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Getting Peyton Manning the answer for Jets QB conundrum with Mark Sanchez


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Getting Peyton Manning the answer for NY Jets quarterback conundrum with Mark Sanchez

Rex Ryan can keep Sanchez and let him learn from Manning for a year or two


Wednesday, December 28 2011, 10:42 PM


Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP

Peyton Manning could scramble to Jets and give Mark Sanchez time to pick up pointers.

It would be the Jets’ version of the Dream Team in 2012: Peyton Manning starting at quarterback for their win-now team and Mark Sanchez backing him up, absorbing every little piece of information he could from Eli’s big brother.

Sanchez’s miserable season reached a low point with his awful performance against the Giants last week, but the Jets have way too much time and money invested in the third-year quarterback to just dump him and start over. Giving Sanchez, 25, a timeout in 2012, however, doesn’t mean Rex Ryan would be giving up on him.

The bottom line is that, even if the Jets find a miracle on Sunday and back their way into the playoffs, they are not winning the Super Bowl this season as Ryan has so often guaranteed.

They need to shake things up offensively, and bringing in Manning for a season or two would do much more toward getting them to a Super Bowl than firing offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer would.

Eli’s big brother could also help the Jets in their obsession with not being the Giants’ little brother.

Manning, who has missed the entire season after neck-fusion surgery late in the summer — his third neck procedure in 19 months — could be on his way out of Indianapolis if the Colts lose or the Rams win on Sunday, which would secure the No. 1 pick in the 2012 draft for Indy. The Colts would surely take Stanford quarterback Andrew Luck, the best QB prospect since Manning in 1998.

Teaming Luck with Manning is an option for the Colts, but it would be uncomfortable for both of them – Archie Manning said so a couple of weeks ago. “I don’t think it’d necessarily be great for either one,” the elder Manning said.

First-round quarterbacks no longer sit on the bench for a couple of years. There’s a much better chance that the Colts get rid of Manning than pass on Luck.

Enter the Jets.

Ryan idolizes Manning and holds him in higher regard than he does Tom Brady. GM Mike Tannenbaum is extremely aggressive. And Manning, who will turn 36 in March, will surely want his next stop to be with a Super Bowl contender. The Jets are much closer to winning it all than the Redskins, Seahawks, Dolphins, Browns, Chiefs, Broncos or Cardinals, who could all also use a quarterback upgrade.

Another factor: Tom Moore, who was Manning’s offensive coordinator and mentor for almost his entire time with the Colts, has been a Jets offensive consultant this season. His presence could be a big selling point for Manning.

We know what you are asking yourself: so can Manning-to-the-Jets really happen?

And here is how: Manning signed a new contract right after the lockout. The Colts must decide by March 9 — four days before the start of the 2012 league year — whether to pick up his $28 million option bonus, which is payable in $14 million installments on March 15 of 2013 and 2014. His base salary for 2012 is $7.4 million, meaning the Colts would owe him $35.4 million next year after paying him $26.4 million in 2011 while he sat on the sideline.

Unless the option date is pushed back, the Colts will have to commit to the $28 million payment before the trading period opens March 13 and perhaps before they know if Manning is 100% healthy. The alternative to committing to the option is cutting Manning.

It’s not realistic for the Colts to exercise the option and be responsible for the $28 million payment and then trade Manning. If the Colts are in a position to trade Manning , his age and injury history should keep the asking price reasonable.

In a column this past March, before the severity of Manning’s neck problems was known, I suggested that the Jets sign him if the new labor deal eliminated the franchise tag the Colts had put on him. The tag remained and Manning signed a new long-term deal.

A season later, as long as Manning’s neck checks out, the Jets’ acquisition of him would allow Sanchez to work on the parts of his game that need major refinement – his accuracy and decision-making.

If Manning suffers a setback or is reinjured, the Jets could give the job back to Sanchez, who would provide valuable insurance.

Sanchez’s ego would take a major hit, but he was handed one of the premier jobs in the NFL after just 16 college starts and hasn’t earned the right for this to be a lifetime appointment.

