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What We're NOT Complaining About After Week 1. The Offense!

Villain The Foe

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I expect to see more or less a carbon copy of Seattle's gameplan. Run, run, run, and run some more, but make a bunch of substitution packages so these guys are caught off guard. Unfortunately, that means Marty trying to get - as slats called it 2 posts above - "fancy-pants" with his playcalling. So TBH, I do expect to see a couple of Vick packages again. Especially since Ryan seemed to think they were good ideas if they were just executed right (Vick missing an open Decker in the EZ, for example).

That play was not a good idea. Your QB was hitting everything, there's no reason to take the ball out of his hands in that situation. Especially to give it to a QB cold off the bench, expecting him to throw a strike on the run. They could've left another skill player (WR, TE, RB) on the field instead of Vick, and have the already warmed up and comfortable Geno Smith throw that pass. Much better chance of scoring the TD that way.

I hope they learned something from that, I really do. But you're right, we'll probably keep seeing those Vick gadget plays for a while. At least until they have complete faith in Geno, or don't feel like they have to pacify Vick.

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Yes and no. Part of my point is I think people should fully prepare themselves for us to do everything we can to run the ball 40x on Sunday. Eats the clock, keeps Rodgers off the field, attacks the most vulnerable part of their defense, and keeps their defenders on the field and exhausted.

So I also expect a few drives to end after a run-run-pass-punt 3 & out, and expect a bunch of gimmick plays, and expect there will be much complaining about it.

But no matter how well Smith was throwing the ball, I don't know that I want him to get into a shootout with Aaron Rodgers just yet.


I am not suggesting that we go into Lambeau and try to air it out and beat the Packers at their game--I agree that the running game is key.  My point is that there are certain teams where your defense can play a solid game and still give up 24 points -- the Packers are one of those teams.  We can win a 27-24 game, probably not a 38-35 game.

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Yes and no. Part of my point is I think people should fully prepare themselves for us to do everything we can to run the ball 40x on Sunday. Eats the clock, keeps Rodgers off the field, attacks the most vulnerable part of their defense, and keeps their defenders on the field and exhausted.

So I also expect a few drives to end after a run-run-pass-punt 3 & out, and expect a bunch of gimmick plays, and expect there will be much complaining about it.

But no matter how well Smith was throwing the ball, I don't know that I want him to get into a shootout with Aaron Rodgers just yet.

I'm sure that's what they'll do, but I don't think it helps Geno long term to hide him behind the running game week in and week out. The offense's goal should be to score 30 points any which way they can. At some point, they have to at least pretend that they're not terrified of their own quarterback.

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That play was not a good idea. Your QB was hitting everything, there's no reason to take the ball out of his hands in that situation. Especially to give it to a QB cold off the bench, expecting him to throw a strike on the run. They could've instead left another skill player (WR, TE, RB) on the field instead of Vick, and have the already warmed up and comfortable Geno Smith throw that pass. Much better chance of scoring the TD that way.

I hope they learned something from that, I really do. But you're right, we'll probably keep seeing those Vick gadget plays for a while. At least until they have complete faith in Geno, or don't feel like they have to pacify Vick.


I'm not disagreeing as to the wisdom. My point was more that I don't think they learned it. Not yet, anyway. Ryan specifically said in the PC he thought it was a good play (from a design perspective) but that they just didn't execute. I hope it dawns upon him & Marty that the likelihood of the players executing properly goes down when you're using a player cold off the bench to throw it, instead of one who's in a zone with his throws. Especially when that cold player isn't a particularly accurate passer when he's warmed up either.


I am not suggesting that we go into Lambeau and try to air it out and beat the Packers at their game--I agree that the running game is key.  My point is that there are certain teams where your defense can play a solid game and still give up 24 points -- the Packers are one of those teams.  We can win a 27-24 game, probably not a 38-35 game.


We don't know that yet. Green Bay's D isn't exactly amazing. Certainly didn't look like it. Wilson threw 2 easy picks and they dropped both of them. Can't remember offhand if it was Ha-Ha who dropped both, but I know he dropped one of them. 


But like I said, I'd rather we ate up clock than purposely get into a shootout with Rodgers. But I think it's premature to say we can't put up 38 points. Calls go the other way, or not called at all, combined with less cutesy calls inside the 10, combined with Smith holding onto the football and not taking a 19-yard sack, and 30-40 points was more likely than merely possible. And I'm not yet convinced that GB's defense is better than Oakland's. Seattle's offense is better than ours, but they put up 34 points of offense playing a game of ball-control.


