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What Does it Tell You About Smith and the Jets....


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Pennington is obviously a whole different debate, but I think Sanchez pretty clearly had some major issues with his play from his rookie year on that never even slightly changed.  I think all of us (myself included) allowed ourselves to be blinded by a rather surprising start from him in that first game vs the Texans, but the truth is there were some epic disasters from him shortly thereafter.  Just take a look back at that laughably horrendous Bills game.  It was even worse than what we saw out of Geno vs the Giants, and Sanchez had 300+ rushing yards to help him out, yet didn't have people giving him this much crap.


I'm not even defending Geno, because while I hope he works out, I've got nothing to make any definitive conclusion based on at this point.  I just find it kind of crazy how I'm not sure I can come up with any other examples of so many people making such an immediate rush to judgment against a player before the start of his first NFL season.


BG your talking about games and stats and play which leads to mental mistakes and stupid turnovers I'm talking about fundamental flaws that are not easily corrected, they are 2 different things. If Geno did not have the flaws that I see then I would not have made the post but we have seen way to many rookies with Major flaws in their game never amount to anything in the NFL biggest name being Tim Tebow. Once again its not easy to undo years and years of doing things wrong when it comes to mechanics one of the worst things a QB can do is throw of his back foot and Geno does it at an alarming rate and yes I have seen him do it in college as well. Difference is in College his receivers got major separation its not like that in the pros and you lose a ton of velocity on your throws when throwing off your back foot. That and his release is what leads to interceptions. Now on the other side of the coin I can see why some fans have hope because when Geno steps into a throw hes certainly got a gun but so do 75 % of the NFL QB's. Geno in the shot gun in college gave him the opportunity to step into his throws, now that he has to drop back, then set, then scan the field, then throw, we are not seeing the great arm because of said flaws. He's got a lot of crap to fix is all I'm trying to say here.


Its funny you have some fans saying OMG Geno has a gun and yeah in the right circumstances he does have a gun but seeing a few well thrown balls does not make an NFL QB. There's a lot going on here.

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Your post is a joke, my saying so has absolutely nothing to do with being hopeful.


If you had just said, "I don't think Geno will be good", then I'd say "fair enough". Instead you are concluding his career potential based on the nuances of the front office inaction and a very small pre-season sampling of his play. Not because there's anything factual there, but because if you spin it hard enough it aligns with your opinion. 


Just state your opinion man, don't sell a bunch of theoretical bullsh*t.


you are an Idiot. I back up my feeling with facts AND OPINIONS other posters have pointed out as well and I have seen Geno play in college/ You on the other hand give no reason for calling someone.s post a joke other than that it differs from your opinion and that just solidifies the fact your a monkey with writing skillz.


Basing his career potential on front office nuances ?? God help you man./

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BG your talking about games and stats and play which leads to mental mistakes and stupid turnovers I'm talking about fundamental flaws that are not easily corrected, they are 2 different things. If Geno did not have the flaws that I see then I would not have made the post but we have seen way to many rookies with Major flaws in their game never amount to nothing in the NFL biggest name being Tim Tebow. Once again its not easy to undo years and years of doing things wrong when it comes to mechanics one of the worst things a QB can do is throw of his back foot and Geno does it at an alarming rate and yes I have seen him do it in college as well. Difference is in College his receivers got major separation its not like that in the pros and you lose a ton of velocity on your throws when throwing off your back foot. That and his release is what leads to interceptions. Now on the other side of the coin I can see why some fans have hope because when Geno steps into a throw hes certainly got a gun but so do 75 % of the NFL QB's. Geno in the shot gun in college gave him the opportunity to step into his throws, now that he has to drop back, then set, then scan the field, then throw, we are not seeing the great arm because of said flaws. He's got a lot of crap to fix is all I'm trying to say here.


Its funny you have some fans saying OMG Geno has a gun and yeah in the right circumstances he does have a gun but seeing a few well thrown balls does not make an NFL QB. There's a lot going on here.


Dude, you're not seeing it because you don't see practice.  You've seen him play a little in some preseason games.  After Sanchez, if Jets players didn't think that Geno was doing well or had a ton of potential, things would have been deadly silent.  That's not the case.  We've seen a lot of good comments about Geno from the CS and players.  You're making his fundamentals sound a lot worse than they actually are.

