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Rex opening his mouth again


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WTF.....WTF......Rex Come on dude! Please stop....can you just F'en coach the team. Did you see your team get smacked by a team that was 5-8? Did you see your team lay a freaken egg?

I don't understand what this guy is doing.


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You know what amazes me? That we never see these threads after wins. There seems to be a group of posters who lay in wait until a loss so they can gripe.

As JiF astutely pointed out earlier in the thread - everything is relative. The Jets are a win or two away from being the first Jets team to make the postseason three years in a row. Rex is already only the second Jets coach to not have a losing season in his first three years. If we win out, it'll be the first time the team has won double digit games three straight years ever.

Rex has absolutely backed up his boasts.

For those of you crying about him not winning the SB yet. Have a little patience will ya?

The Jets have had a much better history than the Saints had until two years ago. Think Saints fans were bitching about Sean Payton after the team failed to post a winning record and make the playoffs after his second and third seasons?

The Jets under Rex have been significantly better than the Saints were under Payton his first three years and he had a much better QB.

Relax, enjoy the ride. This is supposed to be fun. I love how I often get accused of taking things way too seriously but when I laugh about Rex's boasts and take him in stride I'm an "idiot" who doesn't get it. Sorry, but some of you are just a litt full of crap today.

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I've seen coaches that mumble and fans hate that too. We lost bad, and it sucks regardless of the coach's postgame demeanor.

During a downturn, however, I think the mumblers can lose the team faster than a coach who has some piss and vinegar. So Rex is ok by me for now.

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Frankly I'm tired of people not understanding what Rex is doing. Rex does this kind of thing when Mark or the Team has a really bad performance so that that the attention is deflected to him. Rex can handle it, the others probably can't. The NYC media and fans are merciless, so I love that Rex does this.

Keep it up Rex.

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You know what amazes me? That we never see these threads after wins. There seems to be a group of posters who lay in wait until a loss so they can gripe.

As JiF astutely pointed out earlier in the thread - everything is relative. The Jets are a win or two away from being the first Jets team to make the postseason three years in a row. Rex is already only the second Jets coach to not have a losing season in his first three years. If we win out, it'll be the first time the team has won double digit games three straight years ever.

Rex has absolutely backed up his boasts.

For those of you crying about him not winning the SB yet. Have a little patience will ya?

The Jets have had a much better history than the Saints had until two years ago. Think Saints fans were bitching about Sean Payton after the team failed to post a winning record and make the playoffs after his second and third seasons?

The Jets under Rex have been significantly better than the Saints were under Payton his first three years and he had a much better QB.

Relax, enjoy the ride. This is supposed to be fun. I love how I often get accused of taking things way too seriously but when I laugh about Rex's boasts and take him in stride I'm an "idiot" who doesn't get it. Sorry, but some of you are just a litt full of crap today.

I have been away.

Ultimately I think the criticism amounts to this: there are serious flaws with the team (as there are flaws on every team). Rex's boasting gives off the impression that he is oblivious to the team's shortcomings, whether that's Schottenheimer, Sanchez, or his precious defense.

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Optimus has a point that seems to be lost on all of you Kool-Aid drinkers. There's plenty wrong with him running his mouth for the simple fact that he can't back any of it up. He has a Defense that is a sieve to the running game and can't pressure the QB and an offense going in complete circles.

His false motivational bull$hit has more than run its course. Three straight years of running his mouth. It was cool at first, it helped this team get some character and remove their heads from decades of sheer ineptitude...but like anything else, it has a shelf life. You can't run around telling everyone you're going to win the Super Bowl and fail without becoming a joke. You can't run around and talk about how great your team is, how you're going to run the table, and $hit the bed in Philly.

Instead of running his mouth, maybe he should concentrate on his high school QB who is regressing at maximum warp, along with the rest of the flaccid offense. Perhaps instead of running his mouth, he should figure out why we can never contain a QB, never get pressure on the QB, defend the run, or blitz anymore?

Perhaps instead of running his mouth he should just win something..

This is EXACTLY what my thoughts are....he ran his mouth about other teams beating the Pats, and then we GET SWEPT...WTF....I am all for talk...BUT JUST BACK IT UP...Otherwise you look like a complete A-hole...

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You know what amazes me? That we never see these threads after wins. There seems to be a group of posters who lay in wait until a loss so they can gripe.

As JiF astutely pointed out earlier in the thread - everything is relative. The Jets are a win or two away from being the first Jets team to make the postseason three years in a row. Rex is already only the second Jets coach to not have a losing season in his first three years. If we win out, it'll be the first time the team has won double digit games three straight years ever.

Rex has absolutely backed up his boasts.

