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Star Wars Mafia #2 - Game Thread

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Nolder, better known as Princess Leia Organa (town, watcher), has been mod-killed.

The day is now over. Night one has begun.

FYI, BG posted this a 2:54 pm yesterday, and 24 hours later will be 22 minutes from now.

I say BG calls it at 2:55 pm and starts D2.

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Night has finally ended... man, did that feel like a long night. You all wake up, stretching out for a few moments to get over the aches of sleeping on the docking bay floor. You look around, and it seems the head count is a little lower than it was when you all went to sleep. The first thing you notice is something in the corner, and it certainly looks like a mess. You find a body, and man, it doesn't look good. It appears the body was first choked to death, but it looks like that wasn't enough. Parts of the body appear to be missing, almost as if they were torn from their body and well, they are nowhere to be seen so... devoured. That's just tough to even look at.


Leelou, known to you all as Mon Mothma (Rebel Alliance, roleless) has been killed

Unfortunately, a quick look around shows that you seem to be missing one more. You turn around to notice one of you still seems to be sleeping where he was left. You walk back over, and one of you grabs him, trying to shake him awake, but there is no response. As he falls over flat onto his back, you notice a small dart sticking out. Go figure, you wouldn't think that a poison dart would kill a droid, but apparently it does.


Pac, known to you all as R2D2 (Rebel Alliance, mason) has been killed.

Day two has begun. With 24 players alive, it takes 13 to lynch.

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Looks like 2 people killed leelou last night.

By the choking reference it looks like Vader, but I don't know of any Imperial character that would eat someone, unless it was a third party that also targetted her. Based on the scene, it looks like Pac was taken out by a third party via the darts. Imperials don't use darts. They're either using the Force, blasters, or choking people.

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Who would have the motivation to kill Pac and/or Leelou?

JiF was pissed at Leelou for "losing" the last game for town.

CTM, for obvious reasons. He hates Pac.....and vagina.

vote JF80

for doing the same thing ape did last game

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By the choking reference it looks like Vader, but I don't know of any Imperial character that would eat someone, unless it was a third party that also targetted her. Based on the scene, it looks like Pac was taken out by a third party via the darts. Imperials don't use darts. They're either using the Force, blasters, or choking people.

I'm thinking she was scum and vig/sk, pac was vig/sk

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By the choking reference it looks like Vader, but I don't know of any Imperial character that would eat someone, unless it was a third party that also targetted her. Based on the scene, it looks like Pac was taken out by a third party via the darts. Imperials don't use darts. They're either using the Force, blasters, or choking people.

RotJedi: the Sarlacc, or the Rancor - both would eat someone.

I do agree it looks like Leelou was targeted twice. Vader for the choke, scum NK. Possibly a Jabba/3rd party thing. The poison dart sounds like an ewok thing though, like a vig that didn't holster.

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Get behind the ctm? I thought you were the only player that combats him leading town

tbh, if I hadn't been a favorite early lynch candidate, i would've voted Jif and see if JF80 jumped on... but didn't feel like explaining the whole trap thing and getting pressured for no reason..

also, I'm sure ape will say he didn't see my post

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In the context of Star Wars? Or general mafia?

Ewoks and Sandpeople were the only ones I could think of that used primitive weapons in Star Wars.

i was thinking sand people.. didn't they do that to luke in the first one?

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