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Wild West Mafia - Game Over


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FWIW...I was legit crazy busy, not dodging heat because I was scum. I actually was trying to manipulate the view on me that I did that as scum (ape and Vic have both mentioned it and lynched me for it, so I was determined this game). It just didn't work out that way. I got a great job and amazing opportunity, and am extremely extremely lucky. Expected to just be interviewed Monday, but I showed up and they gave me the job then put me right to work. >20 hours Monday/Tuesday which was just unexpected and unfortunate in terms of this game (but great in terms of RL). Sadly it's probably my last game for a while (though I doubt most care :biggrin:).

Anyways....Go scum!

Congrats man... now burn in hell scum!

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FWIW...I was legit crazy busy, not dodging heat because I was scum. I actually was trying to manipulate the view on me that I did that as scum (ape and Vic have both mentioned it and lynched me for it, so I was determined this game). It just didn't work out that way. I got a great job and amazing opportunity, and am extremely extremely lucky. Expected to just be interviewed Monday, but I showed up and they gave me the job then put me right to work. >20 hours Monday/Tuesday which was just unexpected and unfortunate in terms of this game (but great in terms of RL). Sadly it's probably my last game for a while (though I doubt most care :biggrin:).

Anyways....Go scum!

Damn I didn;t think gay porn was that popular anymore. Congratulations fluffer Mcflufmaster.

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FWIW...I was legit crazy busy, not dodging heat because I was scum. I actually was trying to manipulate the view on me that I did that as scum (ape and Vic have both mentioned it and lynched me for it, so I was determined this game). It just didn't work out that way. I got a great job and amazing opportunity, and am extremely extremely lucky. Expected to just be interviewed Monday, but I showed up and they gave me the job then put me right to work. >20 hours Monday/Tuesday which was just unexpected and unfortunate in terms of this game (but great in terms of RL). Sadly it's probably my last game for a while (though I doubt most care :biggrin:).

Anyways....Go scum!

Congrats! Glad to hear the good news...

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Congrats AVM.

It wasn't your inactivity that got my attention. It was the contradictory logic that you didn't support Christine's lynch because it wasn't informative, but at the same time were suggesting we take a shot in the dark - which is completely informative.

That. Plus your inactivity was totally the scum kind of inactivity. I can tell. I'm SpiderBatIronmanHulkverine.

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Congrats AVM.

It wasn't your inactivity that got my attention. It was the contradictory logic that you didn't support Christine's lynch because it wasn't informative, but at the same time were suggesting we take a shot in the dark - which is completely informative.

That. Plus your inactivity was totally the scum kind of inactivity. I can tell. I'm SpiderBatIronmanHulkverine.

See. You did real good monkey face poo poo. Aren't you glad I got you to play? Monkey donkey stinky pinky.

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As the Day began in the Wild West began, drinks were shared, cards were played, and jokes were had. A few clowns moved about recklessly, and a couple of guns were drawn in anger, but no one made too much of a crazy move. They knew better than to cock their gun if they weren't ready to pull the trigger. Pulling the trigger in this town too early meant your life - and no one was crazy enough to actually risk that. Not so early, at least.

Once pretty little thing was serving the whiskey shots, extra full, and caught a little too much attention. The only fault that was hers was that the dress was a dash too tight and her winks went out a dash too freely, but soon enough, the men in the room couldn't trust her. She had been known to give out her smiles to a few, and then turn on them when it suited her. A pretty little thing like that with a gun on each hip could never be allowed to live. She would surely turn on them just as soon as she would turn on her mother.

As a couple guns slid from their holsters, other drunken fools stepped up, prepared to defend the little lady. Their argument was that they should ignore old prejudice, and protect the town from real danger, not a pretty smile. Besides, she was something nice to look at. Why remove the best looking thing in this town (Save for Leelou and Crusher's mom).

What the idiots didn't realize, was that this pretty little thing could do more than just smile, pour whiskey, and wear a gun on her hip. She was prepared to not only draw her piece, but also shoot it at anyone or anything that stood in her way. The fighting got tense, but she stayed back, watching as the arguing increased. When it seemed like she was but a step away from heading to the gallows, she asked to at least give a few last good byes, but was allowed not even that.