For those of you crying about him not winning the SB yet. Have a little patience will ya?

The Jets have had a much better history than the Saints had until two years ago. Think Saints fans were bitching about Sean Payton after the team failed to post a winning record and make the playoffs after his second and third seasons?

The Jets under Rex have been significantly better than the Saints were under Payton his first three years and he had a much better QB.

Relax, enjoy the ride. This is supposed to be fun. I love how I often get accused of taking things way too seriously but when I laugh about Rex's boasts and take him in stride I'm an "idiot" who doesn't get it. Sorry, but some of you are just a litt full of crap today.

Jets fans like to be losers. Thats what I've learned from this thread.

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I have been away.

Ultimately I think the criticism amounts to this: there are serious flaws with the team (as there are flaws on every team). Rex's boasting gives off the impression that he is oblivious to the team's shortcomings, whether that's Schottenheimer, Sanchez, or his precious defense.

And anyone who really thinks Rex is oblivious to the team's shortcomings clearly hasn't watched this team play the last three years. The guy has forgotten more about football than any of us will ever know.

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This is EXACTLY what my thoughts are....he ran his mouth about other teams beating the Pats, and then we GET SWEPT...WTF....I am all for talk...BUT JUST BACK IT UP...Otherwise you look like a complete A-hole...

2 years as a HC. No losing seasons. A game from the SB both seasons. Possibly 3 straight playoff births for the first time every as a franchise.

He's backing it up.

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Optimus has a point that seems to be lost on all of you Kool-Aid drinkers. There's plenty wrong with him running his mouth for the simple fact that he can't back any of it up. He has a Defense that is a sieve to the running game and can't pressure the QB and an offense going in complete circles.

His false motivational bull$hit has more than run its course. Three straight years of running his mouth. It was cool at first, it helped this team get some character and remove their heads from decades of sheer ineptitude...but like anything else, it has a shelf life. You can't run around telling everyone you're going to win the Super Bowl and fail without becoming a joke. You can't run around and talk about how great your team is, how you're going to run the table, and $hit the bed in Philly.

Instead of running his mouth, maybe he should concentrate on his high school QB who is regressing at maximum warp, along with the rest of the flaccid offense. Perhaps instead of running his mouth, he should figure out why we can never contain a QB, never get pressure on the QB, defend the run, or blitz anymore?

Perhaps instead of running his mouth he should just win something..

Well said.

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2 years as a HC. No losing seasons. A game from the SB both seasons. Possibly 3 straight playoff births for the first time every as a franchise.

He's backing it up.

Don't take what I am saying the wrong way....but there comes a point in time when you need to do more than talk your way out of a situation. We are currently in a situation. The situation is our season....and I love the Jets. Always will...but I need to see my team not be embarassed like it did yesterday, and then the HC this morning is doing some more jiber-jaber (as they say)....The way he can back it up is for our team to play excellent football, this sunday and the next. PERIOD.

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Rex isn't the problem — Tannembaum is.

The Accountant hasn't had an impact draft since 2007.

Entering 2011-12, he decided to cut Woody and rely on Wayne Hunter, who is one of the worst starting offensive linemen in the league. It is an absolute miracle that Sanchez's right arm isn't in a sling right now.

Secondly, we have absolutely zero speed on the field — outside of Holmes. Why not try and sign Sproles during the offseason? Again — outside of Holmes — we have zero HR hitters on offense. Shonn Greene, who is sporting quite the gut these days, lost whatever breakaway burst he had in 2009.

Lastly, how about the refusal to address the safety position? We all agreed letting Kerry Rhodes go was for the best, however, we never found a replacement. Say what you want about Rhodes, but the guy could actually cover a TE. You know who else could at least stay within a few feet of a TE? Dwight Lowery. The lack of an athletic safety will hold this team back. We will never make it over the hump without one. The tight end position has become too explosive in today's NFL.

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Don't take what I am saying the wrong way....but there comes a point in time when you need to do more than talk your way out of a situation. We are currently in a situation. The situation is our season....and I love the Jets. Always will...but I need to see my team not be embarassed like it did yesterday, and then the HC this morning is doing some more jiber-jaber (as they say)....The way he can back it up is for our team to play excellent football, this sunday and the next. PERIOD.

Did you read what he said? I just dont get what the big deal is. He doesnt want to be 2nd fiddle, he thinks the Jets have been better than the Giants (they have) and he wants to win on Saturday.

OH NO!!!!!

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Don't take what I am saying the wrong way....but there comes a point in time when you need to do more than talk your way out of a situation. We are currently in a situation. The situation is our season....and I love the Jets. Always will...but I need to see my team not be embarassed like it did yesterday, and then the HC this morning is doing some more jiber-jaber (as they say)....The way he can back it up is for our team to play excellent football, this sunday and the next. PERIOD.

