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How I would fix the Jets, by Black Dynamite


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Replacing Sanchez is too easy, and it won't come near to fixing the numerous problems. But it is where you start.

1. Tebow in. Sanchez out.

Rex can't run from the Tebow Controversy, so he might as well face it head on. Sanchez had the first four games, and played great in the first half of Game One, and was overwhelmed in the rest of them, outside of the one long pass to Holmes in Miami.

Put Tebow in for the next 4 games. Go to the Bye, and re-access at that point. If it doesn't work, go to McElroy for the next 4 games, and go down the QB list until you get back to Browning Nagle.....

2. Powell in, Greene out.

Ryan protecting Greene is stupid. He makes $500k, and has regressed since last year. The next cut he makes will be his first. The next cut Ryan should make is Greene. If you want to be a good running team, you need a good RB. Give Powell a shot. He can't be much worse.

3. Demario Davis in, Bart Scott out.

Has anybody here seen Scott make a play worth a damn in the first 4 games? Davis has the speed on the field, and the leadership off the field, to light a fire under these guys. The Jets are giving up over 150 yards a game rushing. Scott isn't helping, so let's give the kid a chance to work with Harris to fix the problem....

4. Coples needs to play more.

I don't know what is going on, but Coples has been better than Chandler Jones his whole life, except in these 4 games. He was kicking --- in the preseason. What happened since then? The only time I saw Alex Smith pressured was when Coples flushed him from the pocket. He had two tackles for loss, and a couple of pressures.

5. Injuries have killed the team.

The Jets have a modest amount of talent. And their names are Keller, Revis, Hill and Holmes. All suffering injuries means there's only so much you can do this season. But kids like Coples, Davis, Powell, Kerley, and Ellis will need to play more.

The Jets don't seem to have the luxury of powdering their bottoms this year. We need players. It's time to find them

6. The coaching has been a nightmare.

Ryan allegedly was going to take the reins of the defense, the most talent he's ever had as head coach, and the team has regressed. Zero pass rush, no run defense. Sparano has been pretty clueless, and is doing his best Brian Schottenheimer impression.

The Niners came in today, and in 2 series, showed the Jets how the Wildcat is supposed to work? Really? That's a MAJOR indictment on Sparano. He should be embarrassed!!

Watch some tape. Get some ideas. What happened to the Jets from Opening Day? Did that playbook get stolen? Did you forget everything?

This team has been garbage for 3 1/2 games. This is not kneejerk response. This IS THE TEAM!

Fix it. Whatever it takes. YOUR JOBS ARE ON THE LINE!!

Thank you....


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And one more thing.

Kyle Wilson is another draft bust! Thanks Tanny!


Revisionist history. I'll blame Tanny for a whole lot of things, but drafting by far and away the best cover corner out of the draft after getting exposed in the secondary during the playoffs is not a bad pick. He hasn't lived up to potential without a doubt, but I don't blame him for that pick. I'll blame him for trading away picks after picks and missing on other selections, which exacerbate this miss, but I don't fault him for the Wilson pick.

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Revisionist history. I'll blame Tanny for a whole lot of things, but drafting by far and away the best cover corner out of the draft after getting exposed in the secondary during the playoffs is not a bad pick. He hasn't lived up to potential without a doubt, but I don't blame him for that pick. I'll blame him for trading away picks after picks and missing on other selections, which exacerbate this miss, but I don't fault him for the Wilson pick.

i agree
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Actually agree with most of this...the whole philosphy on how to build a team needs to get addressed...put out the who wants a job next year...gonna be a long year.

I'd argue the QB point though...rather see McElroy over Tebow.

Tebow McElroy Sanchez does not matter this offense has nothing at all. WR's Suck RBs Suck Its effecting the QB and once again Sanchez has reverted into making stupid plays. This is what happens when you push the issue and its only going to get worse no matter who takes the snaps.

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Tebow McElroy Sanchez does not matter this offense has nothing at all. WR's Suck RBs Suck Its effecting the QB and once again Sanchez has reverted into making stupid plays. This is what happens when you push the issue and its only going to get worse no matter who takes the snaps.

The point I'd make...we are going to suck this year...rightfully so...we could go with Tebow...may get a couple of extra wins...or we can try our base offense with McElroy...let Sanchez carry the clipboard...make him try to point out what he knows to McElroy...it may help him and it may give Sanchez a chance to realize his own problems...may help come 2013, when Sanchez is here whether we like it or not.

