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You can tell Schitty's not there anymore...


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Sanhez, despite an idiotic pic, is actually throwing the ball forward to his receivers!

It's funny I said to my buddy all the media douches, and everyone else who said this team has no shot don't even look the worst RIGHT NOW, but a guy who has said zero about the 2012 Jets looks the worst of them all, one Mr. Brian Schottenheimer!

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Pssst. Bradford and the Rams played well today. Just saying.

The credit for today goes on Sanchez for making sharp throws and not letting the TebowCat disruptions affect his play whatsoever. Not to mention, a superb showing from our pass protection (particularly Howard) and a great debut out of Stephen Hill against Buffalo's very weak secondary.

Sparano seems to be an improvement, but as we've been saying, its primarily on Sanchez to execute within the framework of whatever scheme exists. If he really is going to take a step in the right direction this year, we're in pretty damn good shape.

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