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Courtney's Still alive


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I know you've all missed me on here - but I started a new job and the hours were a lil crazy in the beginning. This site has yet to be blocked from our work computers so it's now on like donkey kong. I'm really excited for our next few podcasts before the season, and everything else JN is doing! See ya in the forums with my smart-ass comments :)

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I know you've all missed me on here - but I started a new job and the hours were a lil crazy in the beginning. This site has yet to be blocked from our work computers so it's now on like donkey kong. I'm really excited for our next few podcasts before the season, and everything else JN is doing! See ya in the forums with my smart-ass comments :)

I love you and look forward to our marriage.

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I love you and look forward to our marriage.

Any poster that meets TomShane through JetNation is now legally forbidden from meeting, dating or marrying TomShane without the express written consent of JetNation.com. It is a little something the legal team had us add as standard language along the way. Not sure why they felt that language was needed.

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Any poster that meets TomShane through JetNation is now legally forbidden from meeting, dating or marrying TomShane without the express written consent of JetNation.com. It is a little something the legal team had us add as standard language along the way. Not sure why they felt that language was needed.

Why was I not informed that institutionalized cockblocking was one of the features of your fancy new server?

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Why was I not informed that institutionalized cockblocking was one of the features of your fancy new server?

If you had shown up for any of the court hearings it would have been explained to you.

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unless said people are steelers fans.

The condensed Steeler fan v Tom story:

The 2005 NFL Draft party at the ESPNZone, it was me sitting next to faba, Garb and GGG. Phil strikes up a conversation about the greatness of Joe Namath with a giant, hulking, drunk Steeler fan. The Steeler fan says, "Unitas was better," at which point Phil ran for the exit. Faba, to the right of me, takes a steak knife from the bar, hides it under his shirt, and starts moving around me toward the Steeler fan. (Faba, as we know, would literally kill to protect the Namath Legacy like he was in his own Namath version of Opus Dei). Anyway, Garb starts in about how Steve Grogan was better than both Namath and Unitas which instantly inflamed the situation. Seeing this, and knowing how crucial faba was to the preservation of JN (he's literally the only mod who does anything), I stepped in and defused the situation by saying that Unitas "certainly has better stats than Namath."

Faba has never forgiven me for this slight against Namath, and for ruining his chance to butcher the Steeler fan, and has subsequently set out on a smear campaign against me, claiming that I'm a nut-hugging pansy.


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The condensed Steeler fan v Tom story:

The 2005 NFL Draft party at the ESPNZone, it was me sitting next to faba, Garb and GGG. Phil strikes up a conversation about the greatness of Joe Namath with a giant, hulking, drunk Steeler fan. The Steeler fan says, "Unitas was better," at which point Phil ran for the exit. Faba, to the right of me, takes a steak knife from the bar, hides it under his shirt, and starts moving around me toward the Steeler fan. (Faba, as we know, would literally kill to protect the Namath Legacy like he was in his own Namath version of Opus Dei). Anyway, Garb starts in about how Steve Grogan was better than both Namath and Unitas which instantly inflamed the situation. Seeing this, and knowing how crucial faba was to the preservation of JN (he's literally the only mod who does anything), I stepped in and defused the situation by saying that Unitas "certainly has better stats than Namath."

Faba has never forgiven me for this slight against Namath, and for ruining his chance to butcher the Steeler fan, and has subsequently set out on a smear campaign against me, claiming that I'm a nut-hugging pansy.


I believe it.

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The condensed Steeler fan v Tom story:

The 2005 NFL Draft party at the ESPNZone, it was me sitting next to faba, Garb and GGG. Phil strikes up a conversation about the greatness of Joe Namath with a giant, hulking, drunk Steeler fan. The Steeler fan says, "Unitas was better," at which point Phil ran for the exit. Faba, to the right of me, takes a steak knife from the bar, hides it under his shirt, and starts moving around me toward the Steeler fan. (Faba, as we know, would literally kill to protect the Namath Legacy like he was in his own Namath version of Opus Dei). Anyway, Garb starts in about how Steve Grogan was better than both Namath and Unitas which instantly inflamed the situation. Seeing this, and knowing how crucial faba was to the preservation of JN (he's literally the only mod who does anything), I stepped in and defused the situation by saying that Unitas "certainly has better stats than Namath."

