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The Jets need to stick with Geno Smith at QB this season


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He's struggling but is it all his fault?  The play calling has been terrible. Why was he forcing the ball to Harvin yesterday they guy was with the team 1 week. Young QBs make mistakes he needs to be the starter for the rest of the season to evaluate him Vick is not the short term or long term answer here.



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He's struggling but is it all his fault?  The play calling has been terrible. Why was he forcing the ball to Harvin yesterday they guy was with the team 1 week. Young QBs make mistakes he needs to be the starter for the rest of the season to evaluate him Vick is not the short term or long term answer here.


He needs to have a chat with this happy Jets' fan



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It's not Rex;s fault, it's Idzik's fault.


It's not Idzik's fault, it's geno Smith's fault.


It's not Geno Smith's fault, it's the lack of talent around him.


It's not the WR's and RB's fault, it's the O-line's fault.


It's not the O-line's fault, it's Geno Smith's fault.


It's not Geno Smith's fault, it's Marty M's fault.


It's not Marty M's fault, it's Rex Ryan's fault.


It's not Rex Ryan's fault, it's the Cornerbacks fault.


It's not the CB's fault, it's Idzik's fault for not knowing they'd get hurt.


It's not Idzik's fault, it's Woody's fault.......









On and on and on it goes.

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It's not Rex;s fault, it's Idzik's fault.


It's not Idzik's fault, it's geno Smith's fault.


It's not Geno Smith's fault, it's the lack of talent around him.


It's not the WR's and RB's fault, it's the O-line's fault.


It's not the O-line's fault, it's Geno Smith's fault.


It's not Geno Smith's fault, it's Marty M's fault.


It's not Marty M's fault, it's Rex Ryan's fault.


It's not Rex Ryan's fault, it's the Cornerbacks fault.


It's not the CB's fault, it's Idzik's fault for not knowing they'd get hurt.


It's not Idzik's fault, it's Woody's fault.......









On and on and on it goes.


It's not that hard WF. 


Everything is the QB's fault, and ultimately, the person who picked the QB's fault. 


The other people in this play are supporting actors. Would it be nice to have a better HC, OL, WR, Owner etc? sure. It would be nice. 


QB is the field general and the most important person in any organization.  a better HC/OL/WR doesn't fix a broken QB.


But a better QB can fix everything. Even a lack of cornerbacks.  


The goal of NFL football is to score points. More points than the other team.  You don't get there without a QB. 

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He has been weighed, he has been measured, and he has been found wanting.


Geno is a one read guy. Works in college, don't work in pros. He has a problem with the one muscle you can't coach up--the one between his ears

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It's not that hard WF. 


Everything is the QB's fault, and ultimately, the person who picked the QB's fault. 


The other people in this play are supporting actors. Would it be nice to have a better HC, OL, WR, Owner etc? sure. It would be nice. 


QB is the field general and the most important person in any organization.  a better HC/OL/WR doesn't fix a broken QB.


But a better QB can fix everything.

I.e. BABR, Blame Anyone But Rex. /eyeroll

Yes, it all starts and ends with QB, we agree.

But this team is more than one QB worth of fail, and we're six years in, and worse every year than we were the year before under Rex Ryan.

Ryan has had two highly drafted, well considered QB's coming out of college. Both busted. Veterans. Undraftededs. All failures.

Rex has had three O-Co's, all failed.

Rex has had two GM's, both failures to-date.

Rex's Defense gets worse, and worse, each year he controls it.

At what point Bit can you see that Rex has been on a downward spiral since his first year here, the year he won with Mangini's talent, not his own.

You wanted to keep Mangini too, you thought him blameless too......how did that work out?

You've already said, if it were up to you, you'd have Rex Ryan coach us in year #7. To me that's an utter abdication of responsabillity to bring that guy back after four strait non-winning seasons, and a year that looks more and more like a historic Kotite-esque failure.

And you want that back, because as you say, without Rex we'd be MUCH worse....like 0-16 maybe.


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the idea of "evaluating" geno has come and gone


Further evaluation will only confirm what we already know. 

Until we get new people to "Evaluate" the next QB, we will be having this discussion every 2-3 years. The person/persons who "evaluated" Geno coming out of college should be shown the door with him at seasons end. You CAN"T, repeat CAN"T let those guys pick the next Jets QB, plain and simple.