Of Wilson's official attempts (quickly reviewing the play by play online):


 18 completed short passes & dumpoffs

   2 completed "deep" passes (24 to Miller; 33 to Harvin; neither traveled that far in the air IIRC)


   4 incomplete short pass attempts

   5 incomplete deep pass attempts


And ran the ball over 30x. With that ultra-conservative gameplan, and being so unsuccessful on their downfield attempts, Seattle put up 34 on offense.


Could read into it another way: Wilson was 2 of 7 on "deep" passes (and 2 of those 5 deeper incompletions should have been picked off). Perhaps that's not the part of GB's defense they should be attacking.

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I'm sure that's what they'll do, but I don't think it helps Geno long term to hide him behind the running game week in and week out. The offense's goal should be to score 30 points any which way they can. At some point, they have to at least pretend that they're not terrified of their own quarterback.


Agree, but see my last post about what worked pretty well against GB, and what didn't, in week 1.


There's a difference between being smart and not being "terrified" even if that is the narrative when fewer downfield shots are attempted.  Marty didn't seem afraid to let Geno air it out. At the same time, taking a bunch of unnecessary low-percentage downfield chances isn't smarter, even if it's considered more ballsy (less "terrified" looking).


Scoring "30 points any which way" they can doesn't necessarily mean getting into a deep pass competition with the planet's most accurate strong-armed passer.


Rodgers may be a rude awakening for our corners, though, after a solid week 1 where they weren't challenged much.

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Agree, but see my last post about what worked pretty well against GB, and what didn't, in week 1.


There's a difference between being smart and not being "terrified" even if that is the narrative when fewer downfield shots are attempted.  Marty didn't seem afraid to let Geno air it out. At the same time, taking a bunch of unnecessary low-percentage downfield chances isn't smarter, even if it's considered more ballsy (less "terrified" looking).


Scoring "30 points any which way" they can doesn't necessarily mean getting into a deep pass competition with the planet's most accurate strong-armed passer.


but also 19 points won't win next week

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but also 19 points won't win next week


You're making it sound like all we did was run the ball all game with the hope that the D holds Oakland to 10 points. The gameplan was not to score 19 points against Oakland. Couple of mishaps/rust on offense wiped points off the board. Didn't help having the refs erase likely points either.


From a luck of the draw standpoint - multiple ref calls (and non-calls on Oakland), we dropped a sure pick-6, a MJD fumble getting kicked up several yards into the air and lands in Carr's hands 9 yards away - all the lucky stuff went Oakland's way all game long.


It will be better if/when we keep Vick off the football field. Two times he's on the field. Two missed opportunities from point-blank range.

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You're making it sound like all we did was run the ball all game with the hope that the D holds Oakland to 10 points. The gameplan was not to score 19 points against Oakland. Couple of mishaps/rust on offense wiped points off the board. Didn't help having the refs erase likely points either.


From a luck of the draw standpoint - multiple ref calls (and non-calls on Oakland), we dropped a sure pick-6, a MJD fumble getting kicked up several yards into the air and lands in Carr's hands 9 yards away - all the lucky stuff went Oakland's way all game long.


It will be better if/when we keep Vick off the football field. Two times he's on the field. Two missed opportunities from point-blank range.


I'm making it sounds like that? Lol all i said was 19 points won't win.

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Yes and no. Part of my point is I think people should fully prepare themselves for us to do everything we can to run the ball 40x on Sunday. Eats the clock, keeps Rodgers off the field, attacks the most vulnerable part of their defense, and keeps their defenders on the field and exhausted.So I also expect a few drives to end after a run-run-pass-punt 3 & out, and expect a bunch of gimmick plays, and expect there will be much complaining about it.But no matter how well Smith was throwing the ball, I don't know that I want him to get into a shootout with Aaron Rodgers just yet.

Think everyone from here to GB expects us to run the hell out of the ball. Given that's the prescription to beating GB and the way to keep Rodgers off the field, etc. I think MM is going to star out throwing it all over the field to loosen the D but by games end we'll have been predominantly a running team.

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I'm starting to think we seriously overlooked Villian the Foe as a candidate for JN Captain. 


Considering every gameday thread title would have had lol in it, and we would be told why every player on the Jets is awesome through YouTube highlight videos, and that he was right about Alshon Jeffrey that one time that some random person disagreed with him about that...I think we did no such thing.

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I'm sure that's what they'll do, but I don't think it helps Geno long term to hide him behind the running game week in and week out. The offense's goal should be to score 30 points any which way they can. At some point, they have to at least pretend that they're not terrified of their own quarterback.


We went out of the gun within the five for two full series. If anything I'd say Marty was overdoing it in this regard.

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Considering every gameday thread title would have had lol in it, and we would be told why every player on the Jets is awesome through YouTube highlight videos, and that he was right about Alshon Jeffrey that one time that some random person disagreed with him about that...I think we did no such thing.


But think of how entertaining it would be. 

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