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Manish proposal for Woody


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Manish is right...look at all of the success BB's coaches have have had when they moved on.  McDaniels, Mangini, Romeo....world beaters.

Manish Mehta, fabulist.Been there, done that, with Mangini. McDaniel is as damaged as goods come. It's way easier to make stuff up than actually find a real story.
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Mangini II:  Prestige Boogaloo?


Um, no.


You can't be the Patriots by hiring their JV Asst. Coaches.


The Pats success is two people, Brady (90%) and Bellichek (10%).


The rest is irrelevant.



Surely we can make room for whoever it is that taught their offensive line to hold without being called on every play for a decade.

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Harbaugh is far too smart to get involved with a turnip like Woody J. Plus Kaepernick has looked more like Mark Sanchez than Russell Wilson this season and the tail end of last so he is no QB guru. Plus I hate Harbaugh from his playing days and I know he has no respect for the Jets organization. He absolutely WON'T come here.

Shaw is a solid candidate as an offensive mind, but can he handle the job? College coaching is FAR different than NFL coaching, but he would be an attractive candidate. Quinn is a solid DC, but we have had several of those types already haven't we?

That's not my post, it's a quote from another posters post I replied to.

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You don't want pep Hamilton. I know a ton of colts they hate him.

Harbaugh already has his flight to Ann Arbor.

Fangio is going to be the 49er hc.

Idzik is hiring Dan Quinn.

The only good part about that is that you'll.be rooting for Eli and Big Blew and posting at their message boards
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Nobody really knows what Woody Johnson is thinking in the final days of the Jets’ nightmarish season, but there’s a growing sense that he’s about to hit the reset button on his wayward franchise.

If/when pink slips are doled out on Black Monday (Dec. 29), Johnson’s first order of business should be to bust through the gates of the Evil Empire and poach a pair of Bill Belichick’s buddies.

A culture change is needed after John Idzik created a paranoid environment devoid of trust. His many failures have enraged a frustrated fan base demanding his ouster. The GM has been a dark cloud hovering over two lost seasons.

Johnson should turn to Patriots player personnel director Nick Caserio and offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels to spearhead a Jets revival. The owner will be flooded with names of prospective GM and head coach candidates in the coming weeks, but Caserio and McDaniels bring the winning pedigree, intellect and innovation needed to set a course in the right direction.

The smart take from the strong. This tandem of 30-something stars makes perfect sense.

Caserio is everything Idzik isn’t: A football man with a coaching and scouting background.

McDaniels is on the rise again after hitting road bumps as a first-time head coach in Denver a few years ago.

Johnson would offer an ideal environment for Caserio and McDaniels, former college teammates and close friends, to flourish. The Jets are flush with salary-cap space (about $40 million in 2015) and opportunity.Getting Belichick’s blessing to cross over to a loathed division rival might be a hurdle, but there’s a sense in league circles that the Patriots head coach would not stand in the way of either one of his protégés given the right situations.

Caserio, Belichick’s right-hand man on the personnel side for the past six years, can shape the Jets’ swiss-cheese roster the right way. McDaniels, one of the league’s creative, young offensive minds, can groom a hand-picked franchise quarterback.

Johnson’s identity is wrapped in his team. His ensemble for family holiday pictures in front of the fireplace: A sharp suit and Jets baseball cap, for Pete’s sake. The bad vibes surrounding the organization since Idzik took over genuinely bother him.

Johnson wants to be kept in the loop and feel a part of the action, but he doesn’t meddle. He’d give Caserio and McDaniels the freedom to rebuild the team as they see fit.

The failed Eric Mangini experiment shouldn’t deter Johnson from going back to the Patriots. Mangini, after all, picked most of the key players on the Jets teams that went to consecutive AFC Championship games with Rex Ryan in 2009 and 2010. Johnson fired Mangini after a 9-7 season, because the coach didn’t have an open line of communication. The owner’s lone requirement: Don’t keep secrets from him.

People who know Caserio don’t believe that will be an issue. The Kraft family, like Johnson, is regularly at practice. Caserio’s reputation as a quirky soul — he’s a workout freak who eats dessert only once a year (on his birthday) — might be embellished, according to friends, but there’s no denying his family, faith and job are his priorities. Johnson, too, has been labeled quirky. It might be the perfect fit.

There are executives around the league, however, who aren’t sure whether Caserio would want to work for the Jets due to the cut-throat nature of the rivalry. Others wonder if he’ll ever leave the Patriots’ nest.

Caserio reportedly spurned a GM offer from the Dolphins in January, but friends believe that was due to Miami’s cluttered front-office framework rather than any hesitation to leave the Patriots.

At 38, Caserio has an impeccable resume. He gained Belichick’s trust over the past 13 years with a no-nonsense approach and a keen eye for talent. His responsibilities for one of the league’s most successful franchises: Personnel assistant (2001), offensive assistant (2002), area scout (2003), director of pro personnel (2004-06), wide receivers coach (2007) and his current role as the personnel head.