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you are an Idiot. I back up my feeling with facts AND OPINIONS other posters have pointed out as well and I have seen Geno play in college/ You on the other hand give no reason for calling someone.s post a joke other than that it differs from your opinion and that just solidifies the fact your a monkey with writing skillz.


Basing his career potential on front office nuances ?? God help you man./



Real nice guy. 


All I said was good grief, because you have a penchant for mellow-drama, and then followed-up by telling you not to spin your opinions as fact. Which is more-or-less all you are doing here. 


And you call me an idiot. Well, that's a respectable counter-point. Can't make your point, call names. Got it.

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BG your talking about games and stats and play which leads to mental mistakes and stupid turnovers I'm talking about fundamental flaws that are not easily corrected, they are 2 different things. If Geno did not have the flaws that I see then I would not have made the post but we have seen way to many rookies with Major flaws in their game never amount to anything in the NFL biggest name being Tim Tebow. Once again its not easy to undo years and years of doing things wrong when it comes to mechanics one of the worst things a QB can do is throw of his back foot and Geno does it at an alarming rate and yes I have seen him do it in college as well. Difference is in College his receivers got major separation its not like that in the pros and you lose a ton of velocity on your throws when throwing off your back foot. That and his release is what leads to interceptions. Now on the other side of the coin I can see why some fans have hope because when Geno steps into a throw hes certainly got a gun but so do 75 % of the NFL QB's. Geno in the shot gun in college gave him the opportunity to step into his throws, now that he has to drop back, then set, then scan the field, then throw, we are not seeing the great arm because of said flaws. He's got a lot of crap to fix is all I'm trying to say here.


Its funny you have some fans saying OMG Geno has a gun and yeah in the right circumstances he does have a gun but seeing a few well thrown balls does not make an NFL QB. There's a lot going on here.


While I agree there's certainly work that needs to be done without question, I guess I simply disagree Geno's fundamentals are nearly as bad as a guy like Tebow's.  I think the one issue in fundamentals that he certainly needs work on is footwork, but that's also perhaps the most common fundamental issue you see in young QBs upon entering the NFL, so it's not something I have reason to believe he cannot improve upon and eventually overcome.  Whether any of this means he does, or ever turns out to be any good, is of course a completely different question, I just have yet to see anything that makes me think he has significantly worse odds of doing so than your typical rookie QB.

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While I agree there's certainly work that needs to be done without question, I guess I simply disagree Geno's fundamentals are nearly as bad as a guy like Tebow's.  I think the one issue in fundamentals that he certainly needs work on is footwork, but that's also perhaps the most common fundamental issue you see in young QBs upon entering the NFL, so it's not something I have reason to believe he cannot improve upon and eventually overcome.  Whether any of this means he does, or ever turns out to be any good, is of course a completely different question, I just have yet to see anything that makes me think he has significantly worse odds of doing so than your typical rookie QB.


Spot on.  If the Jets weren't running a WCO, it probably wouldn't even be an issue, or certainly not to the extent that it is now.

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While I agree there's certainly work that needs to be done without question, I guess I simply disagree Geno's fundamentals are nearly as bad as a guy like Tebow's.  I think the one issue in fundamentals that he certainly needs work on is footwork, but that's also perhaps the most common fundamental issue you see in young QBs upon entering the NFL, so it's not something I have reason to believe he cannot improve upon and eventually overcome.  Whether any of this means he does, or ever turns out to be any good, is of course a completely different question, I just have yet to see anything that makes me think he has significantly worse odds of doing so than your typical rookie QB.

No way are Geno's fundamentals anywhere near Tebow's. I would say however that footwork is probably the most important fundamental for a QB, and probably the hardest to learn on the job. Opposing DC's are probably going to beat the crap out of the WR's and blitz the crap out of Geno regularly, until he proves he can beat them on that. That is a damn tough way to develop your fundamentals. If he can do it, and develop on the fly, awesome! we have our QB for the next 10+ years, but if he cannot do it in that situation it does not mean that he would not have ever been able to overcome them, and perhaps developing his fundamentals first would have been the better route.

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Real nice guy. 


