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Rex Ryan's pros outweigh his cons.


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imo, the solution is to keep MM and make him 100% responsible for all things offense, hire an Asst HC and make him responsible for game time decisions, keep Rex as HC but in practice make him a glorified DC

Like Jesse in Breaking Bad, put Rex on a leash, beat him occasionally when he acts out and ask him only for one specialty.

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imo, the solution is to keep MM and make him 100% responsible for all things offense, hire an Asst HC and make him responsible for game time decisions, keep Rex as HC but in practice make him a glorified DC

Yeah, that's what he needs. Five degrees of separation between him and what a real head coach's job is.

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Well, there was Idzik's comment that the starting QB would be a group decision.  Since who sits and who plays is considered central to a head coach's authority, that definitely looked like Rex no longer had the power a normal coach would have.


There was also Woody's announcement when he hired Idzik that a condition of the hiring was that Rex would be head coach for the first year at least.  The way that is put makes it look like Rex is basically out the door but he's getting one more chance.


I think this comment got so blown out of proportion it's not even funny.  He was basically trying to say that everyone has input in the decisions that are made, whether that's personnel or who starts.  


Idzik had no money to work with, and built a roster of stop gap vets and young draft picks.  Rex has them performing right now, especially on defense.  No way he's unhappy with the job Rex is doing.  

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Yeah, that's what he needs. Five degrees of separation between him and what a real head coach's job is.


For a "not a real head coach" he wins a lot of games.  You seem to care WAY too much on HOW Rex does his job.  Point blank:  Do the positives he brings to the table fail to outweigh the negative qualities?


And I still laugh at the fact that you used to blame Tannenbaum for all our problems.  Our clueless, glorified accountant couldn't bring in personnel, our owner who hired him blows, there are no adults in the room......yet Rex is 40-33.  He sucks, fire him.

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For a "not a real head coach" he wins a lot of games.  You seem to care WAY too much on HOW Rex does his job.  Point blank:  Do the positives he brings to the table fail to outweigh the negative qualities?


And I still laugh at the fact that you used to blame Tannenbaum for all our problems.  Our clueless, glorified accountant couldn't bring in personnel, our owner who hired him blows, there are no adults in the room......yet Rex is 40-33.  He sucks, fire him.

Yeah, that whole winning thing really screws with the vocal minority's narrative.

Rex has a career winning record with incompetence in the front office, at offensive coordinator, and at QB, for his entire career. Imagine what he can do if Idzik, Mornhinweg, and Geno are merely competent.

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Yeah, that whole winning thing really screws with the vocal minority's narrative.

Rex has a career winning record with incompetence in the front office, at offensive coordinator, and at QB, for his entire career. Imagine what he can do if Idzik, Mornhinweg, and Geno are merely competent.

As a Jet fan, I used to be entirely happy with the coaches that provide a "winning record". Parcells had that. Herm had that for the majority of his tenure. Mangini looked like he could bring it initially too.


As a fan of the Jets, I have now graduated to not only wanting to win, but wanting to have the team that will win it all.


My own personal opinion is that Rex is not the guy that will get the team over the hump. Too much baggage with little things he does not do well. Again, it is a personal opinion. But I believe I am entitled to it.

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5 years in he still has no idea how the clock works. And apparently nobody upstairs is telling him when or when not to challenge. Is there a flow chart on those kids of decisions or is Wrecks allowing himself to wing it? Grant you he is a good DC but that's not a head coach. And before we get all giddy the jets squeaked by 2 lousy teams and lost a very winnable game in Foxboro.

If the Jets had beaten the Pats, might be inclined to think Wrecks is a keeper long term.

But they didn't.

After 5 years of drafting but front 7 dogs at tht expense of almost everything else spare bad CBs and Pick 6 we finanlly have a real pass rush. It's well past time when you consider how much resources have been given to that unit.

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3 games? Is this what we make judgements on now?


I will wait to see how this year turns out.


