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Dexter Mafia Game Thread


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That sucks, Ape.

With Lily unvote, Brett is at L-2. I think hes the best betfor SK, but not sure he took out Ape.

Im wondering if CTMs scum team waited for their kill. Maybe Smash killed AVM, another SK killed Smash, another SK took out JiF, and scum killed Ape now.

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That sucks, Ape.

With Lily unvote, Brett is at L-2. I think hes the best betfor SK, but not sure he took out Ape.

Im wondering if CTMs scum team waited for their kill. Maybe Smash killed AVM, another SK killed Smash, another SK took out JiF, and scum killed Ape now.

You think CTM and Dexter are on different teams?

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This says to me Brett is a day SK. does anyone else agree?

That sucks, Ape.

With Lily unvote, Brett is at L-2. I think hes the best betfor SK, but not sure he took out Ape.

Im wondering if CTMs scum team waited for their kill. Maybe Smash killed AVM, another SK killed Smash, another SK took out JiF, and scum killed Ape now.

JIF's death scene made it clear there were 2 day killers.


I want to hear from him first.

I had Brett down as CTM scummate...avoided CTM train the entire day...can wait to hear from him...but like my vote on him for now.

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You think CTM and Dexter are on different teams?

No, the same team. CTM hates Ape and with Ape foolishly revealing that he lost his vest he became an easy kill target. Im wondering if CTM waited for today to kill him.
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lol the stupid ape first hinted at LD for no damn good reason then admitted he had a 1 time vest? I assumed he was the doc when he did that thinking there's no way this idiot just said he's unprotected.

one for the archives for ol' Aperew. way to admit your vulnerable without telling us anything of importance. horrible game.

anyway... seeing as there's a flurry of shots and deaths I assume this game will be over soon. with that being the case I don't care too much what Brett has to say unless he claims a power role that goes uncountered.

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so let me get this straight..

at least 4 SK's and 2-3 scum in an 18 person game.. 2 night killers and 2 day killers... 1 person has been shot and lost a vest, we lost our tracker, LD, and backup cop.

We actually lynched scum on day 1 but this looks like a longshot at best for town..

what kind of crazy a$$ sh-t is this?

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just thinking.. I'll pretty much only vote Verb or Brett today... those are the only 2 I can think of that would shoot JiF so soon after the game started.

If we don't corral these SK's finding Dexter won't matter. Assuming there's 4, Smashs' death means there's 3 left.. no doubt outnumbering scum.

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Probably lying. He hasn't done it at all since straightening that out. Would be a great fake role to use to get me off his back, since I used it in BSG.

seriously dude I don't even know what BSG stands for

I may fake reveal a lot on DM but why would I give myself an annoying a$$ PR

and the reason I haven't done it as much (because if you'll check when I voted you today I posted one) is because the mod was around and I'm only supposed to do it when he's not and because it was night and there was no votecount

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