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Tebow McElroy Sanchez does not matter this offense has nothing at all. WR's Suck RBs Suck Its effecting the QB and once again Sanchez has reverted into making stupid plays. This is what happens when you push the issue and its only going to get worse no matter who takes the snaps.

C'mon man. I agree the cupboard is a bit bare, but you saw those throws; there were multiple times he had a clean pocket for 4+ seconds and overthrew open WRs on out patterns by a few yards. Below 50% completion for three games in a row is not something you even see out of the worst rookies in the NFL, it's pathetic. Mark might actually be the worst starting QB in the entire NFL right now.

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The point I'd make...we are going to suck this year...rightfully so...we could go with Tebow...may get a couple of extra wins...or we can try our base offense with McElroy...let Sanchez carry the clipboard...make him try to point out what he knows to McElroy...it may help him and it may give Sanchez a chance to realize his own problems...may help come 2013, when Sanchez is here whether we like it or not.

Im fine with giving McElroy a shot I think hes a smart kid lets see how it plays out...... but you know what ? this is the Jets man.... Why do something that makes any sense ? our HC is a buffoon and does not have the balls to give the snaps to McElroy.

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Im fine with giving McElroy a shot I think hes a smart kid lets see how it plays out...... but you know what ? this is the Jets man.... Why do something that makes any sense ? our HC is a buffoon and does not have the balls to give the snaps to McElroy.

Rex is a Ryan...acorn didn't fall far from the tree...I don't live in NY/NJ area...but I'd boycott until Woody gets a new GM/coach...it only gets uglier from here...think Buddy with Arizona.

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Rex is a Ryan...acorn didn't fall far from the tree...I don't live in NY/NJ area...but I'd boycott until Woody gets a new GM/coach...it only gets uglier from here...think Buddy with Arizona.

Oh Im waiting for the total meltdown I want some god damn entertainment out of this sh*t mess. I want a total melt down

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I'd fix the Jets by tanking the season for the 1st rounf pick and then trade that first pick for the 2015 1st and 2nd and the 2016 1st and 2nd. Then I'd tank next season and get the 1st round pick. Then build from there. Nothing short of a scorched earth policy can fix this mess of a team.

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I dont think Id pull the plug on Sanchez yet. I would pull the plug on the Tebow packages though. Id give Mark another two games and then make the move. If Sanchez cant play any better than the team has to turn into evaluation mode of the other guys on the roster. The other moves should be made now. They need to make a decision on Ducasse/Slauson as well and just have a steady line out there. Id make the move to Ducasse at this point but there could be a financial reason, however small, not too.

Im not going to fire Tannenbaum but I think they need a new voice in the room. He either needs a real football guy as his assistant GM or they need a better stat guy to run through some of the decisions before they lock in on these guys. Right now Rex has too much say and he gets too caught up in an occasional good play here and there to be a voice of reason.

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I dont think Id pull the plug on Sanchez yet. I would pull the plug on the Tebow packages though. Id give Mark another two games and then make the move. If Sanchez cant play any better than the team has to turn into evaluation mode of the other guys on the roster. The other moves should be made now. They need to make a decision on Ducasse/Slauson as well and just have a steady line out there. Id make the move to Ducasse at this point but there could be a financial reason, however small, not too.

Im not going to fire Tannenbaum but I think they need a new voice in the room. He either needs a real football guy as his assistant GM or they need a better stat guy to run through some of the decisions before they lock in on these guys. Right now Rex has too much say and he gets too caught up in an occasional good play here and there to be a voice of reason.

Sanchez needs to carry a clipboard for the moment.

Ryan is definetly not a voice of reason.

Need a new Chief to hold all accountable.

At the very least need a new Football guy to run all operations and Tanny needs to go. Poor cap management plus the lack of development of draft picks makes this inevitable.

We can argue keeping Rex but at this point it makes no sense to churn without cleaning house.

The problem with Rex...he wanted to win ugly...unfortunately when that fails...it ends with spooge in our face. The team is completely unbalanced and offense is unwatchable and at this point incapable.

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rule #1 - stfu. no more interviews where you can run your mouth. short useless asnwers only, starting with rex

rule #2 - everyone is accountable, nobody is here on a legacy. at 2-2 you can't panic, but I tell sanchez the leash is getting short

rule #3 - play the young guys. I'm sick of the slow old guys

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