I was thinking the same thing.  It will be funny to watch how many of the folks with positive attitudes at this time change their tune.  For the record, I think Rextard needs to go.  If he wants to stay at DC I am fine with that.  Otherwise, for the people who want to keep whining about who is out there...Tony Dungy, Jeff Fischer, Brian Billick, Bill Cowher, heck even Mike Holmgren.

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Rex has not shown the ability to be a head coach overseeing all the functions of running a team-great defensive coach and motivator -some people like him because he like one of us - you can see yourself having some beer and wings hanging out with Rex

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As a Jet fan, I used to be entirely happy with the coaches that provide a "winning record". Parcells had that. Herm had that for the majority of his tenure. Mangini looked like he could bring it initially too.


As a fan of the Jets, I have now graduated to not only wanting to win, but wanting to have the team that will win it all.


My own personal opinion is that Rex is not the guy that will get the team over the hump. Too much baggage with little things he does not do well. Again, it is a personal opinion. But I believe I am entitled to it.

My personal opinion, which I also feel entitled to, is that yours is wrong.

Rex brought a Tannenbaum built team, QB'd by Sanchez, run offensively by Schottenheimer, to the AFC Championship Game. Twice. I know the current narrative is that's no big deal, but historically, only one Jet head coach has done better than that. And that guy had Joe Namath.

With some talent around him, I think Rex can win a Super Bowl. And if the Jets fire him, I think he'll win a Super Bowl somewhere else. And that would be a shame. A toe-sucking, swinging, foul-mouthed, bull running head coach should really win his championship with the Jets.

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My personal opinion, which I also feel entitled to, is that yours is wrong.

Rex brought a Tannenbaum built team, QB'd by Sanchez, run offensively by Schottenheimer, to the AFC Championship Game. Twice. I know the current narrative is that's no big deal, but historically, only one Jet head coach has done better than that. And that guy had Joe Namath.

With some talent around him, I think Rex can win a Super Bowl. And if the Jets fire him, I think he'll win a Super Bowl somewhere else. And that would be a shame. A toe-sucking, swinging, foul-mouthed, bull running head coach should really win his championship with the Jets.

Opinions are like-a-holes. Everyone has one. Some are even one.

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I was thinking the same thing.  It will be funny to watch how many of the folks with positive attitudes at this time change their tune.  For the record, I think Rextard needs to go.  If he wants to stay at DC I am fine with that.  Otherwise, for the people who want to keep whining about who is out there...Tony Dungy, Jeff Fischer, Brian Billick, Bill Cowher, heck even Mike Holmgren.

Dungy is WAYYYYYYY overrated.

Fisher is HC of the Rams.

Billick is no upgrade.

Cowher is retired from coaching and wants no part of the NYJ job and its hyper critical press coverage. It's not for him. Seems like a good guy but he's overrated as well because of all the favorable press the Steelers got. If you want passing and offense then Cowher isn't your man.

Holmgren is retired from coaching and would want to also be the GM. Hell of a job he did in Cleveland. Hell of a job.

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Great thread.  Great post.  The Jets have one of the best HC's in the league.  The guy is absolutely brilliant.  


It's a shame Jets fans cant recognize when they are in the presence of greatness.  Rex Ryan is hands down the biggest asset the NY Jets bring to the field. He's the advantage.  The strength of the organization.  Luckily, Woody see's it that way.  Hopefully, Idzik does too.  Because if he fires Rex Ryan, it will be his downfall and the biggest mistake the organization has ever made.  

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My personal opinion, which I also feel entitled to, is that yours is wrong.

Rex brought a Tannenbaum built team, QB'd by Sanchez, run offensively by Schottenheimer, to the AFC Championship Game. Twice. I know the current narrative is that's no big deal, but historically, only one Jet head coach has done better than that. And that guy had Joe Namath.

With some talent around him, I think Rex can win a Super Bowl. And if the Jets fire him, I think he'll win a Super Bowl somewhere else. And that would be a shame. A toe-sucking, swinging, foul-mouthed, bull running head coach should really win his championship with the Jets.

I like the last part very much. It's like a romance. A romance with feet and defense.

Rex is a loudmouth who says & does a lot of foolish things, and does them loudly and colorfully. He's one of us.

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My personal opinion, which I also feel entitled to, is that yours is wrong.

