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Goodells approval rating

Lizard King

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I'm thinking Goodell's approval rating with his bosses directly correlates to how much revenue those bosses are seeing. None of them really care if a couple of the players each year end up on the police blotter, because the fans have shown they don't care by turning out every weekend. Ray Rice and AP haven't cost the NFL a dime in revenue.

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I'm thinking Goodell's approval rating with his bosses directly correlates to how much revenue those bosses are seeing. None of them really care if a couple of the players each year end up on the police blotter, because the fans have shown they don't care by turning out every weekend. Ray Rice and AP haven't cost the NFL a dime in revenue.


I highly doubt losing AP has not hurt the Vikings. He was the face of their franchise. 

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12% per a Bloomberg poll.

How's this guy still have a job. I think we're looking at peak NFL folks.


People do not vote him into that job and frankly do not matter.


As a few have stated in this thread, the Owners love the guy.  He makes them money.

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I highly doubt losing AP has not hurt the Vikings. He was the face of their franchise. 



Hurts the Vikings on the field for sure, but no one is staying away from NFL games because they're morally opposed to AP. Fans only stay away from their NFL team when it sucks.

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Hurts the Vikings on the field for sure, but no one is staying away from NFL games because they're morally opposed to AP. Fans only stay away from their NFL team when it sucks.


Jersey sales must be hurting as well. I'm sure even non-Vikings fans bought Adrian Peterson jerseys. Players as good as him usually attract fans beyond the team that they play for.


I was a Brett Favre fan long before the 2008 season.

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Hurts the Vikings on the field for sure, but no one is staying away from NFL games because they're morally opposed to AP. Fans only stay away from their NFL team when it sucks.


Even that is debatable. 


6 teams did not average 90% attendance capacity for their stadium size last year.  The horrid Rai-Duhs were last at 80%.


If there are Rai-Duhs like team sin MLB, NBA and NHL do you think they hit 80%? Hell no.

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Agree that the owners won't give a crap as long as they are raking in the cash, but in truth there's no evidence to suggest there's any correlation between that success and Goodell being commissioner.  The NFL was already riding high and on a continuous upward trend since long before he took over the job.  All that he's really shown is that no matter how miserably he screws things up on a constant and never-ending basis, it's still not enough to derail the NFL's continuing growth.  Can anyone honestly come up with a single thing that can be credited to Goodell which be considering a contributing factor to the NFL's success?  Every major decision he's made has been widely trashed by absolutely everyone.  He's Jets-level bad.

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Agree that the owners won't give a crap as long as they are raking in the cash, but in truth there's no evidence to suggest there's any correlation between that success and Goodell being commissioner.  The NFL was already riding high and on a continuous upward trend since long before he took over the job.  All that he's really shown is that no matter how miserably he screws things up on a constant and never-ending basis, it's still not enough to derail the NFL's continuing growth.  Can anyone honestly come up with a single thing that can be credited to Goodell which be considering a contributing factor to the NFL's success?  Every major decision he's made has been widely trashed by absolutely everyone.  He's Jets-level bad.


IMHO he is the quarterback of the NFL.


Too much credit when things go right and too much blame when things go wrong.


His stance on personal conduct. Tages enforced no discipline. He gets crushed for suspending Ray Rice for two games, which is 2 games more than any of the nine NBA players who were arrested for domestoc violence/assault over the last three years have received. MLB and NHL are no better.


Concussion settlement. While there is always the chance for more litigation, how in the hell did the NFL get off with only a 757 million dollar bill? Damming evidence that they ignored and/or hid the affects of repeated hits to the head and they only pay 757 million? A league that is in the 13 zero net income pays less than 10% of their annual income...once.


Player safety. Whether consussions, CTE/ALS, or (insert name) old NFL player that can barely walk or is drooling out the side of their mouth, players need to be protected. Let me see your indignation in 10-15 years Chrebet is being pushed around in a wheel chair while suffering from CTE/ALS due to all the concussions he received.


I am not saying he is perfect, but he is not the football anti-christ everyone make shim out to be. Yes, the NFL was fine before him, but it had issues that were never addressed by any commissioner before him.

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