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Tony The Wiz

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This is the 2nd Thursday Night game I just had to shut off. The first was the Houston game versus Oakland with the terrible calls against Houston and afterward the same two line judges congratulated the Oakland players in the tunnel.  Tonight some calls went against the Rams in the first half but than in the 2nd half on an off side against Seattle the defense went across and the DE ripped the rookie QB down. If this was Brady, Rogers, Rivers or any high profile QB with exception with a few like Newton and maybe Carr since he is still only a 3rd year QB there would of been an unnecessary roughness penalty.  But the one that pissed me off was the interception that was not called on the pass Graham in the end zone and the LB clearly had possession and not only got two feet in bounds but the third step was also. The score was 10 to 3 and Seattle would lose the ball. The next play they scored. Even Collinsworth thought he got his feet in. They challenged and lost. Bunch of bull. I don't really care who wins, but as a fan of the game wants the game to be called fairly.  I SHUT IT OFF RIGHT AFTER THAT. The NFL has better get their acts together. Too many of these calls are happening and the game is starting to look suspicious. I wonder why their ratings are sinking.      

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16 minutes ago, Tony The Wiz said:

This is the 2nd Thursday Night game I just had to shut off. The first was the Houston game versus Oakland with the terrible calls against Houston and afterward the same two line judges congratulated the Oakland players in the tunnel.  Tonight some calls went against the Rams in the first half but than in the 2nd half on an off side against Seattle the defense went across and the DE ripped the rookie QB down. If this was Brady, Rogers, Rivers or any high profile QB with exception with a few like Newton and maybe Carr since he is still only a 3rd year QB there would of been an unnecessary roughness penalty.  But the one that pissed me off was the interception that was not called on the pass Graham in the end zone and the LB clearly had possession and not only got two feet in bounds but the third step was also. The score was 10 to 3 and Seattle would lose the ball. The next play they scored. Even Collinsworth thought he got his feet in. They challenged and lost. Bunch of bull. I don't really care who wins, but as a fan of the game wants the game to be called fairly.  I SHUT IT OFF RIGHT AFTER THAT. The NFL has better get their acts together. Too many of these calls are happening and the game is starting to look suspicious. I wonder why their ratings are sinking.      

I agree the ball spotting was terrible and I said the same thing about the offsides and the throw down of Goff after the whistle that wasn't called.  The refs actually got the INT right though, even though it should be an INT, the fact it isn't is b/c Graham was already out of bounds but touching the ball even though the Rams DB had possession, the fact that Graham is out of bounds and touches the ball the ball is also considered out of bounds.  Once again completely arbitrary and stupid subsets of rules that ruins what should be a phenomenal catch and foot placement of that INT.

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The non INT was the right call, the ball was moving and not set while he was in bounds and Graham had the ball while out of bound.  This is the rule, has been for a while, think he loses the INT on either count.  Sucks but the rules are the rules

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3 minutes ago, CaliforniaJet said:

I don't even know why teams play anymore, the games are obviously manipulated by the refs.

So you only need indisputable evidence to turn a call when its convenient and fits the agenda. 

Obviously, lol

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The per diem incompetent officials in the NFL have been making biased and possibly crooked calls in favor of the team with the bigger reputation and better record for decades. Take the Cheaters for instance...roughing calls if Brady is brushed, illegal contacts whenever a third down pass is incomplete, 100 passes in two games without a single offensive holding and of course the Walt Coleman "tuck rule" invention reversing the season ending most obvious fumble in NFL history that created "double elimination" playoffs.