Sanchez is due $8.5 million in 2012 in the fourth year of his five-year deal. I can’t see any team investing huge dollars in Manning because of concerns about his neck. There’s enough flexibility in the way teams structure contracts that the Jets could find a way to fit Manning and Sanchez under the salary cap.

Ryan has expressed his allegiance to Sanchez this week and said that Manning is not a consideration. But remember this: in the summer of 2008, when Ryan was still in Baltimore, the Jets vehemently denied any interest in acquiring Brett Favre — until they were introducing him as their starting QB.

For three seasons, Ryan has talked endlessly about his unquenchable desire to win a Super Bowl. If he is serious about making that dream a reality, rather than a bunch of hot air, then he must realize that adding Manning — while keeping Sanchez — gives him his best chance.

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Manning isn't playing cheap.

There are a lot of teams out there that will roll the dice on a big contract. The Dolphins come to mind with Ross as owner.

No way the Jets can afford both Manning and Sanchez. Jason did an article on his site that showed how they could afford Manning IF the Jets release Sanchez.

I really don't see it happening either way. Risk is way to high. if it goes bust, and Manning gets hurt right away, it will cost every one their job, and we will have to suffer thru 5 more seasons of competing for the first pick in the draft.


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I listen to Gary Meyers on the Yes Network for comedic relief. The guy is a moron. How exactly are you going to afford BOTH Sanchez and Manning? Plus, why exactly would Manning want to come to NY? Moore is a part-time dude that wants to work from home, right? Manning is how old? Has a creaky neck, right? Played his career home games in a dome, yes? Honestly, I can see him going to Miami before I see him in NY.

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I listen to Gary Meyers on the Yes Network for comedic relief. The guy is a moron. How exactly are you going to afford BOTH Sanchez and Manning? Plus, why exactly would Manning want to come to NY? Moore is a part-time dude that wants to work from home, right? Manning is how old? Has a creaky neck, right? Played his career home games in a dome, yes? Honestly, I can see him going to Miami before I see him in NY.

I think sanchez ould have to take a drastic pay cut to stay, which he'd have to take anyway if they cut him.. doubtful, but who knows

Manning would come to NY because we are SB ready, his little brother plays in the same stadium, and it's the biggest market in the league, plenty of advertising opportunities for Peyton if he came here

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I listen to Gary Meyers on the Yes Network for comedic relief. The guy is a moron. How exactly are you going to afford BOTH Sanchez and Manning? Plus, why exactly would Manning want to come to NY? Moore is a part-time dude that wants to work from home, right? Manning is how old? Has a creaky neck, right? Played his career home games in a dome, yes? Honestly, I can see him going to Miami before I see him in NY.

Believe me....if Manning is not playing for the Colts, the only place he will end up is right here in New York Playing on the biggest media stage. You don't think the Manning family knows this? The NFL-Media-TV markets would make so much money on a Manning lead Jets it wouldn't be funny....Again, if he doesn't play for the Colts, Get his Jet's jersey ready next year.

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Manning isn't playing cheap.

There are a lot of teams out there that will roll the dice on a big contract. The Dolphins come to mind with Ross as owner.

No way the Jets can afford both Manning and Sanchez. Jason did an article on his site that showed how they could afford Manning IF the Jets release Sanchez.

I really don't see it happening either way. Risk is way to high. if it goes bust, and Manning gets hurt right away, it will cost every one their job, and we will have to suffer thru 5 more seasons of competing for the first pick in the draft.


If the risk is that high of him getting hurt "right away", who in their right mind would sign him at a very high price tag? I'm not saying you can get him on the cheap, but there's got to be some sort of middle figure or a way for teams to protect themselves. Who would do that? Desperate teams, but not the Jets, because the Jets are in such prime position for a perennial Super Bowl run, why would we possibly risk that, right?

Also, I don't really understand the "five seasons of competing for the first pick in the draft" number. Is that accurate?

I also think that signing Manning should mean we let go of Sanchez, unless he agrees to a pay cut.

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Believe me....if Manning is not playing for the Colts, the only place he will end up is right here in New York Playing on the biggest media stage. You don't think the Manning family knows this? The NFL-Media-TV markets would make so much money on a Manning lead Jets it wouldn't be funny....Again, if he doesn't play for the Colts, Get his Jet's jersey ready next year.

