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Open Letter to The New York Jets


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To the Owner of the New York Jets,

As a lifelong fan of the New York Jets, I have to say that today's abortion of a football game is just a reflection of poor choices of your general manager and coach. The first string quarterback shows that he does not have elite skill. Is he serviceable? Yes, if you have perfect offensive line protection, no adverse weather and wide recievers run their routes perfectly then yes, he should be able to make the pass...but even then its 50/50 as reflected by his career completion percentage. Mark Sanchez should be released next year. Let Mr. Sanchez become a male model or some sort of UN Ambassador, but he is not an NFL QB. To continue the experiement with Mark is only to prolong the absence of a real passing game.

In that same vein, the Jets lack a real primary running back. Shonn Greene is a good complimentary back but the Jets do not have a primary running back on the roster. You need to draft yourself a home run threat and you do not have one currently.

Lastly for the Offense, you have no real good wide reciever. Your semi good wide reciever Holmes is out hurt and all you have left is castoffs from other teams, a draft project and a good Tight end. Basically, you have no real recieving threats. So please don't wonder why defenses crowd the box on your offense.

On Defense, you have an aging corp of linebackers who cannot cover faster and stronger tight ends and running backs. Everyone else's defense plays faster than your team's d. Also, just as an aside please draft another cornerback, Wilson is not a good CB...He got lucky today as he got beat several times but Smith overthrew his targets.

Here is what you need to do:

1) Let Sanchez Go.

2) Draft a New QB

3) Draft a new RB

4) Draft faster LBs

5) Draft a better CB than Wilson

6) Probably let Tannenbaum go.

7) Give Rex Ryan one more chance.

8) Think real hard about resigning Revis. If he is going to cost too much, then you can't resign him. There are too many holes on the team to think one player will solve all of them. The Jets are not one player away from a Super Bowl.

9) Let Tebow go after this year, he is not a real QB...

As a frustrated Jets Fan, the writing is on the wall, its up to you to read it and do the right thing.


Your Long Suffering Fanbase

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Yeah, at this point you wish for another full blown meltdon by Sanchez so McElroy can start. If you start Tebow, you are f'ing the season. HE IS NOT AN NFL QB. At least try McElroy out....what do we have to lose? The season is trending to a below .500 season...

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you mean that "60 cent produced, 35 dollar sold" jersey

while my cat resists your cats mating habbits;)

Yes. But it beats the .60 cent produced, $80 dollar sold, iron on letters, logo and numbers version you can buy here! I still don't know if my cat even HAS mating habits, and if he does - not sure which team he plays for, but he's a good boy nonetheless. Can't say the same for that hussy you got waving her tail around, inviting all the neighborhood ferals to swing by! :)

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Plus, it'll give me a chance to wear my $35 Korean-made, green #15 Tebow jersey!!!!

Those things are made in Hing Kong, and you overpaid for a garment you will spill chicken wings and beer on anyway.

Speaking of the business genius that is Robert Wood Johnson the Fourth, I didn't go today, but as per text form a friend who did,m half the stadium was wearing Niners red. It looked and sounded that way on TV. I hope Woody sleeps on a bed of $100 bills comprised of PSL money. It's not whay the Jets lsot this or any game, but instead of blaming the fans or some crap, take a long hard look in the mirror, Mr. Lucky Sperm Club, and ask yourself if your greed does you any good.

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Those things are made in Hing Kong, and you overpaid for a garment you will spill chicken wings and beer on anyway.

Au contraire - Made in Korea Bro! Had an Air Force buddy of mine pick it up before he returned from Osan. The Koreans are Masters of the Knockoff AND with excellent quality!!

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Here is what you need to do:

1) Let Sanchez Go.

2) Draft a New QB

3) Draft a new RB

4) Draft faster LBs

5) Draft a better CB than Wilson

6) Probably let Tannenbaum go.

7) Give Rex Ryan one more chance.

8) Think real hard about resigning Revis. If he is going to cost too much, then you can't resign him. There are too many holes on the team to think one player will solve all of them. The Jets are not one player away from a Super Bowl.

9) Let Tebow go after this year, he is not a real QB...

As a frustrated Jets Fan, the writing is on the wall, its up to you to read it and do the right thing.


Your Long Suffering Fanbase

Rex IS NOT a good head coach and should not be back here. The dude is a defensive coordinator at best, and im currently feeling like he just so happened to be a coach for the Ravens when they had some of the best talent on defense that a team can ever ask for.

His coaching doesnt make up for certain things on the field on either side of the ball. Kinda like how Sanchez "raw talent" doesnt make up for certain things on the offensive side of the ball....because he actually doesnt have the talent. Rex isnt a head coach in this league. Today has confirmed that both of these guys need to go. No possible stay, none of that. Pat them on the back, wish them good luck and start over. Get rid of Tanny too.

I cant name you a player we drafted the last 4 years thats making an impact on this team right now. Cople and Hill are making zero impact and deep inside we all knew this. Many people were down on Coples until we seen him in preseason which was rather good, however, I've been saying from jump that we shouldnt have drafted Hill. How the f**k do we draft a "#2 WR" that has no catches???

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Your sig is awesome, and full of truth unfortunately.

It is unfortunate. I seen it coming but as a fan I just wanted to believe. I didnt like the Sparano pick up, I didnt like the Tebow pick up because I dont think that the Wildcat will get you to the superbowl. Rex coaching skills are nil. Mark Sanchez I've realized simply isnt a pro QB. I dont think 4 years is enough in development, however 4 years is enough to see some sign of f'ing life, and though I liked game 1 what I dont like is that more often than not when we play a good team this dude doesnt show up.

What absolutely blows my mind is that our starting QB is probably the worst starting QB in the league and our back up QB is actually "The worst QB" in the league.

Im actually very upset at Woody johnson also because this Tebow thing was obviously to sell tickets. Im not supporting this team monetarily until I feel like they're actually competing in the game of football and not trying to have the highest ticket prices in the league while sharing a stadium with a team who actually won the damn title. Unfortunately I already purchased tickets to the Jets/Colts game. On the bright side I'll be able to check out what a real young QB looks like.

Im extremely pissed at the moment.

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Yeah, at this point you wish for another full blown meltdon by Sanchez so McElroy can start. If you start Tebow, you are f'ing the season. HE IS NOT AN NFL QB. At least try McElroy out....what do we have to lose? The season is trending to a below .500 season...

Where do you get the idea that McElroy is better than Tim Tebow? He's not.

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To the Owner of the New York Jets,


As a frustrated Jets Fan, the writing is on the wall, its up to you to read it and do the right thing.


Your Long Suffering Fanbase

Dear Mr Funk,

I don't care. I make a sh!tload of money off you fools... uh.. I mean fans and dont care what actually happens on the field.


Robert Wood Johnson IV

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Woody will not need this letter. He will witness the half-empty stadium during the second half of this year and hear all the mocking frim the Giants-loving NY and national media. Wait until new England comes in and hangs a 42-0 on us. It will seem like a Pats home game.

And then he'll finish this 4-hour distraction, shrug, and go back to counting his money.

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