Caserio’s diversified portfolio is a reflection of the Patriots’ cross-training methods that encourage young assistants to experience all sides of football operations. (McDaniels’ career in New England began as a personnel assistant and defensive coaching assistant.)

Caserio is respected in scouting circles as a smart evaluator with a tireless work ethic and focus. Inside the building, he’s as honest and trustworthy as they come. He has helped bolster the Patriots’ roster since climbing to the top of the personnel department in 2009, drafting offensive contributors Julian Edelman, Rob Gronkowski, Nate Solder, Shane Vereen and Stevan Ridley and re-tooling the defense with Devin McCourty, Chandler Jones and Dont’a Hightower.

Belichick’s fingerprints are all over personnel decisions, but Caserio has had an unmistakably strong voice through the years. Although nobody is truly ever ready to be in a big-time leadership position (ask Obama, Clinton or Bush), Caserio has the requisite experience to thrive as a GM.

His long-standing friendship with McDaniels should expedite the rebuilding process. Caserio was the starting quarterback at John Carroll University (Ohio), while McDaniels became his wide receiver after getting beat out at QB. They trust each other implicitly.

McDaniels, 38, has rebuilt his image after flaming out with the Broncos. He channeled his inner-Belichick with disastrous results. McDaniels, who was 33 at the time, was fired 12 games into his second season after failing to report a team official for videotaping a 49ers practice. (The Broncos and the NFL concluded that McDaniels didn’t authorize the taping.)

McDaniels was the Rams’ offensive coordinator in 2011 for a team that suffered injuries to the starting QB, RB, No. 1 WR and a few offensive linemen.

“I’ve been around a lot of guys. . . . but I thought he was one of the best gameday callers,” said Ravens secondary coach Steve Spagnuolo, who was the head coach in St. Louis at the time. “He knew exactly what he wanted to do. He was very assertive during the game. There was no hesitation. . . . It’s real hard when you lose your quarterback. It was a difficult year, but I think he grew from it.”

McDaniels, the offensive architect of the Matt Cassel-led Patriots that went 11-5 in 2008, returned to New England and reset his career after the coaching purge in St. Louis.



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People close to McDaniels believe he learned valuable lessons in Denver that will serve him well the second time around. He’s no Belichick — and won’t try to be again — but plenty of other young coaches, including Belichick, have fallen victim to mimicking mentors in their first gigs.

Belichick learned from his train wreck in Cleveland. McDaniels’ friends are convinced that he’s smart enough to make the appropriate corrections. His supreme self-confidence, however, will never wane. Johnson, or any other owner, shouldn’t want it any other way.

McDaniels is fully aware that his second chance might be his last, so the circumstances must be right. The Jets make sense if Caserio, who shares the same team-building philosophies, is part of the deal.

Johnson feels the pain of a fan base fed up with losing. The frustration has manifested itself in myriad ways.

It’s time to make a bold move to reverse the fortunes of his franchise.

It’s time to take from the strong.

I felt confident that McDaniels would fail in Denver, and with each move he made I could see he was not prepared for that opportunity.

I also think he will be successful in his next shot at a HC job. BUT, The Jets are not the place for him. We have already gone down this road and chasing the Patriots coat tails and signing their sloppy seconds is the wrong way to fix this mess.

We don't have out own city, stadium or identity. McDaniels will only make all of this worse.

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Like the current clowns the Jets have at GM and HC?

Caserio and McDaniels would change the face of the Jets franchise.

Hope this doesn't happen.


McDaniels changed the face of the Broncos. Our clown HC is still better than your HC who needed two blocked FGs and a HoF QB to beat a 3-11 team twice. 


Yeah, hope this doesn't happen

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Dan Quinn is by far the best possible candidate. What he has done with Seattle's defense the last two years is just remarkable. Seattle has as many 1st rounders in it as we do. Quinn developed guys like Chancellor, Sherman, Maxwell, Browner, and Thurmond. The next CB that Rex develops will be his first.

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Want to win the AFC East weaken New England anyway you can they beat us by 1 point yesterday with a decent OC we could have won that game

Yeah cuz Brady's numbers without the immortal Josh Mcdaniels are terrible.

Mcdaniels is an obnoxious douche who drafted Tim Tebow in the 1st Round and alienated all of his players. I feel sorry whatever team is dumb enough to give that arrogant jerk an HC job next.

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Dan Quinn is by far the best possible candidate. What he has done with Seattle's defense the last two years is just remarkable. Seattle has as many 1st rounders in it as we do. Quinn developed guys like Chancellor, Sherman, Maxwell, Browner, and Thurmond. The next CB that Rex develops will be his first.

Quinn will be fine but we have to sign 2 CBs this offseason and one of them should be named Revis otherwise expect another 4-12 season.

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