If I had 13 doughnuts I would give you one. Yes I would.

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I think sanchez ould have to take a drastic pay cut to stay, which he'd have to take anyway if they cut him.. doubtful, but who knows

Manning would come to NY because we are SB ready, his little brother plays in the same stadium, and it's the biggest market in the league, plenty of advertising opportunities for Peyton if he came here

Plus, he'd get to go against the Pats pass defense twice a year. That's 1,000 yards, 8 TDs right there.

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I listen to Gary Meyers on the Yes Network for comedic relief. The guy is a moron. How exactly are you going to afford BOTH Sanchez and Manning? Plus, why exactly would Manning want to come to NY? Moore is a part-time dude that wants to work from home, right? Manning is how old? Has a creaky neck, right? Played his career home games in a dome, yes? Honestly, I can see him going to Miami before I see him in NY.

Miami is not a Super Bowl ready team and is going through a major coaching change. Perhaps if they hire a Cowher or Fisher, but i still don't see them as SB ready which Manning will require.

As far as the Jets, why would Manning want to come here anyway? With the beating that Sanchez took this year and his neck injuries, you would think Manning would avoid coming here just for injury issues alone.

The Jets have been down this road before with Favre. Can't see them doing it again.

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If I had 13 doughnuts I would give you one. Yes I would.

Double chocolate please......can you imagine the first time we would be playing the Pats! It would be like all hell breaking loose and probably bigger hype than a SB game. Then imagine the first time he would be playing against his old team!!! Bigger than any game in the history of the NFL!....Then imagine playing the Pats in the AFC CG...can't even imagine that...and then finally after how many years our Jets play in a SB! with Manning leading us to the promised land!

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Double chocolate please......can you imagine the first time we would be playing the Pats! It would be like all hell breaking loose and probably bigger hype than a SB game. Then imagine the first time he would be playing against his old team!!! Bigger than any game in the history of the NFL!....Then imagine playing the Pats in the AFC CG...can't even imagine that...and then finally after how many years our Jets play in a SB! with Manning leading us to the promised land!

You remind me of Flavor Flav. We should make you the "Official JN Hype man". I likey. LOL

BRING US PEYTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Miami is not a Super Bowl ready team and is going through a major coaching change. Perhaps if they hire a Cowher or Fisher, but i still don't see them as SB ready which Manning will require.

As far as the Jets, why would Manning want to come here anyway? With the beating that Sanchez took this year and his neck injuries, you would think Manning would avoid coming here just for injury issues alone.

The Jets have been down this road before with Favre. Can't see them doing it again.

Also Bill, Garb lives in Beantown and isn't privy to all the sports talk that we are living down here. If she was, she'd know that Ross is notoriously cheap and has Jeff Ireland on a budget to not spend more than x amount of dollars. The cost for Peyton Manning is 4 times more than he was allotted to spend on free agents in 2011

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Miami is not a Super Bowl ready team and is going through a major coaching change. Perhaps if they hire a Cowher or Fisher, but i still don't see them as SB ready which Manning will require.

As far as the Jets, why would Manning want to come here anyway? With the beating that Sanchez took this year and his neck injuries, you would think Manning would avoid coming here just for injury issues alone.

The Jets have been down this road before with Favre. Can't see them doing it again.

Manning would take 1/3rd the hits that Sanchez took.

Manning knows how to step up in the pocket and he doesn't hold onto the ball for two long. Sanchez has no concept of the pocket and his first move is either back or to the side.

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Not going to happen. Can't have both here and improve the team. Doesn't work financially.

Exactly. Under the cap you cannot pay 2 QBs that much cap space. It doesn't work, unless you want a practice squad OL. Which will get either or both killed.

Gary Myers is a slapdick. How he stays employed is inexpicable. His columsn are ALWAYS conventional wisdom from 2 weeks ago. He must be Mike Lupica's "good friend".

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You remind me of Flavor Flav. We should make you the "Official JN Hype man". I likey. LOL

BRING US PEYTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will wear that with Pride and passion...Holding that banner high over Jet-Life Stadium, never flinching, never wavering and always providing the very best Jet Hype ever....