See if you can follow this:



The media asks questions designed to elicit a certain response. They know what Rex wants to say and they are all too willing to accomodate him.

Rex also is far from being an idiot. He knows how the media is going to react when he answers them in a certain way. So he manipulates them with his answers and gets them to write about what he wants them to write about.

Does Rex want the media harping on Holmes' drops and fumbles in the first quarter yesterday? Of course not. So he steers them in another direction and the dumb pricks take the bait every single time.

This ain't exactly rocket science.

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I can see how someone calling one of your points "astute" would lead you to that conclusion.

Thats not it there buddy...its just funny watching a bunch of people who root for one of the worst organizations in all of sports bitching and moaning about the one person that has brought us recognizable success because of his mouth.

Makes me think Jets fans would prefer to be losers.

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You know what amazes me? That we never see these threads after wins. There seems to be a group of posters who lay in wait until a loss so they can gripe.

As JiF astutely pointed out earlier in the thread - everything is relative. The Jets are a win or two away from being the first Jets team to make the postseason three years in a row. Rex is already only the second Jets coach to not have a losing season in his first three years. If we win out, it'll be the first time the team has won double digit games three straight years ever.

Rex has absolutely backed up his boasts.

For those of you crying about him not winning the SB yet. Have a little patience will ya?

The Jets have had a much better history than the Saints had until two years ago. Think Saints fans were bitching about Sean Payton after the team failed to post a winning record and make the playoffs after his second and third seasons?

The Jets under Rex have been significantly better than the Saints were under Payton his first three years and he had a much better QB.

Relax, enjoy the ride. This is supposed to be fun. I love how I often get accused of taking things way too seriously but when I laugh about Rex's boasts and take him in stride I'm an "idiot" who doesn't get it. Sorry, but some of you are just a litt full of crap today.


2 AFC championship games and this year the playoffs are in grasp...what could be better? We are playing meaningful games in December, and as a Jets fan that's always a good thing.

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See if you can follow this:



The media asks questions designed to elicit a certain response. They know what Rex wants to say and they are all too willing to accomodate him.

Rex also is far from being an idiot. He knows how the media is going to react when he answers them in a certain way. So he manipulates them with his answers and gets them to write about what he wants them to write about.

Does Rex want the media harping on Holmes' drops and fumbles in the first quarter yesterday? Of course not. So he steers them in another direction and the dumb pricks take the bait every single time.

This ain't exactly rocket science.

I completely understand how it works....however the fact is we need to win football games...he is a coach in the NFL in the biggest media market there is with a team that NEEDS TO WIN. Tough talk is what it's all about = New York. And following up your talk should be with tough performances. Not getting your a$$ kicked by a 5-8 team., and then before his a$$ has a chance to lose the redness, he is talking sh*t again.....come on dude....

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Secondly, we have absolutely zero speed on the field — outside of Holmes. Why not try and sign Sproles during the offseason? Again — outside of Holmes — we have zero HR hitters on offense. Shonn Greene, who is sporting quite the gut these days, lost whatever breakaway burst he had in 2009..

right, i keep calling him a fatso but it gets ignored... i imagine in 5 years he'll be struggling to get off the couch just like he struggles to get off the field now

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Did you read what he said? I just dont get what the big deal is. He doesnt want to be 2nd fiddle, he thinks the Jets have been better than the Giants (they have) and he wants to win on Saturday.

OH NO!!!!!

Can I offer this..."We got our heads handed to us"...That's on me....we have a tough team coming this saturday, and I can tell you right now...The Jets will come to play."....I can deal with that....in fact I would love to hear that one day....Listen...I am Jets fan and always will....I just want us to take the next step NOW.

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With the exception of Klecko and JiF, almost everyone in this thread is a troll. Tell me you're kidding with this crap... Rex continues to be the 2nd best (if not yet THE best, but probably will be soon) coach the Jets have ever had. Your whining makes you look foolish. Were you whining last year when we beat Manning and Brady on the road in the playoffs? What about the year before when he was taking us to the AFC championship game with some of the worst QB play you're ever going to see?

If you want to bitch and moan about Rex now, then please get off the bandwagon and don't say you supported him when we do get those rings. And we will.

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Can I offer this..."We got our heads handed to us"...That's on me....we have a tough team coming this saturday, and I can tell you right now...The Jets will come to play."....I can deal with that....in fact I would love to hear that one day....Listen...I am Jets fan and always will....I just want us to take the next step NOW.

Ummm...he does say that. And I'm more than confident that Rex wants to take the next step too.

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