Rex brought a Tannenbaum built team, QB'd by Sanchez, run offensively by Schottenheimer, to the AFC Championship Game. Twice. I know the current narrative is that's no big deal, but historically, only one Jet head coach has done better than that. And that guy had Joe Namath.

With some talent around him, I think Rex can win a Super Bowl. And if the Jets fire him, I think he'll win a Super Bowl somewhere else. And that would be a shame. A toe-sucking, swinging, foul-mouthed, bull running head coach should really win his championship with the Jets.


Repped for brilliance and truth. 

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If we are going to hang out every week on a message board to talk about the Jets we sorta gotta take it one week at a time.  Unless your hiding a crystal ball in your shorts.


Or you could just use his body of work...the winning record, the winning seasons, the playoff wins and the fact he has the worst team ever assembled at 2-1....but you know, 3 games or something.

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3 games? Is this what we make judgements on now?


I will wait to see how this year turns out.


Rex's defense has been working great for 4 years and 3 games.  The problem has been the offense.  Signs are encouraging that the offense could be better than it has ever been now that we've gone from a bottom 5 QB to a guy who looks like he can be a league-average type of guy.  He was supposed to be very raw but does anyone cringe when he drops back to pass like we did with Sanchez?  I sure don't, even after his 3-interception game against New England.  He looks poised, throws a pretty good ball and can run when needed.  What more can we ask for out of a 2nd round pick?


That's why it's not crazy to think that we'll keep up our strong play.  Especially when you consider we're one of the youngest teams in the league (hence, in part, why we had all those penalties on Sunday).  The only place our play can go is up from here, despite our tough schedule.  That's pretty exciting if you ask me.


Rex is proving to be a huge part of shaping this young, new-look team, and while we'll have our hiccups along the way, we very quickly went from one of the league's dregs and a team that was going to sound out Rex and stop playing hard for him to maybe a contender in this wide open AFC overnight.  Sometimes 3 games is all it takes to change a franchise's culture in the NFL.  Reminds me of when we started 3-0 in 2009, but even better because of no Sanchez.

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I was thinking the same thing.  It will be funny to watch how many of the folks with positive attitudes at this time change their tune.  For the record, I think Rextard needs to go.  If he wants to stay at DC I am fine with that.  Otherwise, for the people who want to keep whining about who is out there...Tony Dungy, Jeff Fischer, Brian Billick, Bill Cowher, heck even Mike Holmgren.

Many of the names you've mentioned are simply overrated in my view. Tony Dungy would not have the reputation he has as a coach without Peyton; under his leadership the Colts had the same problems that prevented them from going farther than they did. If you want to see how much Peyton's Colts didn't need a great head coach to be successful just look at 2009, arguably their best season ever..and they had Jim Caldwell in the HC position. Jeff Fischer went to the Super Bowl in 1999 and hasn't won a playoff game since 2003, he's been living off of that SB apperance for his entire career. Billick didn't accomplish much after having one of the greatest defenses of all time, Bill Cowher didn't win a Super Bowl until his FOURTEENTH season as head coach of the Steelers (not to mention his playoff winning % is lower than Rex's [12-9 to 4-2]). And with Holmgren, he's in the Shanahan group as far as I'm concerned, won his championship with a HoF qb, but hasn't been able to bring a team to that level since.

I'm not saying these names are BAD coaches, all I'm saying is that people need to give Rex a chance to succeed over the long term with good personnel and consistent management. Imagine if the Steelers fired Cowher after the 1999 season when the Steelers finished 6-10 after being 7-9 the year before, and 11-5 the year before that. Cowher would never have had won his SB, and would likely have been forgotten as a coach who was good, but not good enough to win it all. The same could be said for Dungy, imagine if the Colts fired him after the playoff choke job of 2005, Dungy would also be in the good but not good enough group.

If Sanchez has been exposed as being as bad a QB as everyone thinks he is right now, then Rex should have won coach of the year in 2009 and 2010. I don't think I'm alone in this opinion, but if Favre stayed with the team in 2009, I think we would have won the Super Bowl.

