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Diehl and braylon Edwards-compare and contrast


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Both did something really stupid.

But remember-when Edwards racked up a DWI, the Jets were an out of control organization,Rex Ryan was a renegade and Edwards needed to be suspended for the next 2 seasons.



David Diehl? No such outrage. Now it's an "NFL problem".. The world according to LulLu-


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Today's festivities-The NFL has to stop young guys with time and money for doing stupid things. THRE BFL PLAYERS HAVE BEEN ARRESTED FOR DWI SINCE MEMORIAL DAY. WE NEED THE NFL TO SUSPEND THE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT AND GET TOUGH! People across America get arrested for DWI every day and don't have their paychecks threatened(except some public safety like cops and transportation jobes like truck drivers, pilots, etc who can get suspended for such an arrest). NFL players are somehow different...how? It's for the children, right? Please. Again, nobody should drink and drive. People can get hurt, and for a few dollars of cab fare it's incredibly and dangeroulsy dumb. But it gives Lupica about 40 columns of work for the next 2 years. Again unlike his articles about Edwards, no mention of Diehl's coach, GM nor franchise needing the "get tough". What a dick-


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I read Lupica's article on Sunday, and knew where it was going. No way shape or form does he call out the Giants.....If it were the Yanks or Jets, it would be a verbal nuclear assault

Think the Jets complain a little too much about getting painted as fools while the Jints are always portrayed as wonderful human beings. In a shared stadium that changes signage and color depending on who is the home team was covering up the Jints' Super Bowl banners that big a deal?Not drafting Victor Cruz from our GM's alma mater and wathcing him make a play in said game, ...uh, may be our GM screwed up there, but I digress. And winning a few Super Bowls doesn't hurt getting good press. But you see this nonsense and realize theJets complaint has some basis in reailty. The Jets will never get a fair shake from some big media types, and the Jints always get the beneift of a doubt.
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