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Empire State Mafia: Game Thread


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3 minutes ago, Integrity28 said:

Masons are strictly town.

Which is why my question to JiF is an important one.  If he is also vanilla town, but just has a QT, he's more like a neighbor I guess?

That's the point I was getting at with Verb...if that scene made JiF think Verb could be in a similar situation to himself, that's not exactly what we would call traditional masons.

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4 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Verbal was not a "lover".  Vanilla town. 


3 minutes ago, Hallia said:

For emphasis

I get this and am not arguing.  I'm making the point that if that's the case, but JiF is technically vanilla town (and his given role is not mason) then it doesn't matter.

Does that make sense or am I talking in circles?

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22 minutes ago, AVM said:

Question to JiF, Crush, Lily or Decker...

@JiF if memory serves me right, you both called yourself vanilla town and a mason.  Not questioning it, just noteworthy that I wouldn't have classified a mason as VT...so your putting it that way makes it seem like something in your PM.  That sort of makes me believe, based off the above, that maybe Verb was "vanilla town" with a mason QT as well.

Agree/disagree, what?

I don't believe Verb was a mason. I think it would say in his coroner report.

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Just now, Lily said:

I don't believe Verb was a mason. I think it would say in his coroner report.

If JiF were to agree then I would say ignore my babbling about masons, as I'm sure most already were.

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4 minutes ago, CTM said:

starting to feel like avm is setting up a scum fake claim as masons

It's really not hard for the current claimed masons to shut that theory down, since I'm talking about the way it's worded. 

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18 minutes ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Verbal's role was vanilla town.  In the book, Katherine Kopek and Sam Saturn are lovers.  That has nothing to do with Verbal's game role. 

I also missed this first time through do to page changing. So......

Feel free to ignore me, I'm a dumbass.  Carry on.

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2 minutes ago, StraightCash said:

Since when did it only take 3 rep to get a ribbon on the post? With 80 and Spoot setting every post at base rep 2, it doesn't take much effort

Yeah, that's new. I don't like it. Much prefer it takes 5 rep to be a "popular" post.

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2 hours ago, Jetsfan80 said:

Death Scene

This was a strange murder scene, thought Rad. 

The missing girl was likely going to be found dead, so the fact that she was discovered in an alley, brutally murdered....this was not surprising.

But the way she was shoved up behind a dumpster....sloppily?  And not discovered by the police first?  There were muddy track marks too that were not human.  They were....

"Robots."  Said Kane Fortuna.  Kane had led Rad to the body after he discovered it.  Rad nodded.  Yep, this much was clear.  Only robots could make those rectangular tracks. 


Earlier that day.....

Rad sat at his desk pondering everything he'd been learning over the last few weeks.  Alternate worlds, a place called "New York City".....when a stunning blonde woman in a red dress stumbled into his office.  She was on the verge of tears already.

She introduced herself, sobbing.  Katherine Kopek. 

"Please sir, can you help me find this woman?"

She showed Rad a photograph.  The brunette woman in the picture was equally attractive.  He'd dealt with many cases of missing people.  But he had to ask the obvious question first.

"Certainly.  But may I ask, why haven't you gone to the police first?"

The woman bit her lip.  "I, uhh, well me and her...."

"Say no more," said Rad.  The police wouldn't be able to help her.  They still....looked down on those kinds of relations.  But he didn't need to know anything about that, and didn't care.  As long as he got paid.

"I'm willing to pay a large sum to find her."

Excellent.  Thought Rad.  He needed it.  Not too many cases had been coming his way of late.

"Yes ma'am, we'll find her.  What is her name?"

"Sam.  Sam Saturn."


And now her body lay in front of Rad.  He knew he couldn't go to the police about this body.  Nor could he tell the poor woman about her missing lover.  Not yet, anyways.

"What do we do now?"  Said Kane. 

"Pound pavement.  It's time for me to start asking some more questions."




Verbal, aka Sam Saturn (lesbian lover of Katherine Kopek), vanilla town...........is DEAD.

Lesbians , what kind of sick game are you running here ?

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5 hours ago, AVM said:


I get this and am not arguing.  I'm making the point that if that's the case, but JiF is technically vanilla town (and his given role is not mason) then it doesn't matter.

Does that make sense or am I talking in circles?

I think you are making too much out of this. 

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9 minutes ago, Leelou said:

That was me not being available at deadline and I didn't want to be lynched without the ability to claim. 

I can't believe you tipped the role with almost no pressure, and then revealed with like no votes on you. Who was it that revealed as cop or doc on D1 with no pressure a couple games ago... Nyn? I can't recall... amazing that's it's become an epidemic!!!!

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