All I said was good grief, because you have a penchant for mellow-drama, and then followed-up by telling you not to spin your opinions as fact. Which is more-or-less all you are doing here. 


And you call me an idiot. Well, that's a respectable counter-point. Can't make your point, call names. Got it.


oh stop, we've been calling each other Idiots for years, its what we do.


I just think your taking what I'm saying the wrong way or maybe I was not clear. There are multiple issues in my post and not all of them are about Geno.


BG made some good counter points about Genos mechanics and I accept that 100 % it is very possible his mechanics could be suffering from his indecision and trouble learning a complicated system and I have no issue with that statement and it makes total sense. But if you pull up some of Genos college film you will see him throwing off his back foot a lot  and that's why I used the word "alarming" because quite frankly that does not work in the NFL. Throwing off your back foot causes 2 things 1. it makes you lose velocity and 2 its makes your ball sail both of which we saw in the Giants game. It has to be corrected because NFL safties are that much faster than what you face week in and week out in the college game.


I gave my assessment of Geno and you know you don't have to agree with it but don't call it a joke its just a damn assessment, give your counter and move on.

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While I agree there's certainly work that needs to be done without question, I guess I simply disagree Geno's fundamentals are nearly as bad as a guy like Tebow's.  I think the one issue in fundamentals that he certainly needs work on is footwork, but that's also perhaps the most common fundamental issue you see in young QBs upon entering the NFL, so it's not something I have reason to believe he cannot improve upon and eventually overcome.  Whether any of this means he does, or ever turns out to be any good, is of course a completely different question, I just have yet to see anything that makes me think he has significantly worse odds of doing so than your typical rookie QB.


BG just to be clear I was not comparing Genos fundamentals to Tebows I was just pointing out how difficult it can be to correct them and used a guy who works tirelessly and still can't make a dent. Something you have been doing for years and years is not easily correctable and sometimes college coaches will coach around players flaws because they have to win NOW just like in the NFL hence why Geno played almost exclusively out of a shotgun formation in college. In the NFL most coaches want you to adapt to their system and it does not always work out.

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oh stop, we've been calling each other Idiots for years, its what we do.


I just think your taking what I'm saying the wrong way or maybe I was not clear. There are multiple issues in my post and not all of them are about Geno.


BG made some good counter points about Genos mechanics and I accept that 100 % it is very possible his mechanics could be suffering from his indecision and trouble learning a complicated system and I have no issue with that statement and it makes total sense. But if you pull up some of Genos college film you will see him throwing off his back foot a lot  and that's why I used the word "alarming" because quite frankly that does not work in the NFL. Throwing off your back foot causes 2 things 1. it makes you lose velocity and 2 its makes your ball sail both of which we saw in the Giants game. It has to be corrected because NFL safties are that much faster than what you face week in and week out in the college game.


I gave my assessment of Geno and you know you don't have to agree with it but don't call it a joke its just a damn assessment, give your counter and move on.


I'm not calling anyone an idiot, try to make your point without doing it to me.


My counterpoint was and is "good grief", the follow-up to my counterpoint is "don't spin your opinion as fact" and my final thought for you is next time you want to vent your opinion, then vent your opinion. Don't spin a bunch of observations as facts to support it. 


I managed to tell you exactly what I thought of your opening post, without insulting you. You just get butthurt when people don't use grotesque paragraphs to try to make their disagreement sound like more than what it is. 

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I'm not calling anyone an idiot, try to make your point without doing it to me.


My counterpoint was and is "good grief", the follow-up to my counterpoint is "don't spin your opinion as fact" and my final thought for you is next time you want to vent your opinion, then vent your opinion. Don't spin a bunch of observations as facts to support it. 


I managed to tell you exactly what I thought of your opening post, without insulting you. You just get butthurt when people don't use grotesque paragraphs to try to make their disagreement sound like more than what it is. 


show me where I tried to spin my opinion as fact . Like I said I don't care if you disagree with my opinion I based it on what I saw on film and in the preseason and yes I have heard many other posters say the same damn things so I don't think people are just imagining it.