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Also Bill, Garb lives in Beantown and isn't privy to all the sports talk that we are living down here. If she was, she'd know that Ross is notoriously cheap and has Jeff Ireland on a budget to not spend more than x amount of dollars. The cost for Peyton Manning is 4 times more than he was allotted to spend on free agents in 2011

That is true. I expect the fish to draft another QB high and roll the dice.

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Manning would take 1/3rd the hits that Sanchez took.

Manning knows how to step up in the pocket and he doesn't hold onto the ball for two long. Sanchez has no concept of the pocket and his first move is either back or to the side.

Maybe so, but if you were Manning and have the neck issues, would you want to be behind a line that has Hunter as the starting RT and Ducasse the back up?

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You have a few other things to consider here too:

1) salary is flexible. Bringing both Mannings to NY would allow Manning to collect MAJOR buckage on the side, regardless of performance. An instance where the gravy outweighs the meat of the deal.

2) If our O line can't block Manning is a sitting duck, just like Sanchez.

3) It benefits Mark playing behind an a-list QB. sort of an investment.

4) If Schotty is calling his High-School plays, Manning is going elsewhere, If Tom Moore became OC we would have an easier time convincing Manning to come. Either way FIRE SCHOTTY!

5) Bringing a franchise player to the Jets hurt us once before in Favre, But Manning seems to be a classier act, and would love to prove just why he made the Colts so dangerous. Building two legacies is an athlete's dream!

6) hope is a great thing, and I think this deal has a lot to offer all parties involved. But until the ink is dry, it's all speculation.

7) WHO would we have to cut in order to afford the cap? I don't want to lose Plaxico, Holmes, or Sanchez... Brunell is a no brainer (though he is awesome) but how can you juggle the numbers without exposing a weakness?

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I think sanchez ould have to take a drastic pay cut to stay, which he'd have to take anyway if they cut him.. doubtful, but who knows

Manning would come to NY because we are SB ready, his little brother plays in the same stadium, and it's the biggest market in the league, plenty of advertising opportunities for Peyton if he came here

Your pass defense is SB ready. Your entire defense may be ready. Good run game too. The rest? I 'dunno. I do know your o-line is not SB ready.

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Your pass defense is SB ready. Your entire defense may be ready. Good run game too. The rest? I 'dunno. I do know your o-line is not SB ready.

3 of the 5 players on our OL are really really good. Brick, Mangold and Moore. It should be the easiest unit to fix by replacing Hunter. You cant find RT's late in the draft. I also believe, Hunter wouldnt be near as bad with Manning. Great Qb's hide deficiencies on the OL kinda the way Brady does for you ;-)

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3 of the 5 players on our OL are really really good. Brick, Mangold and Moore. It should be the easiest unit to fix by replacing Hunter. You cant find RT's late in the draft. I also believe, Hunter wouldnt be near as bad with Manning. Great Qb's hide deficiencies on the OL kinda the way Brady does for you ;-)

If it was so easy, why hasn't it been fixed already? I mean, what was the contingency plan? Ducasse?

I guess it could happen, I just don't see it. I always remember Peyton playing like poop in cold and snow. I also can't see how you can have both Sanchez and Manning. No way....even if you worked the numbers out, you expect Sanchez to swallow his pride like that? No way. He'd demand a trade before relinquishing his starting job and taking a hefty paycut. C'mon now.

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If it was so easy, why hasn't it been fixed already? I mean, what was the contingency plan? Ducasse?

I guess it could happen, I just don't see it. I always remember Peyton playing like poop in cold and snow. I also can't see how you can have both Sanchez and Manning. No way....even if you worked the numbers out, you expect Sanchez to swallow his pride like that? No way. He'd demand a trade before relinquishing his starting job and taking a hefty paycut. C'mon now.

I dont think its happening, I was just talking about the OL part..

And its not easy to fix mid season when Ducasse sucks, Turner got hurt and Hunter fooled everyone last year. He was lights out. I dont think they were anticipating this being a weakness, I think they saw it as a strength. IMO, this is really the only place the FO dropped the ball. They had time and money to address the OL when Turner got hurt in the preseason and they didnt.

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