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New Years Plans


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What is everyone doing for New Years?

All three of my kids are having friends sleepover. I think it is like 11 or 12 kids in total. Should be interesting. :)

I hope 2012 is a great one....Happy New Years everyone.

I heard some Jersey folks got some dumbass to watch their kids on New Years Eve so they could go out. I am robbing their homes.

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12 kids in a house is a LOT. Two basketball games, a hockey game, a football game, the girls had a dance party, the younger kids were playing tag. Cooked a ton of food and it is only 11:30.

C'mon 2012 get here already, lol.

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My daughter has fallen asleep which now means a night of Dogfish Head beer, complaining about how bad todays music is every time Ryan Seacrest or Carson Daly introduce an act on TV, and doing some work on the computer so I can ensure having all day Sunday and monday to vent about how badly the Jets dropped the ball the last 3 weeks of the year

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