to coaching when Coach Parcells came. But, going back, Mr. Hess just showed me so much about how an owner, a great owner operates. And I learned so much just from afar. And then Mr. Johnson coming, a different style, but I was glad I got to experience some time with him also. There are a lot of people still there that I spent a lot of time with in the trenches and think a lot of, and when we’re not playing them, I always root for the Jets a little bit.

On what he sees from the Jets offense…

I think they’re a multi-dimensional attack team. They can hurt you running it and throwing it. They give you a multitude of looks formationally that you have to be really sharp and prepared for. You have to understand where people are within the formation. Sometimes, it’s not traditional, but from a traditional standpoint, they run it and they have their bread-and-butter runs that they run well that you’ve got to stop. And then they’ve got a bunch of weapons running routes including the tight end, (Dustin) Keller. (He) looks really, really like he’s turning into what they envisioned when they brought him aboard. You’ve got Santonio (Holmes), I know a bunch about, obviously, from our Super Bowl experience. So, I know, obviously, the speed and talent and overall ability that comes with him. And Plaxico (Burress), another guy that (we) did a lot of work on when he was coming out. I think we actually had him earmarked to draft and the Steelers snuck in in front of us that year. And then we ended up, I think Chad Pennington was our next pick, but Plaxico ended up back where he had a chance to start. I think a lot of him and (Jeremy) Kerley is becoming a third-down favorite. I think they’re a multi-dimensional team, between the formations and looks and checks, they try to get to the right play most of the time.

On whether he ever thinks about how Burress was almost a Jet…

Like I said, I was a receivers coach when he was coming out. So, I went to work him out and did a lot of work on him, and we had lost Keyshawn (Johnson), we had traded him to Tampa, and we were looking for a guy that could kind of fill those shoes. And he obviously had the size and ability and has kind of proven on his own, made a name for himself on his own, obviously. But when you do a lot of work on guys like that, and I love Chad Pennington, there’s no doubt about it. Everything happens for a reason. But I know, as a receivers coach, sitting there in the draft room, I was disappointed when the Steelers took him.



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On whether he ever thinks about how Burress was almost a Jet…

Like I said, I was a receivers coach when he was coming out. So, I went to work him out and did a lot of work on him, and we had lost Keyshawn (Johnson), we had traded him to Tampa, and we were looking for a guy that could kind of fill those shoes. And he obviously had the size and ability and has kind of proven on his own, made a name for himself on his own, obviously. But when you do a lot of work on guys like that, and I love Chad Pennington, there’s no doubt about it. Everything happens for a reason. But I know, as a receivers coach, sitting there in the draft room, I was disappointed when the Steelers took him.

On what planet was Plax ever almost a Jet in 2000? Haley is talking nonsense. Parcells blew a ton of draft picks and this is obviously hindsight but there really just isn't any way he was going to pass on Ellis or Abraham and if Plax is even on the board at that point somebody trades into 14 as soon as we make our picks. We'd have had to trade up anyway, and 18+27 conveniently comes out to 7 on the chart. Bottom line on Plax and virtually anybody else who came out that year, we really wanted him, we'd have had him.

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On what planet was Plax ever almost a Jet in 2000? Haley is talking nonsense. Parcells blew a ton of draft picks and this is obviously hindsight but there really just isn't any way he was going to pass on Ellis or Abraham and if Plax is even on the board at that point somebody trades into 14 as soon as we make our picks. We'd have had to trade up anyway, and 18+27 conveniently comes out to 7 on the chart. Bottom line on Plax and virtually anybody else who came out that year, we really wanted him, we'd have had him.

wrong. Haley is correct. I remember that draft, the Squealers jumped in front of us and we took Chad instead. do your research, you'll see.

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wrong. Haley is correct. I remember that draft, the Squealers jumped in front of us and we took Chad instead. do your research, you'll see.

No, Colonel Sanders, you're wrong, Haley is wrong, you don't remember that draft, the Steelers didn't trade up, and our next two picks were Ellis and Abraham, not Chad. Don't do your research, continue to insist you're right anyway.

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No, Colonel Sanders, you're wrong, Haley is wrong, you don't remember that draft, the Steelers didn't trade up, and our next two picks were Ellis and Abraham, not Chad. Don't do your research, continue to insist you're right anyway.

I believe your correct on this one...

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No, Colonel Sanders, you're wrong, Haley is wrong, you don't remember that draft, the Steelers didn't trade up, and our next two picks were Ellis and Abraham, not Chad. Don't do your research, continue to insist you're right anyway.

Ellis and Abraham were our 1st 2 picks, Chad was #16 I believe...And the question was put to Haley about Plax, so I guess he made up the scenario also, hey Mrs. Sanders?

2000 1st round picks:

12 Shaun Ellis DE Tennessee 13 John Abraham LB South Carolina 18 Chad Pennington QB Marshall 27 Anthony Becht TE West Virginia

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And the question was put to Haley about Plax, so I guess he made up the scenario also, hey Mrs. Sanders?

Well, to be perfectly honest, yes. Haley's answer certainly makes it seem as though he remembers that draft about as well as you do.

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Burress was drafted with the 8th over all pick they would have had to give up their 12th and a second (if they had one) to move up to get Burress. Im not sure what that had to do with Chad since he was drafted 18th unless Haley had inside info the Jets were offering the 18th and 27th for the 8th slot. but I doubt that. God Anthony Becht :(

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The point about Chad was that I'm pretty sure at the time it was heavily rumored that he was the guy the Steelers were going to be taking. It could be complete BS, but I do remember a few years back a report coming out that after taking Plax the Steelers were considering trading back up in the first for him, but the Jets snagged him with the potential thought of dealing him to the Steelers. Of course who knows how legit any of that is, but I'm guessing that's where a lot of this is coming from. Man do I wish those damn Steelers would have just drafted the noodle.

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The point about Chad was that I'm pretty sure at the time it was heavily rumored that he was the guy the Steelers were going to be taking. It could be complete BS, but I do remember a few years back a report coming out that after taking Plax the Steelers were considering trading back up in the first for him, but the Jets snagged him with the potential thought of dealing him to the Steelers. Of course who knows how legit any of that is, but I'm guessing that's where a lot of this is coming from. Man do I wish those damn Steelers would have just drafted the noodle.

that sounds pretty close to what I remember..point is the Jets did want Buress.

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hes just doing what any coach would do dont take it literally hes laughing in the background

Are you like me and get the feeling that Schitty read this, took the compliment to heart, and will be more complacent than usual?

Then again if he lays off then I bet the offense explodes thanks to Tom Moore, who already came in and improved red zone production.

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Are you like me and get the feeling that Schitty read this, took the compliment to heart, and will be more complacent than usual?

Then again if he lays off then I bet the offense explodes thanks to Tom Moore, who already came in and improved red zone production.

Honestly I dont know how to read Shotty the guy is puzzling to me at best.

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