I'm not sure how you consider "good grief" and "a Joke" not insulting. I guess in your world you get to say what you want, basically try to make a joke of someone's opinion, and not call it insulting


Your first post claiming "good grief" didn't even give a reason as to what portion of the post you actually disagreed with. I know your not a big Rex fan so you must love that portion but you just had to disagree with something yet give no credit for anything else. Then I point out we always call each other Idiots (always in a fun kinda way) and have done so for years and you give me this crap "I'm not calling anyone an idiot, try to make your point without doing it to me." Give me a break Ape 

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show me where I tried to spin my opinion as fact . Like I said I don't care if you disagree with my opinion I based it on what I saw on film and in the preseason and yes I have heard many other posters say the same damn things so I don't think people are just imagining it.


I'm not sure how you consider "good grief" and "a Joke" not insulting. I guess in your world you get to say what you want, basically try to make a joke of someone's opinion, and not call it insulting


Your first post claiming "good grief" didn't even give a reason as to what portion of the post you actually disagreed with. I know your not a big Rex fan so you must love that portion but you just had to disagree with something yet give no credit for anything else. Then I point out we always call each other Idiots (always in a fun kinda way) and have done so for years and you give me this crap "I'm not calling anyone an idiot, try to make your point without doing it to me." Give me a break Ape 


This WHOLE thread is opinion based dude. 


The "good grief" was a direct reaction to the mellow-drama, and you passing off your opinion as fact. I don't care if I agree with any or all of what you said, it's the posturing and the needless drama - it seems posters are taking their cues from the media. Everything is a dire calamity. So yeah... good grief about covers it.


Get over it, and no I didn't insult you. I didn't call you names. I said "good grief". Are we now so sensitive that an eye roll causes butthurt emotions?


Good grief.

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Trying to follow along in this thread.  Lots of long posts.  Very confusing whats going on in here.


I get that we've 100% established after 3 quarters of preseason that Geno is a horrible QB and always will be but who are we blaming?

Is it Rex, the Jets FO in general, Marty M or Brady Quinn?



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Trying to follow along in this thread.  Lots of long posts.  Very confusing whats going on in here.


I get that we've 100% established after 3 quarters of preseason that Geno is a horrible QB and always will be but who are we blaming?

Is it Rex, the Jets FO in general, Marty M or Brady Quinn?





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Trying to follow along in this thread.  Lots of long posts.  Very confusing whats going on in here.


I get that we've 100% established after 3 quarters of preseason that Geno is a horrible QB and always will be but who are we blaming?

Is it Rex, the Jets FO in general, Marty M or Brady Quinn?




Sanchez had better mechanics coming out than Geno, because he played under center. Never improved mechanics/ability when throwing under pressure.


Geno never played under center in college. Has struggled with mechanics both in a clean pocket and under pressure. Can he get better is the question?

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This is a good read from prior to the draft regarding Geno and his mechanics.

The kid needed more reps in the preseason. We better hope we can run the ball Sunday and throw some effective screens. The Bucs will be sending the house.


seems he has the same concerns I have and I didn't read that article and contrary to what APE might think I pay absolutely NO ATTENTION to the media I personally think they are all Idiots with their own stinking agendas.


Most Important thing I got out of that article is exactly what I mentioned in my post throwing off the back foot with the sense of pressure when pressure is not present. That causes loss of velocity and yes it is a huge issue that must be fixed. Its was evident in the Giants game and it must be addressed. Im sure Geno knows this, you can't play QB with fear in the NFL or you are doomed. 


One thing I don't see with Geno is a lack of running ability as some have mentioned only thing is I would like to see him do it more if things break down rather than throw a Sanchezesque INT.


What I think can make Geno a damn Good QB


1. Shorten his release


2. Use his footwork to keep velocity on his throws (this will also help with the release)


3. When things break down don't get nervous just throw the ball away or take off running it certainly beats a turnover.

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Sanchez had better mechanics coming out than Geno, because he played under center. Never improved mechanics/ability when throwing under pressure.


Geno never played under center in college. Has struggled with mechanics both in a clean pocket and under pressure. Can he get better is the question?


Sanchez was garbage coming out and I pretty much felt the same way about Geno we just got him in an ideal spot.  


