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Quite your crying, the lynch was a necessary evil to eliminate the 3rd party destraction. Were in no worse shape than if we had lynched him for real D1.

really? i'm pretty sure there will be more town deaths tonight

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I don't like CTM playing super townie when it was obvious Nolder was getting lynched. Also don't like Apes sleepwalking hammer.

Crusher, Hess, Ape, CTM honorable mention Lily.

I'm heading to FL tomorrow so won't be around to post until evening. I'm bringing the laptop so should find time to contribute.


CTM is trying to setup lynches in advance. My hunch on JIF is all the reason I need, a hunch. CTM knows I'll roll with a gut feel as often as I'll roll with a completely pragmatic breakdown of vote trains and as often as I'll blind squirrel my way through things with bad logic.

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Christine, I wanted to ask you why you weren't posting, but I didn't want to talk about the game away from the game. I'm sorry, hon, I love you, but I can't stop laughing....

Sure you were.

Lily is a good vote. CTM, Lily, AVM, SMC or maybe Crusher sounds like a good bunch to me.

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Done pooping.

Off to the airport.

Don't let it be lost on you all that CTM is setting up my lynch now, for a time frame where I've made it clear I won't be around to defend. Don't follow the pied piper while I'm away.

CTM, is this the only way you can get over on me these days? Weak.

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I just don't see the rush to kill him. Seriously.. He's not making it till end game, so unless he's a converter of some kind, don't waste the lynch.

if he's third party, town just gave scum 2 free NK's dicking around with the derp

Nolder was either scum or third party. Still a better play than wasting a townie. I thinks.

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Lily and/or Leelou are scum.

I was silenced for the Day phase. Both of them know me well enough to know I am not inactive over the weekend. They both also spoke to me today on messenger. Yet, neither of them brought up in game that I was quiet.

Damn!! You is a feisty one.


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Lily and/or Leelou are scum.

I was silenced for the Day phase. Both of them know me well enough to know I am not inactive over the weekend. They both also spoke to me today on messenger. Yet, neither of them brought up in game that I was quiet.

We didn't talk too much yesterday. I just chalked it up to you being busy with stuff at home.

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CTM is trying to setup lynches in advance. My hunch on JIF is all the reason I need, a hunch. CTM knows I'll roll with a gut feel as often as I'll roll with a completely pragmatic breakdown of vote trains and as often as I'll blind squirrel my way through things with bad logic.

No.. Me thinks you were trying to swing momentum towards jif with smash dieing.. i.e. jif is the nitwit that calling smash 100% scum all day 1, he shows up as a dead townie, and suddenly you, out of the blue, point to Jif as scum.. I think you threw that out there to see if anyone would bite... I had considered it was possibly a trap, but i'm don't think so anymore..

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Done pooping.

Off to the airport.

Don't let it be lost on you all that CTM is setting up my lynch now, for a time frame where I've made it clear I won't be around to defend. Don't follow the pied piper while I'm away.

CTM, is this the only way you can get over on me these days? Weak.

gfy you damn dirty ape...i'm fairly certain i was a sing vote when we lynched your hairy ass two games ago..

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Waking up from a short fitful sleep the group stretches and unwinds the stiffness from their muscles. EP walked over to a window and tripped over something. Pointing and trying to let out a scream that just wouldn't come, he got the groups attention. There on the ground lay a dead body. Jif's dead body. His throat had been opened by another steel-tipped fan

JiF - successful general - vanilla has been NK

Day has started. I will impose a deadline later

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How would he know that SMC? Is he on the QT with you?

No, bird brain. My post was clear I was referring to as of that moment because with 3 phases there were 3 deaths.

Regardless. Tina, Smash, and JiF are dead, a chick, a dude, and a tweener.

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What's with the dots, CTM?

Pretty sure that means he missed the PM that silenced him, and had to edit his posts. I've had to do that before - you can't delete the post, so you replace with a "."

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In other words, we need to get a post from everybody else in game to ensure it was CTM silenced.....I want to rule out the possibility of him faking it.

This makes sense...also need to vote to ensure its counted.

Vote Verbal

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Pretty sure that means he missed the PM that silenced him, and had to edit his posts. I've had to do that before - you can't delete the post, so you replace with a "."

In other words, we need to get a post from everybody else in game to ensure it was CTM silenced.....I want to rule out the possibility of him faking it.

If that was the case I'd prefer CTM respond to confirm (unless the silencing prevents him from posting at all. Other silencing lets you post, so you can post with a "." or a smilie).

@Christine, you claim to be silenced. Were you prohibitted from posting anything or just from speaking?

Verbal, I agree that everyone should post to lessen the possibility of being faked. I don't think we can rule it out because we don't know if the player doing the silencing can do it everyday.

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