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He's struggling but is it all his fault?  The play calling has been terrible. Why was he forcing the ball to Harvin yesterday they guy was with the team 1 week. Young QBs make mistakes he needs to be the starter for the rest of the season to evaluate him Vick is not the short term or long term answer here.

Did you see yesterdays game? Those INTs are on him and no one else. We have more than one receiver on the field. Throwing to Percy was his poor decision making. Geno is terrible. 

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 At what point Bit can you see that Rex has been on a downward spiral since his first year here, the year he won with Mangini's talent, not his own.



He downward spiralled 2009 AFC CG into 2010 AFC CG? That's not really a spiral. He won 4 playoff games on the road, the most total playoff wins in franchise history. 


The team was good when they had good players. It's bad when they don't. 


Rex will be scapegoated. I hope when they do fire him, you will be filled with peace and satisfaction, Warfish. 


This is all a distraction. The roster is the thing. 

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Rex coaches what hes got. He's got nothing. Idzik brings in the talent. The talent, or lack of, is the issue. Rex is an idiot and doesn't know how to even use a time out. Likable guy. Thats about it. Idzik sucks and should be on the first train back to Seattle. He isn't even worth airfare. 

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He downward spiralled 2009 AFC CG into 2010 AFC CG? That's not really a spiral. He won 4 playoff games on the road, the most total playoff wins in franchise history. 


The team was good when they had good players. It's bad when they don't.

Perfect example of why I think you're often a poor evaluator.

Those teams were NOT as good as their record would imply, they were lucky as ****. Don't think I've forgotten your manlove for Sanchez in that era by the way. Guess that, like your Magini manlove, is conveniently forgotten now.....

Those two AFCCG teams were very average teams (witnessed by the regular season records and needed-help-to-make-playoffs entry) who made good runs (with a ton of circumstantial help/lucky breaks) to get where they got.

We've been worse, in almost every measurable way, every year of Rex's tenure than the year before. Don't trust me, go look at the stats.


Rex will be scapegoated. I hope when they do fire him, you will be filled with peace and satisfaction, Warfish.

"Scapegoated", lol. Like I said Bit, BABR, Blame Anyone But Rex.

Be assured, I'm be happy to see my team trying to improve itself by firing a failure of a Head Coach, and trying to do better. Just like I was the day we fired Mangini. 


This is all a distraction. The roster is the thing.

An argument that will tell it's own tale in 2015, under our New Head Coach and after Idzik has another year to draft and FA.

You could certainly be right about Idzik, btw. No turnaround in 2015, and he very likely should be fired as well.

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Vick had 3 INTs as well


They're both terrible, but when they got in the RZ with Vick, they didn't have to settle for a FG every time.  Vick is the lesser of two evils at this point.

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They're both terrible, but when they got in the RZ with Vick, they didn't have to settle for a FG every time.  Vick is the lesser of two evils at this point.


He's terrible.  Like, scared to throw to wide-open receivers terrible.  Plus the turnovers.  Its so bad.  


I'm being dead serious, they should go throwback and run the veer option.  Vick, Ivory, Johnson in the backfield.  Kerley and Harvin out wide, Amaro on the line and just go.  No huddles, no throws, just line up and go!!!!

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Id much rather see Matt Simms if not Geno Smith


I wouldn't go crazy if it was Simms or Vick.  Geno?  At the very BEST we know he is a QB who is not ready to play in the NFL right now.  At worst, he is what we've seen out of him and out of the league in a year or two.

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The experiment is over. It has been an epic fail. Geno sux. I heard Carl Banks on WFAN today. Hes usually very supportive of other players. He said for Geno to look good against the pats and then he has 10 days to prepare for the Bills. He said Geno did NOT PREPARE. He could not have, based on how he looked.

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 Don't think I've forgotten your manlove for Sanchez in that era by the way.


I am not ashamed for liking Sanchez. He won games, some of them playoff games. I don't go through life hating everything that isn't perfect. Nothing is perfect. The Jets will never be perfect. 09-10 Sanchez was enjoyable. I don't have any shame rooting for that player, during that time period. 


BTW, When it's all said and done, I think we all can agree Sanchez was actually better than Geno. 

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