Is that debate, can he improve?  I'd like to think so.  It was his first 3 quarters of NFL ball.  lol


I honestly didnt see what you saw in the Giants game.  He had times, where I saw what you saw but other times where everything looked pretty crisp, even the announcers were saying he didnt look like a rookie.  This slow delivery you keep talking about, I dont see.  Even watched the game again the other night because you kept mentioning it.  Its nice, compact and classic over the top behind the ear.  He wound up on the over throw for sure...but that was the only one that I saw the wind up.  Footwork was good and bad. Saw examples of both.  He wasnt tucking and running like most rookie do.  There was plenty to go on IMO.


I saw a kid with a ton of potential but raw as a mofo, who could benefit a lot from watching on the sidelines for a few games.  Not one who's ready to take on Tampa and the Pats 4 days later but one who could be good down the road.  Only time will tell...but I dont think signing Brady Quinn has anything to do with that.  lol

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Trying to follow along in this thread.  Lots of long posts.  Very confusing whats going on in here.


I get that we've 100% established after 3 quarters of preseason that Geno is a horrible QB and always will be but who are we blaming?

Is it Rex, the Jets FO in general, Marty M or Brady Quinn?





Has it been 3 quarters already?  wow how time flies. 

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seems he has the same concerns I have and I didn't read that article and contrary to what APE might think I pay absolutely NO ATTENTION to the media I personally think they are all Idiots with their own stinking agendas.


Most Important thing I got out of that article is exactly what I mentioned in my post throwing off the back foot with the sense of pressure when pressure is not present. That causes loss of velocity and yes it is a huge issue that must be fixed. Its was evident in the Giants game and it must be addressed. Im sure Geno knows this, you can't play QB with fear in the NFL or you are doomed. 


One thing I don't see with Geno is a lack of running ability as some have mentioned only thing is I would like to see him do it more if things break down rather than throw a Sanchezesque INT.


What I think can make Geno a damn Good QB


1. Shorten his release


2. Use his footwork to keep velocity on his throws (this will also help with the release)


3. When things break down don't get nervous just throw the ball away or take off running it certainly beats a turnover.


Agreed. My initial take from the Giants game, sitting in the stands....was it looked like he had a weak arm. Closer up, he's throwing off his back foot a lot. When he had a clean pocket and went threw his elongated windup...yeah he throws a pretty ball with good velocity....there was just no rhythm to his mechanics.


I really dont see the point of starting him yet. We saw hsi reaction on draft day. Throw him to the fire, week 1, at home...why? Jets fans going to the game Sunday are basically caged  lions that havent been feed in a month and are being teased with a tbone.

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Sanchez was garbage coming out and I pretty much felt the same way about Geno we just got him in an ideal spot.  


Is that debate, can he improve?  I'd like to think so.  It was his first 3 quarters of NFL ball.  lol


I honestly didnt see what you saw in the Giants game.  He had times, where I saw what you saw but other times where everything looked pretty crisp, even the announcers were saying he didnt look like a rookie.  This slow delivery you keep talking about, I dont see.  Even watched the game again the other night because you kept mentioning it.  Its nice, compact and classic over the top behind the ear.  He wound up on the over throw for sure...but that was the only one that I saw the wind up.  Footwork was good and bad. Saw examples of both.  He wasnt tucking and running like most rookie do.  There was plenty to go on IMO.


Honestly, I saw a kid with a ton of potential but raw as a mofo, who could benefit a lot from watching on the sidelines for a few games.  Not one who's ready to take on Tampa and the Pats 4 days later but one who could be good down the road.  Only time will tell...but I dont think signing Brady Quinn has anything to do with that.  lol


Maybe it's just me then, but it looked long. Like he has the ball up near his shoulder after the snap, brings it down then brings it up again.


He's raw I agree. Playing him Sunday makes no sense imo.

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Maybe it's just me then, but it looked long. Like he has the ball up near his shoulder after the snap, brings it down then brings it up again.


He's raw I agree. Playing him Sunday makes no sense imo.


The Raiders are starting Terrelle Pryor, the Bills Jeff Tuel, the Jags Blaine Gabbert... LOL, sometimes "sense" has nothing to do with it, sometimes it's all about "oh sh*t".

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Trying to follow along in this thread.  Lots of long posts.  Very confusing whats going on in here.


I get that we've 100% established after 3 quarters of preseason that Geno is a horrible QB and always will be but who are we blaming?

