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Generic Fantasy Mafia - Day 5 (Game Over)


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If that's the case then I'm willing to move to Levity. I think it's an easy claim to throw up there. I think we're getting good information here- don't like how quickly crusher peeled off and then mexipac piggy backing on it.


Vote Levity

Regardless of what you say I think your awesome. Levity? Gonna kill a first timer on day 1? Seems harsh. We only have till 5. Lets just all agree to kill pac?


vote Pac

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Hi, I'm awake now. Give me a few minutes to read through the few pages I missed and give my opinion on them.

One thing I want to say first, though: sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm not really a DM player. I played at DM maybe a few months at best before I quit playing because I didn't like how they played there. I'm a Serenes Forest player; I've been playing there on and off since mafia started up there in 2008 and revived again in 2009. I've been to a few other communities since then, but never played in them as long. The main reason I'm here now is because of Nolder--he referred me to both DM and here.

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Uh, what is Smash doing? He voted for Leelou with no reason to back it up, and that really bothers me. I feel like he's trying to frame me. I'm not scum (I really don't want to start hinting at my role like I usually do, but I'll claim if I have to I guess), but if the way Ape keeps associating me with him is going to cause him to start doing sh*t like that, I'm a little irritated.

The discussion about watches was annoying to scroll through and heavily distracting. I don't like off-topic discussion; I always view it as suspicious (since at SF it's often a scumtell).

If you really want to know my intentions behind the Leelou vote, it was for pressure more than anything because she was under the radar and I don't like under the radar players at all. She hasn't contributed very much actual content to the game. Smash and Crusher could fall into this now. I'm having a hard time remembering everyone's usernames, so pardon me if I miss anyone.

The nature of Leelou's claim, to me, is exasperated town. That doesn't change the fact that she hasn't contributed much today, though. I wish she would give more opinion, but I suppose I'll wait.


Vote Smash

I didn't realize the Leelou train built up so quickly, and I don't like Smash's little-content wagon hop at all.

And pardon me, by the way, but I'd rather not be lynched today.

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The discussion about watches was annoying to scroll through and heavily distracting. I don't like off-topic discussion; I always view it as suspicious (since at SF it's often a scumtell).

you ain't seen nothing yet.

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you ain't seen nothing yet.

Well, sh*t.

Come to think of it, reading Ape's posts in general is also hard because I have to sift through the blind arrogance and 'you're retarded scum' x 5, which I'll admit is also rather irritating. I think I'm just bitter though, he made the mistake of telling me he's the same John that killed me at DM when I was SK at five players left. SK is my favorite role.

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Levity is the most informative train. Can you give me a reason she is not?

Also this. Stop tunneling, it's getting out of hand. I realize my lynch is informative, but you're really letting haste blind you.

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Also this. Stop tunneling, it's getting out of hand. I realize my lynch is informative, but you're really letting haste blind you.

I'm trying to solicit reactions from those not taking a position, reactions = info.

Don't tell me how to play.

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Can we get a vote count or something?

Not sure how much I'll be on tonight and you have a better chance of JiF suddenly liking girls than me waking up on Saturday at 7:30am.

Smash has gone bye bye so I could move there again.

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The discussion about watches was annoying to scroll through and heavily distracting. I don't like off-topic discussion; I always view it as suspicious (since at SF it's often a scumtell).

This is why I always suggest people actually read games here before jumping in so you know the play style.

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Levity is the most informative train. Can you give me a reason she is not?

I actually just looked back at previous vote counts and realized Levity hasn't really had that much of a train at all in the past 10 pages or so. And I don't recall her having one early in the game. But I recall her definitely getting pressure. So who has been nudging Levity? Or is Ape just that much of a loudmouth?

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vote Vic

I don't really like his verbally saying he thinks Smash is scummy while pushing the leelou vs. levity battle (which i'm not personally seeing much there at all)

Smash voted ll

Levity tried drawing attention away via ll

Ll massaged ape to go after levity

I get drummed up quickly and lazily

What's not to see

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