Faba has never forgiven me for this slight against Namath, and for ruining his chance to butcher the Steeler fan, and has subsequently set out on a smear campaign against me, claiming that I'm a nut-hugging pansy.


Essentially you saved the day. your a genuine hero.

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The condensed Steeler fan v Tom story:

The 2005 NFL Draft party at the ESPNZone, it was me sitting next to faba, Garb and GGG. Phil strikes up a conversation about the greatness of Joe Namath with a giant, hulking, drunk Steeler fan. The Steeler fan says, "Unitas was better," at which point Phil ran for the exit. Faba, to the right of me, takes a steak knife from the bar, hides it under his shirt, and starts moving around me toward the Steeler fan. (Faba, as we know, would literally kill to protect the Namath Legacy like he was in his own Namath version of Opus Dei). Anyway, Garb starts in about how Steve Grogan was better than both Namath and Unitas which instantly inflamed the situation. Seeing this, and knowing how crucial faba was to the preservation of JN (he's literally the only mod who does anything), I stepped in and defused the situation by saying that Unitas "certainly has better stats than Namath."

Faba has never forgiven me for this slight against Namath, and for ruining his chance to butcher the Steeler fan, and has subsequently set out on a smear campaign against me, claiming that I'm a nut-hugging pansy.


Well that story is actually closer to the truth than Tom's other recollections of that day. The day that almost destroyed JN, lol.

But here is an actual true story from that day. I met Kevin Mawae, he was signing autographs. Bren gave him a JetNation.com card and introduced me to him. He said, "Hey Max it is nice to meet you. Is Tom Shane here?"

I told him that Tom was here, and he said tell him to stop by and see me. I want to talk to him about some of his posts.

I told Tom that before the cock crows he was going to blow it three times that day.

1. Steelers Fan

2. Kevin Mawae

3. ???

I thought Tom blew a 3rd thing that day but now I can't remember. I guess I was wrong, he only had two mishaps, lol.

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I know you've all missed me on here - but I started a new job and the hours were a lil crazy in the beginning. This site has yet to be blocked from our work computers so it's now on like donkey kong. I'm really excited for our next few podcasts before the season, and everything else JN is doing! See ya in the forums with my smart-ass comments :)

We totally missed you around here, cousin.


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Well that story is actually closer to the truth than Tom's other recollections of that day. The day that almost destroyed JN, lol.

But here is an actual true story from that day. I met Kevin Mawae, he was signing autographs. Bren gave him a JetNation.com card and introduced me to him. He said, "Hey Max it is nice to meet you. Is Tom Shane here?"

I told him that Tom was here, and he said tell him to stop by and see me. I want to talk to him about some of his posts.

I still can't figure out why Mawae would have a problem with me. I loved that guy, even if he was a thin-skinned, locker-room-lawyering Samoan.

I told Tom that before the cock crows he was going to blow it three times that day.

1. Steelers Fan

2. Kevin Mawae

3. ???

I thought Tom blew a 3rd thing that day but now I can't remember. I guess I was wrong, he only had two mishaps, lol.

If we're counting the third mishap, I "blew it" about 47 times that day.

If I miss that party, I'm in early retirement as we SPEAK. LOL!


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I still can't figure out why Mawae would have a problem with me. I loved that guy, even if he was a thin-skinned, locker-room-lawyering Samoan.

If we're counting the third mishap, I "blew it" about 47 times that day.

If I miss that party, I'm in early retirement as we SPEAK. LOL!


If you could have your brother send me a message when you eventually get what you have coming to you, that would be great. This way I will know to up my security details, thanks, lol.

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Hey guys -- we joke around here but there is a line.

Oh there is? Then how come almost every other girl on this site has been asked about their boobs/bodies routinely? More often than not in threads long-time posters, you and your mods post in. If there's a line, wouldn't those users know where it is by now?

Regardless, my post was tongue-in-cheek and meant no harm.

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