Is it Rex, the Jets FO in general, Marty M or Brady Quinn?




JIF I don't think anyone is just closing the book on Geno and no one is blaming Rex or Idzik or the FO in general, just pointing out some flaws he has to work on and lets be honest here its not easy to fix mechanics, it will be a work in progress. The biggest glaring problem for any rookie QB is even though they work on fixing things most of the time when things break down they revert back. Most athletes do that and to some it just comes naturally. Watch some film on Geno he throws off his back foot a lot and he was doing it in the giants game and it hurt his velocity it also causes balls to sail.


Many might forget Peyton Manning had Happy feet early in his career, took him a while to figure that out but he had so many other things going for him many times it was overlooked until playoff time rolled around and teams like the Pats would just give him fits. It just proves that even the greats take time to fix things and I guarantee Manning put in a ton of time working on that very issue.

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The Raiders are starting Terrelle Pryor, the Bills Jeff Tuel, the Jags Blaine Gabbert... LOL, sometimes "sense" has nothing to do with it, sometimes it's all about "oh sh*t".


None of those guys are the supposed future of their respective franchises either.


Even then, lumping our situation in with the Raiders, Bills and Jags doesnt make me feel a whole lot better about the Jets.

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JIF I don't think anyone is just closing the book on Geno and no one is blaming Rex or Idzik or the FO in general, just pointing out some flaws he has to work on and lets be honest here its not easy to fix mechanics, it will be a work in progress. The biggest glaring problem for any rookie QB is even though they work on fixing things most of the time when things break down they revert back. Most athletes do that and to some it just comes naturally. Watch some film on Geno he throws off his back foot a lot and he was doing it in the giants game and it hurt his velocity it also causes balls to sail.


Many might forget Peyton Manning had Happy feet early in his career, took him a while to figure that out but he had so many other things going for him many times it was overlooked until playoff time rolled around and teams like the Pats would just give him fits. It just proves that even the greats take time to fix things and I guarantee Manning put in a ton of time working on that very issue.



You said something about bringing Brady Quinn means that Geno sucks, sucks bad and that you've never seen a QB with such poor mechanics turn it around in the history of the league.  That's a pretty definitive statement, if you ask me.

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I'm not calling anyone an idiot, try to make your point without doing it to me.


My counterpoint was and is "good grief", the follow-up to my counterpoint is "don't spin your opinion as fact" and my final thought for you is next time you want to vent your opinion, then vent your opinion. Don't spin a bunch of observations as facts to support it. 


I managed to tell you exactly what I thought of your opening post, without insulting you. You just get butthurt when people don't use grotesque paragraphs to try to make their disagreement sound like more than what it is. 


Hey now.

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None of those guys are the supposed future of their respective franchises either.


Even then, lumping our situation in with the Raiders, Bills and Jags doesnt make me feel a whole lot better about the Jets.


Blaine Gabbert is flat out better than any of the Jets QBs. Terrelle Pryor too probably. Even Jeff Tuel has his strengths. None of these players have run out the back of an endzone recently. 

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If the guy he was competing against could be out multiple weeks and the Jets still have not named him the starter, officially . Then bring in a lost cause like Brady Quinn.


That's right it tells you he sucks. Sucks bad.


Or, it tells you that like most teams, they want 3 healthy QBs, not 2, and one who's actually got some experience.  Sure Quinn isn't a good player, but when the line-up was Smith, Simms, Harrell, the available QBs for the Jets had 4 passing attempts, combined.


The ONLY thing it tells us is that they want someone on the active roster who's played NFL football before.

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You said something about bringing Brady Quinn means that Geno sucks, sucks bad and that you've never seen a QB with such poor mechanics turn it around in the history of the league.  That's a pretty definitive statement, if you ask me.


The poor mechanic thing is what it is I was not comparing him "as" the worst ever just trying to state that its not easy to fix bad mechanics.


The Brady Quinn thing I dont get because we already had McElroy and Simms on the roster who are familiar with the offense so if we start Geno and he flops we could always bring in one of them because we've all seen Brady Quinn play, IMO you bring back McElroy (or never dump him in the first place) , Brady Quinn not only sucks he does not know the system so what are we accomplishing here exactly ?

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