All other professional sports have full time, in shape and well trained professional officials...the NFL and the WWE use cheaper, fatter, older lawyers and insurance salesmen with bad eyesight

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7 hours ago, Tony The Wiz said:

This is the 2nd Thursday Night game I just had to shut off. The first was the Houston game versus Oakland with the terrible calls against Houston and afterward the same two line judges congratulated the Oakland players in the tunnel.  Tonight some calls went against the Rams in the first half but than in the 2nd half on an off side against Seattle the defense went across and the DE ripped the rookie QB down. If this was Brady, Rogers, Rivers or any high profile QB with exception with a few like Newton and maybe Carr since he is still only a 3rd year QB there would of been an unnecessary roughness penalty.  But the one that pissed me off was the interception that was not called on the pass Graham in the end zone and the LB clearly had possession and not only got two feet in bounds but the third step was also. The score was 10 to 3 and Seattle would lose the ball. The next play they scored. Even Collinsworth thought he got his feet in. They challenged and lost. Bunch of bull. I don't really care who wins, but as a fan of the game wants the game to be called fairly.  I SHUT IT OFF RIGHT AFTER THAT. The NFL has better get their acts together. Too many of these calls are happening and the game is starting to look suspicious. I wonder why their ratings are sinking.      

How much did you lose on the game?  Honestly the only way someone cares about that,  when it doesn't involve your team.

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How about the overturn on the Gurley 1st down call. Unless it's completely obvious they never overturn those spot calls but for some odd reason that changed on that call. Just imagine Bowles challenging a play like that, you'd be at home going, WTF Todd they never change those calls! 

Its absolutely true that NFL calls games based on the reputation of the BETTER team. I've said this before, it's like boxing in the 70s, to be the Champion you had to knock him out, your not winning a decision. I would love to go back & see how many holding calls the Cheaters have vs the Jets compared to amount of times Brady has thrown the ball. I'm pretty sure the last 2 games we've played vs them it's 100 without a holding call. But vs the Ravens (another NFL darling with Harbaugh) got 4 holding calls against the Pats. 

Another game I was watching on Redzone was the Bears vs Lions, the Bears while leading the game & looking to put it away had not one but two offensive holding calls on consecutive plays in which they got 1st downs on the Lions side of the field while leading with time running out. I could care less about the Bears but I blurted out "What Bulls*it! By the way I've turned off almost every TNF game at halftime. 

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8 hours ago, CaliforniaJet said:

I don't even know why teams play anymore, the games are obviously manipulated by the refs.

So you only need indisputable evidence to turn a call when its convenient and fits the agenda. 

Yup, games are very clearly manipulated. You want to win in the NFL today, get a superstar, who the NFL can market. Amazingly as soon as the Giants got OBJ, they started getting all the calls again, why? Because the NFL wants to market the Fk out of OBJ in the playoffs. Its pretty clear, look at any game, and see who the game benefits as far as marketable stars in the league, and the team whose winning benefits marketable superstars WILL get the officiating on their side. Many times the superstar is not even in the game, it could be that one team winning helps another team with a marketable superstar. 

Until the Jets get a legitimate marketable superstar, we will always be on the other side of the calls. Pretty pathetic that this is what the greed machine of the NFL has now come down to.

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The problem with officiating today's NFL is that we at home actually see the play's result better than the refs on the field.  High resolution TV coupled with numerous camera angles give us at home a fuller picture than the officials on the field who must make the call in real time and at game speed.

For a while now, I have believed that the NFL could do a better job of officiating by adding an official in the box.  One who has the power to correct a call after seeing the replay.  And throughout the entire game, not just within the last two minutes of the half or game.  So as not to slow down play, this official could make the call independently of the field referee free of the tedious "replay booth" fiasco.

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55 minutes ago, Jetster said:

How about the overturn on the Gurley 1st down call. Unless it's completely obvious they never overturn those spot calls but for some odd reason that changed on that call. Just imagine Bowles challenging a play like that, you'd be at home going, WTF Todd they never change those calls! 


Except when we played the Patsies a few weeks ago. And Bowles challenged the spot on their very first drive. And they changed it.

3-10-NE 20(14:47) (Shotgun) 12-T.Brady pass short right to 33-D.Lewis to NE 30 for 10 yards (92-L.Williams). New York Jets challenged the first down ruling, and the play was REVERSED. (Shotgun) 12-T.Brady pass short right to 33-D.Lewis to NE 29 for 9 yards (92-L.Williams).


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