People really underestimate how hard it is to be even a .500 coach in the NFL, coaches are cycled in and out of jobs on a seasonal basis, and finding even one that can lead your team to playoffs and win games is a rarity.

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I look at the last 2 years of Jet football, which were ugly.


3 games, at this time, do not overcome that.


Look at the last 4 years, and compare those 4 years to the entire history of the franchise before Rex. Rex has won more playoff games than any coach in Jets history, our franchise has only managed to win only 12 playoff games in its history and a third of those are under Rex. Take these things into consideration and ask yourself who would be an improvement right now? I can't think of a single name who is available or would likely come here that would be an improvement over Rex. Cowher isn't coming here, he wants control that Woody and Idzik won't give him so we can put that thought to rest right now as far as I'm concerned.


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Many of the names you've mentioned are simply overrated in my view. Tony Dungy would not have the reputation he has as a coach without Peyton; under his leadership the Colts had the same problems that prevented them from going farther than they did. If you want to see how much Peyton's Colts didn't need a great head coach to be successful just look at 2009, arguably their best season ever..and they had Jim Caldwell in the HC position. Jeff Fischer went to the Super Bowl in 1999 and hasn't won a playoff game since 2003, he's been living off of that SB apperance for his entire career. Billick didn't accomplish much after having one of the greatest defenses of all time, Bill Cowher didn't win a Super Bowl until his FOURTEENTH season as head coach of the Steelers (not to mention his playoff winning % is lower than Rex's [12-9 to 4-2]). And with Holmgren, he's in the Shanahan group as far as I'm concerned, won his championship with a HoF qb, but hasn't been able to bring a team to that level since.

I'm not saying these names are BAD coaches, all I'm saying is that people need to give Rex a chance to succeed over the long term with good personnel and consistent management. Imagine if the Steelers fired Cowher after the 1999 season when the Steelers finished 6-10 after being 7-9 the year before, and 11-5 the year before that. Cowher would never have had won his SB, and would likely have been forgotten as a coach who was good, but not good enough to win it all. The same could be said for Dungy, imagine if the Colts fired him after the playoff choke job of 2005, Dungy would also be in the good but not good enough group.

If Sanchez has been exposed as being as bad a QB as everyone thinks he is right now, then Rex should have won coach of the year in 2009 and 2010. I don't think I'm alone in this opinion, but if Favre stayed with the team in 2009, I think we would have won the Super Bowl.

People really underestimate how hard it is to be even a .500 coach in the NFL, coaches are cycled in and out of jobs on a seasonal basis, and finding even one that can lead your team to playoffs and win games is a rarity.


Tony Dungy, lol.  For how many years did this smart and wise head coach bench his starters for the last couple of weeks, and then get his now-cold team immediately bounced out of the playoffs.  How many superbowl winners did he piss away? People are unimpressed with two wildcard teams getting to the AFCCG with Mark Sanchez.  Meanwhile Dungy went one-and-done SIX times.  Two with an obvious SB team in Tampa and four with Peyton Manning.  Went 1 and done with basically the same exact team that freaking Jim Caldwell won a superbowl with in his first year as a HC.

Why on earth would anyone want Tony Dungy as their HC?

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Tony Dungy, lol.  For how many years did this smart and wise head coach bench his starters for the last couple of weeks, and then get his now-cold team immediately bounced out of the playoffs.  How many superbowl winners did he piss away? People are unimpressed with two wildcard teams getting to the AFCCG with Mark Sanchez.  Meanwhile Dungy went one-and-done SIX times.  Two with an obvious SB team in Tampa and four with Peyton Manning.  Went 1 and done with basically the same exact team that freaking Jim Caldwell won a superbowl with in his first year as a HC.

Why on earth would anyone want Tony Dungy as their HC?

Bill O'Brien will be an excellent Head Coach. I just pray he does not leave PSU.

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Or you could just use his body of work...the winning record, the winning seasons, the playoff wins and the fact he has the worst team ever assembled at 2-1....but you know, 3 games or something.


Agreed. but at the same time when you only played 3 weeks of football that's all you CAN talk about.  LOL

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