It was heartbreaking for her, to be lead to the gallows, hands tied behind her back, and she wasn't even allowed to have a bit of fun.

The Mayor was looking out of his window from above his office, and noticed the girl being carried off to the gallows. He was the one that would give the final word on who was to live or die, and he would investigate and pronounce the guilty or innocence... of course, he wouldn't do that till after they were dead. A little backwards, to say the least, but the Mayor was pretty slow as it was...

Even as slow as the Mayor was, he knew that pretty little face belonged in his office, not swinging from the gallows. As the girl was dragged up in front of the noose and he was called down, he quickly planned to save her from it. After pronouncing her death, he pulled the lever, hoping her neck wouldn't break from the fall. It did not, and after the people all walked away, he helped her down and whisked her up to his office.

He laid her there and tended her himself, until her eyes finally woke up. When she sat up, he asked for whether she was guilty or not... and she confessed her guilt. He offered her a place at his side, to watch the festivities below. Of course, he offered more, but even she, a mafia scum, had standards.

Christine, Mafia, has been lynched Day 1, and assumed the role of Co-Mod.

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As night fell over the Wild West, everyone claimed to be far too drunk and tired from the celebrations of catching scum to play cards and dice all night. Plans were made to meet the following day, to discuss the ruling and death of Christine. Of course, there would also be liquor and poker involved, but the main item on the table was to discuss who was killing men, burning down farms, and destroying the peace in the simple Western town.

Everyone slipped away to their beds, but a number of those beds were not used. While they all claimed to be happy and friendly, no one really trusted anyone else. Before dawn broke in the Eastern sky, another body would be found, and another grave would be dug.

A scream was heard in the early morning from the poor whore that had to suffer lying beside one of the men in the upstairs of the saloon. Guns were drawn and feet scampered up the stairs, going to see what all the commotion was about. As they saw the body lying there, everyone gasped in shock. How had anyone died during the night? They had all been far too drunk for anyone to make this quiet of a kill. Who had been lying?

It took a while for the Mayor to wake up and go pronounce the dead as they were, and who's side they were on, but when he finally arrived, the body was almost completely covered with dirt. A decision was made quickly on his allegiance, and all of the town lowered their cowboy hats to their chests to pay a last respect to one of their own.

Vic, Town, has been killed Night 1.

The Mayor headed into the bank and pulled out the last Will of Vic, as the man had just updated it the night before. A few chuckles were heard throughout the group as the note was read.

The Last Will of Vicious89x:


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Once Vic's alignment and Will had been announced and read, a voice immediately came out from the back of the crowd.

"I know someone here who is scum, and his name is AVM."

No one even batted an eye. The entire concept of AVM betraying them all was not anywhere near to being a surprise.

One by one, guns were removed from holsters, aimed, and prepared to be shot. Not before too long, over half of the group had their guns aimed at one man, with no guns aimed elsewhere. Only a few dared to speak up against the group.

AVM was quickly lead to the gallows, and it took a while to grasp the Mayor's attention again. He returned to the gallows and pronounced that AVM was to die. After AVM was swinging, neck snapped from the fall, the investigation begun, showing that he had indeed been dirty scum.

AVM, Mafia, has been lynched Day 2.

Once again, the group headed to the bank to prepare to hear the last Will of the most recently departed. It took the Mayor another few minutes, and the group agreed that someone else should be leading these actions. Little did they know, that a pretty little thing, with a familiar smile and wink, would soon be acting as the Sheriff, calling for the deaths of those on the gallows, investigating the alignment of the dead, and reading off the wills.

The Last Will of AVM:

F*** you guys. Every last one of you. Except for Wombat. You TOTALLY don't want to kill him.

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It is STILL currently night. We are still awaiting a few Night Actions.

Please, when you submit your action, add Christine to your Role PM. This has been Mod Confirmed.

*bows in*

I am now your Co-Mod. If you want to get crap done faster, add me to your role PM. Nolder is too lazy.

I confirm

and by lazy she means drunk

The next Day phase will begin when all actions have been submitted. If you had submitted your action before 2AM EST, then I have received your action in a message from Nolder, and do not need it repeated, unless you really want to.

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