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Star Wars Mafia #2 - Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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I wonder if Max has any idea how much we do for this board. lol. Just dont ever let him read what goes on in here.

Especially now that there's nothing really Jets-related to discuss outside of bitching about the Pats and Giants.

Over the past three days this thread has undoubtedly counted for a significant % of the boards posts. Consider that all we've done today is wait for a night phase to end and this group still continues to dominate the boards top 20 for the day.

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not to mention we put teh Mafia Forum over 100k. The baseball forum will fall by the time the season starts. Oh yes.

Oh wow, I didn't even realize that, good catch. That's especially crazy when you consider that's 100k posts by a group of the same 35 or so posters outside of a couple of posts from Max and others who have checked in here and there.

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So that's pretty remarkable. You have nearly a tenth of the entire board's total posts today, and you're not even using them to FOS people really. You're just d***ing around.


I think I'm the only one that FOS'ed anyone this night phase, other than Wombat... how much do you want me to re-state the same points I've made about JIF and Lily?

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he wants to see the percentages of posting activity his game is generating in comparison to the rest of the board so he can fellate himself tonight.

You do realize that makes absolutely no sense based on what I asked him, right?

The point was we have a board with over 100k points that mostly consists of just the same small group of people always posting. I was just curious if there was any way to see how much each of us sorry bastards contributed to that, and how many (or few) of us it took to get to that many posts.

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You do realize that makes absolutely no sense based on what I asked him, right?

The point was we have a board with over 100k points that mostly consists of just the same small group of people always posting. I was just curious if there was any way to see how much each of us sorry bastards contributed to that, and how many (or few) of us it took to get to that many posts.

That's not really that hard to do. You have 12K+ posts, I have 17k+ posts, JiF has however many he has, just add them up and divide by the total.

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